Supplements For Cold And Flu Season #cold #supplements #healing

Today we went over Supplements For Cold And Flu Season. Many listeners have been messaging me on social media about the cold and flu that just won’t go away. in this review, In this episode cover several supplements that work great to shorten the life of the cold or flu. Nature’s Bounty Zinc, Jaro Formula Quercetin, Bigelow Green Tea, and Emergen C. Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe. Join our group learn how become a product tester. Or just post your review videos.

Hello everybody again and welcome to another episode of products review 691 I am your host Mike I got a decent show planned for you please like And subscribe to the program coming in the hottest on the ground that is products review 691 some of you are asking right now

What the hell are you doing in a car what I’m doing in a car is I’m enjoying the the 45 degree weather and there’s snow all over the ground you can’t beat uh 45 degrees and just the snow melting it is a glorious glorious glorious thing

But that’s not what we’re here for uh some of the listeners have brought up uh as we’ve been chatting online and things like that of things that are going on uh about with some of the product reviews uh they have colds and they can’t seem to fight them and they’re worried about

Them going into pneumonia well I have a product actually that I’ve been uh I I was doing auditions for several so some of you have that lingering cold and you’re wondering why it’s going possibly into bronchitis or pneumonia you don’t want it to get to that point so prior to

That if you get a cold and you feel like one is coming on you know some people say get vitamin C and everything uh but the key to not getting uh to stop these viruses from replicating it’s right here at your nutritional store it’s coratin

Now this tablet is 500 Mig they do have some supplements that sell uh this this is a jar formulas coratin now we’re not going to we’re not going to title this uh you know jarl’s formula because I don’t promote any type of coratin all coratin are not created equal uh some of

Them are higher quality than others uh you do not want to take coratin uh on a daily basis because it’ll jack up your kidneys but uh coratin is going to help you to fight that cold so you’re not going to go uh you don’t you don’t want

To end up with pneumonia or anything like that there’s several references we’re not going to go to the Google machines and Google anything things like that uh but cortin is a bioflavonoid antioxidant found in onions green leafy vegetables fruits and vegetables cherries apples and it supports healthy cellular function now here’s the key

About coratin if you just take coratin only the problem is it’s not going to do anything because you need your green tea now uh if you need if you want if you don’t like green tea I have an uncle he freaking hates green tea but to get

Coratin in your cell you need epig Galatin epig Galatin Galley is in uh green tea that the the the poly flavonoids so to you also would need uh to fight it off cuz everybody’s like well how do you uh fight fight everything off you have your zinc now

You need to consult your doctor on taking all of these things but uh Nature’s Bounty has the 50 Mig of zinc you can take that with that cuz you to get to get coratin and epig Galatin Galley in your cells you need zinc I’m not telling you how much zinc to take

But to get zinc in your cells you need epig Galatin Galley right here and your coratin all those will work together to stop the replication of viruses viruses cold viruses things like that is is is ctin and all this secure absolutely not uh I will say this the sambazon energy is a

Very good product now it is sparkling water and if so if so if you don’t like green tea cuz green tea is you should be drinking green tea here and there just because it’s an it’s an antioxidant now this has acai in it and acai possibly

Could irritate uh your uh your uh your gut there some people are tolerant to it a lot of people like oh dude aai oai works for some people but not everybody sometimes it can become a gut irritant so consult all these things consult your doctor so uh I’m going to

Take a hit of this CU I just like this I don’t have a cold right now uh I I I did have a cold in December uh I worked through that and I took I took coratin for like 3 or 4 days and the 50 milligrams of zinc for four days and

Knocked it out you do not want to take a high amount of zinc if you take a high amount of zinc your hair could fall out so do not don’t start slamming the zinc down and things like that that’s not you need to consult your doctor on doing all

These things before you talk to them because the doctors know best they’re trying to help you I know some of you think that they don’t there are good doctors out there that do want to help you this sparkling water this has green tea extract and it has bbam mate in it

It has the asai eice it could be an irritant like I said so if you are if you have intestinal problems or things like that uh this might not be the drink for now this doesn’t have torine in it so if you’re if you’re slugging don’t go

Grab that monster if you’re sick this is going to be better for you if you have to order a case for it in the winter or whatever go out and pick up some sambazon uh this thing has 275 milligrams of Vitamin C another trick to my regimen or you just take the green

Tea packet and you have a cup of green tea or you have two cups of green tea you could do that this is the bigo green tea I’m not going to tell you how to make tea cuz most of you guys know how to make tea but we’re going to throw

These all up here you also have your uh hopefully I don’t get banned on I don’t get a strike for this or anything like that but we’re going to put it out there this is the Nature’s Miracle right here this is super vitamin mineral Fusion only certain places you can get it now

It is completely sold out the word is getting out on super vitamin mineral Fusion you take a scoop of this a day it has 1,000 milligrams and I I consulted my doctor I was like hey is 1,000 milligram bad he goes no he goes he goes

And and I’m a runner I told you you I I I run 6 6 638 635 mile at 47 years old I’m telling you supplements are the way to go but you have to consult your Physicians the reason why this formula is so good CU some people go to this

Card they’ll go and they’ll take uh the emergency e if you have to if this is all you have option for because you need Vitamin C as well and you need to hit your colds hardcore so this is another thing you need to hit the vitamin uh the

Emergency uh has the th000 milligrams of Vitamin C but you don’t want to take a ton of vitamin C because you’ll give yourself the shizit or the diarrhea so don’t go overboard on it if you’re sensitive to vitamin C again consult your doctor hit the colds all the way

With this and you’re going to feel better is it going to be a cure instantly absolutely not uh also do if if you’re worried and stuff like that when you’re sick and you have a cold go to the anxiety guy and do his meditations and that’ll help too to calm

Your nerves and things like that CU you know you want to get and stress is not going to help this out so uh you know do do his surrender sessions things like that uh add anxiety guy on YouTube uh check him out just if you don’t want to

Listen to do a surrender sessions because that’s going to help your immune system because if you’re if you’re hyper and you’re not uh feeling well that anxiety is not going to help that cold to get you better so uh the emergency is if you don’t if you don’t have uh if you

Don’t have the super vitamin mineral I’m probably sure there’s only a certain amount of few places that are going to have super vitamin mineral Fusion the reason why I do super vitamin mineral Fusion is because most of your places out in uh your your regular water that

You drink they don’t have all these minerals your magnesium is important it’s important for your gut health you need magnesium it has 25 milligrams of that it also has 5 milligrams of zinc it has uh copper magnes chromium and it also has uh uh l glutamin in it you need your glutamin

In there for your for your muscles for Recovery uh it has it has your vitamin A your vitamin C uh it has everything that you need to survive and it has the B12 and it has fate in it uh fate helps you uh absorb absorb things and things like

That uh some people are lacking full a if you are lacking full a uh you need to consult your physician and take one of those tests uh where they can possibly get you on some deelin or things like that especially if you’re certain medications some of you you’re not your

Medications aren’t working for you because you don’t have uh you don’t have deelin in your you don’t have you don’t have the folate and so deelin can help you with that uh I am deficient in that and I take deelin because um I I’m immune to certain medications and they

Just I they don’t process through me so uh these are some helpful tips you I’m not going to I’m not going to go tell you where there there’s SE there’s several places online you can go to purchase this but this is the creme a

Creme as far as for uh if if you got a cold and you can find this uh pick this up before you pick this up I take this is as a multivitamin because most of your multivitamins are processed and they’re complete trash they don’t even absorb this absorbs with water in your

Gut so but we’re we’re just talking about products to help fight uh you know your colds and your things like that that’s why we did the show uh so you have your Nature’s Bounty zinc uh you have your super vitamin mineral Fusion you have your any generic green tea or

Viigo we’re going to put these in the things and here’s the Catalyst right here is your coratin but remember if you take coratin every single day you’re you’re going to jack up your kidneys okay so do not I repeat do not take this as a daily supplement it’ll it’s not it’s not a

Good thing to do you only take this when you start to notice that you’re getting a cold and you’ll know that what you know when you’re getting a cold C uh so allergy different story don’t start taking they do have a cortin allergy supplement you could take but it’s a

Lower dose you can consult your doctor what he thinks uh I don’t take hortin during allergy season I just take uh freaking my algra or uh Claritin or whatever is zerch switch them around whatever works for That season so I don’t take htin during the summer for

Because I I I used to have allergies but once I started taking a lot of these supplements uh and I started exercising regular exercis the key too you got to exercise you got to you got to get that if you can walking you got to get that 5

Miles or four or three miles a day start out slow um or do your running one mile I don’t run more than one mile because for me I’m not doing races and training like that so I don’t need to run more than a mile but uh I’m just giving you

These tips uh getting the zinc into the cell is the key you need your Vitamin C your coratin and your green tea that and that has epig Galatin gy in it and that stops the replication of viruses so there you have it there’s your helpful tip for the

Day I gave you the products that I review uh I like Nature’s Bounty I think it’s great this is the PowerHouse I love I love super vitamin mineral Fusion uh let me give you a and and then corset to me if you could get the higher the

Higher uh the higher brand the the more expensive kind or the higher quality if you can find it that’s the best to get uh and then if you can’t get super vitamin mineral Fusion then get emergency so that’s your tip for the day hopefully you guys found it useful let me give you

Some pictures of the mountains here so you can see it so you can take in the beauty here you go guys 45° don’t even have a jacket on right now it’s crazy look at how beautiful that looks it’s amazing Sun’s shining so freaking bright take it in surrender drop the ropes what you’re

Worrying about Just Surrender don’t make it a dog show good night now