5 Magical Fruits For A Strong Immune System

5 Magical Fruits For A Strong Immune System

#shorts #fruitsforimmunesystem #dranshulguptamd

Fruits play a very important role in keeping your immune system in good shape let’s talk about five top fruits the number one fruit is oranges oranges are very high in vitamin C which is very important to keep your immunity in proper shape the second fruit is berries especially strawberries and blueberries

They are high in antioxidant compounds again that is important to keep inflammation low in your body the third fruit is apples apples are high in something called coratin as well as they are high in pectin both of them play a very important role in boosting your immune system the

Fourth fruit which is going to keep your immune system in good shape is papayas papayas are very high in several vitamins especially vitamin A vitamin E and other antioxidant compounds and play a very important role in keeping your digestive immune system in good shape the last fruit is pears pears are also

Very high in vitamin C as well as the pair skin is high in antioxidant compounds