Winter Skincare – Put Down the Vitamin C ! | Vysana Wellness Clinic

Join Dr. Sunny Dhesi in our latest Vysana Life newsletter as he explores winter skincare essentials. Discover why reducing Vitamin C usage and focusing on moisturizing and layering can be key to maintaining healthy skin during winter. Plus, get insights into overcoming treatment fears and the benefits of treatments like the Perfect Peel.

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🏥 Our clinic is in the beautiful village of Oakham, Rutland.

Vysana is a way of life, and more than just about injectable treatments, we understand that age is not just a number. Our clinic in Rutland, Oakham delivers customised and advanced skincare and wellness treatments. Whether you are looking for permanent wrinkle smoothing injections, dermal fillers, lip fillers, pigmentation treatment, scar treatments, skincare recommendations or a natural looking refresh, contact us to learn more about how we can help you find the ‘wonder of you.’

Vysana has evolved with the help of our clients and patients to encompass all their skin rejuvenation and wellness needs. Starting with a bespoke consultation that encompasses not only your medical history, but also explores your skin concerns, product use, and how you feel about yourself. “Feel and look your best doing whatever you want to do.”

This is Vysana’s mantra. You don’t have to compromise your lifestyle, you can enjoy it more and look great doing it. Vysana is all about ‘the wonder of you.’

So this is a 20% vitamin C topical solution from ibari now 20% I I feel is probably for quite resilient skin skin that doesn’t have any breakout skin that’s not oily now when you do put it on it feels great it absorbs in it’s an antioxidant it’s a little bit of

Exfoliation but I think put this down for now hello and welcome to a another version of the V life newslet I’m Dr sunny desie and today I will be talking about fear fear of treatments fear of coming in of change I will also be talking about layering up skin care stop

The vitamin C for a little bit especially in these cold winter months and definitely definitely layer up with moisturizers and maybe a little bit of sunscreen as well and I will be talking about dull um lifeless inelastic skin that sagging pigmented uh damaged skin especially now that your tan has worn

Off and you’re experiencing blemishes um possibly breakouts as well we’ll be talking about this little bottle of goodness here which is perfect peel I say goodness it’s a peel so not necessarily goodness but great grateful damaged skin and then lastly uh just rounding up with a few um hints and tips

From clinic so if you haven’t already please do subscribe to our YouTube channel we love feedback we love comments and uh hit the notifications Bell so that you get a follow so please watch on through and uh I’ll be sharing more tips fear is one of those emotions

That I think I believe limits our potential our potential to do the things that we want to do our potential to invest in ourselves a potential to invest in our families in our friends and one of the fears that a lot of patients speak to me about is a fear of

Being judged or criticized now most of the time patients coming in um and and myself as well we know we’re quite confident patients are confident they’re confident they they’ve got they are successful in their lives successful with their families successful with their relationships but when when it

Comes to investing in themselves when it comes to investing in yourself sometimes fear of being judged or criticized especially when it comes to doing aesthetic treatments or looking after your skin perhaps you know Rejuvenation or looking at a little bit younger not wanting to look your age necessarily and

Being judged or criticized and that fear Wells up that fear lurks behind every decision you’re making and it’s one of the things that I discuss a lot in clinic so you know how do we tackle that fear now firstly your beauty your health is yours it’s Unique to you it’s

Individual and I feel and I believe that you know definitely you should be able to invest in it without being judged or criticized now lots of patients that come through they start off with this fear that’s why we do a more holistic consultation exploring every aspect from your medical background your lifestyle

What you’re eating you’re drinking the pressures in your life sometimes when we’re doing consultation and ask about your family unit you know how many children if you do have children your partner husband band boyfriend or um if you’re a male patient obviously wife um or whichever way that you are we ask

About your family units and also pets as well you know there’s no point taking time out to come and invest in yourself when you’ve got other worries on your mind so definitely definitely a holistic consultation helps to dispel one of those fears one of the fears is I’m not

Going to look natural like I will look unnatural I mean in the media there are so many examples of people that have had too much treatment or treatment in the wrong way they look like they’ve gone a bit too far the goal here is to keep you

Looking as natural looking like you and recognizing and and celebrating your indivi individuality it’s not about perfection it’s about restoring and Rejuvenation and keeping everything natural can’t say natural enough and then there are other good examples of uh industry experts experts throughout the world who do Advocate you know you know

Investing in yourself aesthetic treatments whether it’s wrinkle relaxing injections whether it’s dermal fillers whether it’s skin care actives non- actives don’t fear investing in yourself a good practitioner will do like myself is make sure that we keep it natural holistic and really listen to you I want

To be on the same page as you when you come in about your concerns and other educate and try and add value so I hope that helps to dispel some of the fears that you may be encountering when thinking about treatment definitely it’s about you it’s being natural and you

Shouldn’t let that fear limit your potential so this is a 20% vitamin C topical solution from ibari now 20% I I I feel is probably for quite resilient skin skin that doesn’t have any breakout skin that’s not oily now when you do put it on it feels great it absorbs in it’s

An antioxidant it’s a little bit of exfoliation but I think put this down for now now I’ve noticed that when I’m speaking to patients about their skincare a lot of patients are using it at night time I personally feel that it works better during the day when you

Layer it up that antioxidant effect can help with environmental factors things that can hit your skin and cause oxidative damage the antioxidant effect of vitamin C is well studied in while now so but in these winter months I think the exfoliation effect takes place as well so what patients find is they

They’ve used a 10% even a 20% or a strong vitamin C solution and they’re getting breakouts or they’re getting dry patches they’re getting redness and sensitivity so I say put this down for now what I really Advocate as I have been doing the news for all all for the

Past few weeks is using um moisturizer here we’ve got the made of more day moisturizer it’s dripped there it’s a very it’s a very light one and what I would say is that sometimes we Advocate especially in the summer using a tinted sunscreen now this one is from alumia

It’s very hydrating it’s a um sheer hydration with a versatile tint this tint is probably I mean on my skin it’s probably fine but on lighter skin it probably is a bit too dark if you if you take a little bit of your moisturizer and then put some of your sunscreen on

Your tinted sunscreen on now in the summer months I wouldn’t Advocate this because the the zinc oxide barrier uh which is the active in here as part of the sun protection the SPF can be disrupted but in the winter months I think it’s okay I mean we’re not really

Getting much sun what you get now is a much lighter coverage and that darker tint I’ve got product on my skin already so with that lighter tint it will absorb in for me I think what this does is it gives a slightly light color so for lighter skin it’ll be fine I’ve got

Stubble today I haven’t shaved so what you can see here is it’s just settling in around the hair follicles don’t forget the neck especially because the hydrating effect of the moisturizer now they made it more sorry multitasking the made of more um day cream does actually have a Coba blur in there and

Brightening agents so I think you’d agree um that’s Blended in very quickly that’s giv me a good moisturized moisturized effect right underneath the eyes and also I’ve got a little bit of SPF in there in terms of tackiness on the hands that will settle I mean you

Can wash your hands but I always say rub it rub it in especially the back of the hands you can still get sun damage especially for example if you’re driving your hands like this on the steering wheel Sun’s still going to hit the back of the hands so definitely definitely

Always cover the hands so um you can use any moisturizer you can use for example we got I I sometimes mix it with a recovery balm from from alumier or um barie but anyway a little bit of moisturizer a little bit of SPF just to give you that coverage and the tint for

Example in this can be lightened with that effect and you get a much better coverage and you get sun protection at the same time you get hydration of the skin and in the coming months uh probably maybe in February March you can start adding in more actives like

Vitamin C like NY cinnamide to help um settle that pigmentation I hope that helps so damaged skin Sun damaged skin pigmentation patches that can be things like melasma it can be sun damaged your tan is starting to fade you’re starting to see these areas these blood areas of

Skin come up um acne breakouts especially around the lower phase especially during that sort of hormonal phase whether it’s par menopause menopause or even just with younger skin getting a acneic breakouts um once a month and then it taking ages for that um pigmentation from from the spots to

Go or the spots keep reoccurring well at long last um we already had a medium depth peel from skin tech but now we have um the perfect peel so the perfect peel is a medium- depth peel it also contains gluto which helps to lighten the skin naturally what happens is you

Come into Clinic we would cleanse the skin we’d apply this in layers is it painful no a little bit you get a little bit of warmth in the skin you might get a little bit of stinging in some places and then you go home with your um

Perfect Peel home kit after 2 or 3 days you’ll start to notice peeling generally not much redness obviously there’s always a risk of um redness and irritation but generally with the perfect peel there is not so much but what you will get is skin starting to

Peel so for about seven well let’s say 3 to 4 days in you’ll start to know it’s peeling skin will the the top layer of skin the stratum corneum the bit that’s damaged will start to peel off and underneath newer uh fresher more radiant glowing skin will come in this a very

Quick procedure as always with any procedure there’s risks and benefits and I would discuss those with you before you go for it and obviously just be aware that you know no big events happening um close to it you can have this every four to six weeks especially if you’ve got quite damaged skin

Generally recommend about three um either close together or spread out and this is a great treatment if you’re not keen on injectables this is a great way of um treating damaged skin or just having a refresh of your skin if you’ve got the ability to have a little bit of downtime

You know you still can go out still can do things you can moisturize that peeling skin out it’s not it’s not like you have to hide indoors for two to three weeks this is a great versatile product and um a great treatment so if you are interested please do give us a

Shout email or call um on the landline and and ask about perfect peel so thank you for watching this is Dr Sunny Desi the medical director the lead clinician at Verana live here in oakam in Rutland I hope You’ watched the enjoyed watching the newsletter even if you can’t make it

To our uh little town to see us in clinic please do contact us about virtual appointments remember we are a holistic Medical Clinic that does aesthetic treatments as well we can offer private GP appointments in addition to all the other things that we do but we’re here to I’m here to serve I

Should say here to add value thank you for watching this newsletter and I look forward to sharing more hints and tips and value again next week