Your immune system: The secret to fighting colds, flu and COVID-19 | CBC Kids News

Achoo, cough, sniff!

Ever wondered why you get sick and how your body fights off illness?

The answer is our immune system — a series of complex biological defences that usually stop invaders in their tracks.

Watch the video to learn how our immune system works and what are the three types of immunity that protect us each and every day.

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Today I’m going to read you a fairy tale but not just any fairy tale it’s about a magical immune system and its three courageous types of immunity and how they help you fight villainous viruses and bacteria each and every day so sit back and relax and let me tell you a

Tale about the epic battles of the kingdom of immunity once upon a time there lived a great ruler in the Kingdom protected by her castle of the immune system that’s me Princess sabba the day started as any other princess Saba began her duties monitoring the system and ensuring her

Kingdom was healthy until an evil cold virus was spotted approaching the castle ready to attack and spread sickness across the kingdom but princess sabba wasn’t worried that’s because she had this amazing defense known as innate immunity the walls protecting the outside of the castle you have something similar

Actually your skin protects you from all the bad stuff getting in the same way the castle walls do and a large mode made out of mucus e to catch Invaders In the sticky slime before they get in just like how our mucus protects us from a lot of unwanted

Stuff getting into our bodies but even with those amazing defenses a tricky cold virus still got through but luckily there were still guards in the castle who continued to fight for the Kingdom’s Health they’re just like immune system cells in our bodies who fight any and all Invaders the cold virus Invaders may

Have been defeated but the battle was still not won another villain sought to test the Castle’s legendary immune system the flu virus but luckily there was another line of defense in the castle deep within the Castle’s walls there was a great wizard known as adaptive immunity if a virus or an

Invader got past the first line of anade defense the Castle’s wizard would start learning about the Invader so it can fight it more effectively teach me the flu virus you guessed your body has adaptive immunity as well the flu had invaded the castle before our wizard adaptive immunity remembered

That’s one of the best parts of adaptive immunity it remembers battels from the past so it can respond faster into the future I know this Beast the Flu uh where were we ah after morning and afternoon spent fighting the cold and flu viruses the king them prepared for Nightfall that was until the evil covid-19 virus wanted its chance to take down the castle I don’t know the spell for this I’ve never seen it before the castle sounded its

Horn It’s Great Horn calling for outside Aid it needed help to defeat this foe sometimes our bodies have something known as passive immunity it basically means any protection from outside our system being delivered to us this can come from things passed on by your mother at Birth or infusions vaccines and booster shots

Also stimulate our immune system too but in a different way oh the protection spell I need the kingdom celebrated their three heroes in adaptive and passive immunity together they took on the invading viruses and won and they all lived happily ever after with healthy bodies and strong immune

Systems for C kids news I’m princess Saba