The second pandemic

Dr. David Grimes, consultant physician gives amazing information on the importance of immunity and vitamin D

Well you are most welcome to this video and I’m delighted to have with us today Dr David gmes Dr Grimes welcome thank you John very nice of you to invite me now I’ve been looking forward to this because Dr Dr Grimes has been a physician for a long long time a medical

Researcher medical author and uh he’s been through the whole development of vitamin D and the understanding of vitamin D and the importance of vitamin D for health and for immunity so we’re going to get some really good insights if you want to stick around for this video and we’ve got some PowerPoint

Slides here David haven’t we to to look at so should we uh should we start off with the first slide and you can tell us what it’s what it’s about well basically are we starting with this one no I want to go back okay right okay y go for it

You can put me on as well if you like no you’re you’re oh okay right yeah yeah basically I’ve had an interest in vitamin D for a long time um I’m not what might be called a trained expert in vitamin D but I’ve acquired a lot of knowledge and

Experience through my work as a physician working mainly in East Lancashire in Blackburn and what concerned me initially was that there were groups of people who were very susceptible to illness and a short life and these were in particular the poor people people in the northwest of England compared to the

Southeast and also the um the South Asian ethnic immigrants into Blackburn of which there a large a large number and I thought well why what’s the common feature and that’s what we must look at common features this is what’s called W’s razor what’s what do these people have in

Common the South Asian ethnic people the poor people the obese people and people living in the inner cities and in the northwest of England in particular and I came to the conclusion the only thing that we could explain would be the climate sun exposure and vitamin D and I

Did quite a lot of work on that now in 1968-69 I was the resident medical officer of the Manchester roal infirmary and at Christmas time we saw the onset of the pandemic of Hong Kong flu and it was pandemonium in the hospital there was no planning for it just just

Happened and we had to deal with it when it came along we didn’t have any um we didn’t have any intensive care units in those days there was no Public Health Initiative there’s no government involvement but we got on with it and we dealt with it and and after about 3

Months the pandemic went away and that was the end of it a little bit later in the year but nothing very much now when it came to the covid-19 pandemic which we were anticipating at the beginning of 2020 I thought now we now know a lot more than we did in

1969 we know now how to improve immunity we know now about vitamin D and its importance in the B of immunity and we should be able to do better than in 1968-69 in ‘ 6869 there about 50,000 deaths so I confidently thought right we’re going to do far better than that with the

Covid-19 I fully expected medical science government public health to mobilize the knowledge of vitamin D but it didn’t happen this is things that you’ve learned and other colleagues have learned over the last 40 years absolutely that knowledge was sitting there yeah yeah it that that knowledge might as well never have

Happened as far as a covid-19 epidemic uh uh developed without um with without the involvement of Vitamin D it was was it ignorance well the people shouldn’t have been ignorant I was an ordinary physician in an ordinary Hospital in an ordinary Town well surely people in the academic centers should have known about

This see it was predictable that the obese the South Asian ethnic people black African ethnic people um the poor people and the elderly it it was inevitable that they would be they would succumb to covid-19 in a big way and they did and it was ignored it was preventable and you

Antici you anticipated this yeah I anticipated it and so did others as well and we did our best to try and bring the importance of vitamin D to the attention of Public Health and government but they didn’t want to know quite frankly everything was rejected and so we finished up within

2020 there about 880,000 deaths from covid-19 in 2020 well which was more than we had with Hong Kong flu that wasn’t anticipated we can look at these if you look at the next slide please you say you want me to yeah if you look at this this shows for example the people an

Example of vitamin D produced it says here without sunscreen and with sunscreen and we can see without sunscreen we a lot of vitamin D produced after exposure to vitamin D with sunscreen vitamin D synthesis is basically blocked so it goes right up here when we’ve got when we’ve got the

Vit without sunscreen the natural exposure to the sun yeah now without sunscreen you can say that is a white skin mhm but the body has produced its own sunscreen uh melanin in the in the skin and so dark skins have have the natural sunscreen so dark skins produce

Less vitamin D with a given exposure to sunlight and now we can come on um we just to emphasize what happens if you just move to the next yeah what fascinates me here is that the whole reason for us turning white when we evolved Coming Out of Africa yeah

Would be uh to make more vitamin D yeah otherwise we still have dark skins we would absolutely would have survived yeah so go okay you going use it now here we just see yeah that’s the next one isn’t it yeah this is what happens um just to refresh memories yeah the body creates

Substance called s dehydrocholesterol 7 DHC this is an oil and it was first produced one and a half billion years ago by um Plankton and that’s how fish get vitamin D they can’t produce vitamin D they’re in the ocean or they covered with scales fish cannot produce vitamin D but they

Can eat it when they eat plank on and that’s why fish are rich in Vitamin D now here’s the vitamin D produced by the action of the sun on this single Bond within the molecule of 7hc and when that happens vitamin D is formed I won’t go into further details

About that for now but what happens next next slide so this whole thing’s in the skin that’s produced in the skin the the sun kind of cleaves this bit off and we get this activated we do bit left it it changes shape yeah once that is broken

The shape changes and it becomes known as Vitamin D yeah now this is what happens in the young people now young people we get this um big increase in vitamin D and exposure to the sun ultraviolet light now young people have nice oily skin but as we get older our skin

Becomes dry I’ve noticed it does our skin becomes dry the because the elderly skin does not produce 7 DHC one of the features of one of the main features of Aging is the change in the skin and so elderly people we can see here they produce very very

Little vitamin D they makes very diff little difference compared to young people elderly people are inevitably deficient in vitamin D unless they take a supplement or unless they eat oily fish twice a day you can keep El you can put elderly people in Care Homes out in the

Sun for as long as you like but they will not produce vitamin D so the elderly people therefore like the people with melanin with dark Skins are inevitably vitamin D deficient everywhere I mean I did notice this I I I had a lot of time in the sun this

Summer but my vitamin D levels didn’t go up that much no whereas 20 years ago they would have gone up quite a bit more indeed yeah yeah and not not many people you know I’ve only learned this from you yeah I I knew the old people produce

Less vitamin D but I didn’t realize how much less yeah uh is produced so that that’s a really valuable lesson for this slide is taken from a bmj British medical journal paper 1974 wow this is not new knowledge 1974 believe it or not but it’s not known you can find it I’ve got

References I’ve got a I’ve got a copy of the paper PDF of the paper 197 nevertheless yeah indeed yeah amazing yeah the obese people I mentioned we’ve got people with dark skins people who are elderly and the other group who are going to succumb with the obese now

This is quite from quite an old paper but I I’ve reproduced the the um image here look at controls the Blue is before ultraviolet exposure wow and we can see these people are all very very deficient of vitamin D yeah um o only five nanomoles per liter that is very low

Indeed and the control group were given these people nonobese we given an UltraViolet exposure and it went up in a big way it’s huge isn’t it yeah basically the benefits of of um ultraviolet light on vitamin D production but if you look at the obese people they produc only half the amount

Of vitamin D well I say they produced only the half but the blood level went up only to the half extent of the nonobese because what seems to happen in the obese is the oil vitamin D becomes trapped in the fat cells of the body the vitamin E goes

Into the fat cells and it stays there and so it’s not available for metabolic use and for the benefits of immunity and that’s um I’m afraid the way it is with the obese so it’s predictable that the obese would become very sick with covid-19 so it’s a fat fat soluble

Vitamin isn’t it it’ll just go into that fatty tissue or just sit there it’s a bit like having your car in the garage if it’s parked in the garage you can’t be driving it around the streets true enough that’s a good analogy absolutely yeah yeah indeed absolutely hu huge

Difference on that graph so again completely predictable that the elderly and uh the obese would have vitamin D deficiency yeah that’s right that’s right so this is one picture of the um of healthc care workers who died from covid-19 yeah we can see quite clearly that the

The um people with dark skins black African and South Asian immigrant ethnicity were over represented yeah and it was terrible to see it this next slide yeah the the these are people that died these are people who died not all of them this is a sample which I

Came across yeah and there are many many more that aren’t represented in graic yeah yeah one thing to look at is this information comes from the British medical journal now I tend to read journals magazines from the back when I’m sitting down flick through yeah and on the back

Page of the British British medical journal virtually every week are um about six aborist doctors whove died yeah and during 2020 these are the ones who died from covid-19 who had aites in the bmj so this is data you’ve taken from the BM and I think it’s interesting there’s a

Long history in this country of getting medical information from doctors yes if we think about going back to the the lung cancer and smoking yeah with with Richard do and Bradford Hill that that was the British doctor study yeah that actually revealed that data at first absolutely that was a very important

Study yeah as as indeed is this yeah yeah now the situation here is that we can see the age range the age at death M and of the of the white ethnic white doctors who died the Ages were between 83 yeah and 107 something like that I think it was

The average age of death yeah let me just um look the average age at death was 87.9 years in white doctors in the white in the white ethnic doctors yeah if we look at the black African and and South Asian immigrant doctors yeah the a the age range is entirely different the

Age range is um between 46 and 72 and the average age of death was 62 62 25 years younger than the white doctors now this has been published in the British medical journal every week through 2020 I don’t think I’m the only one who reads the reads it from the back or

Looks at it or looks at the ages of death but nevertheless this is the information that’s available and it it’s terrible yeah to see that why is PE why are people not taking notice of that saying why is it now it was generally thought that the well we had

Three independent inquiries into why ethnic minority people were dying from covid-19 and they all came up with the same conclusion it was because they were poor socio economic deprivation and racism hang on a minute Well Medical Consultants aren’t that rich but they do get paid somewhat people are all being paid

About the same amount of money yeah yeah except the white wh- skinned people here were all retired and the um the Immigrant doctors were being younger were generally speaking still working but these These are people on relatively High salaries living in middle class areas having reasonably good life style yeah

Absolutely that’s right you know just being biological about this not sociological we always need we always need to look for the biological causes first this is what yeah really annoys me about this it’s the same in Psychiatry you know you get people who behave abnormally eliminate the medical

Possibilities for that first and then think about the psychological go to the go for the obvious biological possibilities first indeed indeed yeah move on this looks at the blood levels of vitamin D now this looks complicated but the dark area is a series of vertical black lines columns

This is a histogram area that’s right and each one is the blood level of vitamin D in individual PL patients and there are 818 in this um ethnic white group and we can see here the middle of the range the median yeah is the vertical line yeah orange line and that

Marks off at 30 well it goes up to 30 n per mil which is about the bottom of the ideal range but it actually crosses the dark area at 18 but down a bit oh here sorry so 50% of this white ethnic group had a blood level vitamin D less than 18

Which is seriously deficient so all these people here yeah the blood level is less than 18 yeah now how many had a blood level greater than 40 nanograms per Mill just very very few just these ones up here it shows the extent of vitamin D deficiency in the population of the country of

Which BLB is just an example so so your medical opinion as a lifelong physician is that 40 NS per Mill is a good level of vitamin D yes so but that’s incredible you’re saying that nearly 90% of the population of vitamin D deficient yeah exactly exactly yeah absolutely true

It’s been this demonstrated in many other countries as well yeah but um this was work this I did as part of my research when I was working as a physician yeah we should we should have mentioned that you did one of the first Advanced research degrees in uh vitamin

D and the importance of vitamin was part of my MD research yes yeah yes it was and an an MD in England is the same as a PhD PhD doctors ear yeah actually yeah American Medical Education is excellent but all doctors in America are M whereas

Very few doctors in this country are MDS it’s it’s an advanced research that’s right it is so that’s just incredible so now the next one remember that now let’s look at the South Asian ethnic people yeah oh wow now we’ve got 1 and a half thousand here again each vertical line

Comes is um one person yeah and we see the middle of the range here in Orange and it shows in the yellow line nine that it is nine in the white just to remind ourselves again of the white the white was 18 yeah on the South Asian ethnic group

Nine and we can see here how few um are yeah very very few I remember one in particular a man from Bangladesh who I thought I bet this man’s V in DED deficiency he had a very good level he had a level of 50 and I said to how come

I thought why is this said do you eat a lots of fish he says oh yeah he said I eat fish every day so what sort of fish do we he says Bangladesh fish I said where did you get Bangladesh fishes I get it in Tesco and so I go along to

Tesco in Arrington and there it is Big packages of white Bangladesh fish rich in Vitamin D obviously okay interesting it is indeed you know I I talked to an Indian researcher a few years ago a couple of years back and he was doing work on the 1918 1919 pandemic yes and

He found that the death rates in Kerala yeah were much lower than the Inland parts of India because the ate and his idea was they ate a lot of fish yes in Kerala whereas the Highland areas less vitamin D from fish that’s interesting actually yeah because you know

Bangladesh is a fish eating population as opposed to um Pakistan which is which is Inland and is not yeah well striking difference between so you must have been the first person to collect this kind of data David well um on this in these numbers probably yes although it was

Known that um yeah this is quantitative evidence the white population the Asian population it was known from work in the 1960s that um the the vitamin the South Asian people in Rochdale were very deficient of vitamin D High instance of rickets for example when was that known that that was I

Think that was in the 1960s or early 760 yeah yeah and this this is a very poignant slide isn’t it yeah this is the cemetery the main Cemetery in Bradford yeah and this is the the Muslim section of it yeah and this is heartbreaking you know just just these

Were people dying they need to died necessarily they died they died yes they had covid-19 they died from covid-19 why did they die from covid-19 because he was Su the vitamin D deficient this could have been stopped and for people watching in the states Bradford is an area with a high

South Asian it’s very much Muslim population the largest Muslim population in the United Kingdom is there and this is just heartbreaking to see this this was a photograph I didn’t take it myself it’s from one of the newspapers but it’s um yeah the message is there brings it home why did it

Happen why was it allowed to happen now what did happen is that um I I told my a friend of mine Muslim friend of mine runs a local garage and I where I used to get my car filled with petrol and he um I was telling him all about this he said

What you must do he says we’ve got to get this message across the population and so what he did he recorded me talking about it this was just on his mobile phone in the garage me talking about it for the local Muslim population and it went viral I had

People from all over the country phoning me up you know people with South Asian ethnicity think I’ve seen you on a YouTube telling us all to ate vitamin D and that’s that’s what happened it did a great deal of good I mean we can’t quantify it but that is bound to have

Saved hundreds or thousands of lives I think it would probably would have done the um the uh High deaths from covid-19 in the South Asian population it ceased to be a story after the middle of 2020 well it’s all caused by socioeconomic deprivation we know what’s causing it we can write that one

Off can’t we that’s right yeah yeah yeah appalling jumping to conclusions yeah I mean Austin Bradford Hill went to all the trouble of writing his criteria yes indeed and now they’re just completely ignored yeah absolutely we we have an established scientific method of Investigation yeah it worked for smoking

It worked for heart disease it worked for asbestosis and amitha and we just Chuck it out the window yeah that’s right that’s right yeah yeah very much it’s tragic this is just looking at blood vitamin D levels again yeah and this is this time it’s in Israel yeah

And isra the population of Israel or the nation of Israel gets far more Sun than the population of Blackburn and acon just a bit but we can see that half the population here yeah had a blood level less than 20 n mes per Mill so there’s a

Very low level yeah yeah so less than 20 nandog per mil or less than 50 nand moles per liter we do have these two units in circulation this is a bit confusing sometimes so typically in the states we measure this in in uh nanograms per mil yeah typically in the UK because we’ve

Gone system international yeah we we have it in um nanomoles per liter we do indeed but the conversion is 2.5 it is yeah so if if you if you have uh if you have 20 yeah nanograms per mil you multiply 20 by 2.5 which gives you 50

That’s nanomoles per liter yeah when I was doing my research earlier on in this country we were still using the nanograms per Mill but in recent years it’s changed to nanom Mills per leer to conform with the rest of Europe yeah but um most the world it is it is

Interchangeable with with other with other units does make sense well the message here is that 50% were seriously deficient in Sunny Israel in Israel and only and only 15% had a level greater than 40 yeah which is as we’ll see is the safe level so this is just showing

You again um the extent of vitamin D deficiency now let’s move on now this is a slide showing in the Israeli game which the people who were critically ill and this is From Galilee the hospitals in Galilee MH and they had access to records of the

Vitamin D levels taken a year or more before the covid pandemic arrived yeah and then they looked at the people who are critically ill that means on intensive care with covid-19 and they were able to look through the records and find out what their blood levels of vitamin D were before the pandemic

Occurred and there they are and we can see that no one on the critical care unit had a blood level of vitamin D above 75 nanomoles 30 NRS none of them 90% was seriously deficient in vitamin D 5% had low levels of vitamin D so no

No one no one at all here with with these high levels that’s right no one and even even 30 to 40 no one huge amounts with the low levels of vitamin yeah so you have to ask yourself if you if you’re faced with an uh pandemic of

Covid-19 what would you like your blood level of vitamin D to be um would’ like you to be less than 20 let me let me think um which column would you prefer to be in you know I think i’ prefer to be in this column out for a nice walk in the Galilean

Hills rather than stuck in an intensive car absolutely yeah and this powerful life powerful it sums it all up here yeah that in the face of a pandemic of covid-19 the public health measure is to make sure everybody had a blood level of about 40 uh nanograms per Mill 100 nanom

Mills per liter dead easy easiest thing in the world to achieve that public health and what we could have achieved by doing so but it be very expensive presumably vitamin D is cost virtually nothing and the blood test is it cheaper than $25 vaccin well I’m being it’s virtually

It’s virtually free isn’t it vitamin D A year supply for £10 or something like that I’m sure if we ordered it in bulk from yeah Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers we could get the price down a bit further even we’re often told that it’s too expensive to do the blood

Test well you can see from my research I did 2 and a half thousand blood tests it’s only it’s only expensive if you buy it from somebody else yeah they’re going to charge you and they’re going to rip you off but if you do it yourself it

Means buying the kit a oneoff purchase of the kit and do your own blood levels of vitamin D as we did in Blackburn then it’s cheap not a problem I mean you’ve just described uh we need to work our way to that people because people will be

Commenting say well how the heck do I get this kit yeah yeah is there some way we can do this or yeah it’s it’s very simple you can buy it on the internet okay I mean ideally ideally get your doctor to do it if you can well it have

To be done in in a standardized laboratory which is what we did yeah it have to be in a proper laboratory for quality control Etc but it can be done a reasonable cost Y and and if you’re preventing uh 2 minutes intensive care time very absolutely that cost back 100

Times yeah indeed yes they very expensive places to keep people yeah very much yeah yeah indeed yeah now one thing I want to demonstrate on this slide it’s a bit blurred I’m afraid to say uh but the skin produces 70 hydroch cholesterol so this is the

Oily stuff that I’m starting to lack now I’m getting older that’s right skin produce if you’re young enough yeah and Sun converts it into into Cola calciferol yeah vitamin D also known as as calci fidal yeah or calc or calci yeah and the liver converts that I’m

Sorry it gets absorbed and then the liver converts it very slowly into the blood circulating 25 ohd this is the caly dial is it this that’s the one yeah y indeed and that circulates in the blood and when it’s required it’s taken up into the target cells which are the

Cells of immunity in the main well there are lot of other cells as well but we’re talking about immunity cells and that is very very rapid and that converts into the 125 which is the active ingredient so this conversion here yeah converts and this is the calcitrol this one isn’t it

Yes yeah so that’s that’s very rapid yeah so this is the res when we’re doing a blood test for vitamin D yeah this is the one we’re looking at here the 25 yeah the calci calci calcium I want to emphasize the difference between the slow and the rapid please so let’s just

Move on to the next slide yeah you’re going to tell us what you mean by slow yeah I am indeed yeah good that’s what I want to know there we are yeah this is what’s called slow so people are given a dose of vitamin D by mouth y the bottom yeah and

Then the measurements in different dose regimes in different Doses and um every day the blood vitamin D level as the 25ohd calid is measured and we can see that it it takes 21 days before we get it over 40 so this all all in this time the liver is starting to do

This conver it’s doing it slowly yeah because there’s no is it’s like Canal transport yeah you know as opposed to an aircraft like Canal transport it’s slow and leisurely steady state and it can take it takes a long time several days now if you give somebody who’s critically ill vitamin

D it’s not going to do anything for a couple of weeks and in those couple of weeks the person would be dead but there’s an alternative that is the slow process demonstrated now let’s look at this the rapid process and this was done in so many clinical trials you

Take people who are on death store yeah give them huge amounts of vitamin D oh we’ve proved vitamin D doesn’t do anything yeah that was done in two trials in Brazil in particular and nothing’s going to help people at that stage apart from possibly steroids well

Even that’s not you know that isn’t too dramatic yeah but anyway the difference now is the rapid process so this this is the slow process that’s the slow process of the part active ation of vitamin D but I think by the liver I mean if you

Want your vitamin D to be up here yeah that that means I need to anticipate my requirements doesn’t it now am I going to be exposed to an illness in 3 or four weeks time well I don’t know but wouldn’t it be good to have my vitamin D

Levels optimized yeah in advance because it’s pretty likely I’m going to be exposed to some point in a few weeks time like the people in Israel the ones who had got good levels of vitamin D above 40 they didn’t die or critically ill yeah but that was based on vitamin D

That taken or been exposed to Sunshine in the weeks before yeah a year before a year before right wow yeah W yeah now then we come on to the critical one of the 25 ohd also known as calci or calci gu it it was calci now it’s calfed

It’s been changed a bit and now we can see this is given by mouth it doesn’t have to go through the liver this is the activated form that the liver would normally be produced and we’re taking a shortcut we’re actually giving this one yeah we are as a tablet

We’re bypassing the liver we’re bypassing the liver yeah so we’re giving we’re giving what the liver would have what the liver does produce yeah and we can see how quickly does it go up is it two weeks uh three weeks no no it’s it’s hours two hours wow not two

Weeks two hours yeah and that’s the difference so if people are critically ill there’s nobody taking vitamin D in its raw form we got to take in its part activated form 25 ohd calid and the speed of action is dramatic yeah and I understand that I’m not even a physician

That’s incredible it is it is and this is known and this has been published and this was known before the pandemic yeah so let’s see this in practice wow that is seriously fast now we can see this is actually this is a bit out of sequence but it

Doesn’t matter the this is vitamind on the on the need for ICU support with covid-19 pneumonia yep um red is bad and yellow is good these are patients in int red means intensive care not good that’s right that’s right yeah now this was done in Spain mhm and so we

Can see these are what you call the control patients now controls on the right 26 controls yeah they were given standard high quality Care 50% of them required intensive care support the this was on admission to hospital so 50% required intensive care support now the others were given vitamin D as

Chic calciferol the activated form as calci the activated form yeah only one out of 50 required intensive care support so all the patients admitted to hospital with covid were given this calidi this activated form that’s right and the ones that were given it the 50

That were given it way way less of them was one in one admitted to intensive care that’s right as opposed to what’s the percentage 50% so that’s 13 admitted to it was 13 yeah 13 yeah that’s right this was I mean that is yeah it’s that’s incredible absolutely

Yeah it’s blindingly obvious yeah that the vitamin D as calci dial was having a very very beneficial effect and is is this expensive form is it difficult to produce short of it well there’s a vast amount of It produced but in this country in the UK UK it all goes into animal

Feed believe it or not into cattle and sheep cattle in particular who are raised indoors and who are vitamin D deficient we care more about cattle than we do about humans it’s staggering so calcifer is not licensed for human use in this country it is in Spain and it is

In Italy this is incredible yeah so so in Spain and Italy you can buy over the counter or you Doctor up and prescribe it yeah absolutely but you as a consultant physician wouldn’t be allowed to prescribe it to me if I was Ill exactly that’s ludicrous now if the motivation was was

There we saw with vaccinations how quickly they were authorized we could have authorized C dial for human consumption this country very very quickly because it’s already An approved drug in other countries An approved it’s not even a drug it’s just a supplement yeah it’s a hormone absolutely absolutely well next time I

Go to Spain or Italy or I’ve got a friend going to spaina recently I might tell them to pop into a chemist that’s what I did as well let’s just move on a moment I’m just blown away so the the drug that had this effect the drug that

Had this effect doctors can’t prescribe in in in my country correct correct now here we are Yep this was a my daughter had a friend who was going to Spain yeah and so she told this friend can you try and get some um calcifer tablets capsules and there they

Are yeah and it’s obviously what it is that’s right tells you what they are and so this is obtained from Spain and she brought them home and the there’s a dose here um 266 micrograms yeah yes well it’s in it’s in milligrams there yeah not 26 it

Would be 266 microgram yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but so it’s readily available Spain and Italy I think it might be in Australia as well now and I think possibly in Germany I’m not sure I soon find out about Australia right that’s interesting yeah indeed but but I just I

Just don’t get it there’s there’s an efficacious preparation that you can buy over the counter in Spain and Italy that doctors aren’t allowed to prescribe in the UK yeah yeah and we can see the struggling to get over that we’ll see how effective it is yeah it reduces clearly reduces

With people with covid-19 admission to intensive care from 50% to 1% y yep y it’s explaining the obvious but it wasn’t taken on board y now the problem is I should just go back a moment before that one M the problem is we said when this came out this study came

Out thought right this is it now we’ve got the randomized control trial that everybody was demanding yeah here it is but he said oh the trials too small what do we mean by too small you just go back again John to the to to the bar charts what do you mean too

Small large trials are only necessary for to demonstrate tiny benefits y but if you got a major benefit like this this trials perfectly perfectly fine there nothing wrong with a trial of this size to demonstrate a major difference so if you wanted to do some research in

How likely it is if you Chuck people out of helicopters at 10,000 ft How likely this survive yeah if you did that on 10 patients and none of them survived that would be fairly conclusive wouldn’t it the parachutes are a good thing yeah yeah absolutely because it gives us and

This is why we have P values in research yeah yeah it would be very unlikely that that result would arise by chance yeah AB so so the numbers in the trial are less important than the difference or as important between the difference between one group and the other group you can

Take it on the spin of a coin for example yeah okay let’s take the control group you spin a coin 26 times yeah and it comes down 13 times his heads 13 times his Tails well that’s fine that’s what we expected then you take another you take

A coin and do another 50 this time spins of the coin and it comes down it comes down um out of 50 it comes down 49 times heads and one’s taals you think there’s something odd going on there something fishy going on here the chance of that happening is 50,000 to

One well you know no one’s going to accept that odds at all um that is not random that is not a random accident one in 50,000 times forget it that’s too rare and if I came to you and said Dr Grimes I’m Ill I want this particular treatment and you said well

You know there’s um there’s One Chance in 50,000 that this isn’t a good option um I would I would take those ODS yeah absolutely of course you would yeah and with here you’d say okay you’re going to the Intensive you you’re admitted to hospital on account of covid-19

Pneumonia um would you like vitamin D as calid or not you jump at the chance wouldn’t you right to take it but nice the National Institute for care and health Excellence said no know um doctors should not alter their treatment of patients on the basis of this

Study that was one doctor on nice said that and there was no possibility there’s no possibility for compassionate prescribing no none at all that you know you know as a doctor I think this is a good idea I think I’ll do it because I

Mean is there a is there a real big risk of really nasty side effects giving calid is this a dangerous treatment in this study there were no ill to effects whatsoever no side effects reported it was only good nothing bad about it at all but it was a it’s a natural hormone

Yeah of which people are mainly deficient you know if I came to you and said look you said there’s this treatment I can give you yeah it might not work fact there’s a pretty low chance that will work but I tell you what it’s very safe it’s not going to do

You any harm absolutely I’d bite your hand off of course you would give it to me doctor please but this is glaringly obvious if if this trial were to be repeated yeah people would die in the control group who needn’t do which would be completely unethical nobody knowing

These results would go into another trial if they were informed of the results of this this first one yeah I wouldn’t volunteer to do that at all no I just want the calc yeah I’d want I’d want the stuff that works that’s good yeah absolutely we go to the next yes let’s

Move on and again yeah we’ve seen that yeah now that’s the we we’ve got through the um covid-19 pandemic quite at this stage and this is in New Zealand it’s well the stre well we’ve got plenty of it but people AR for the vast majority getting sick yeah

Indeed that’s right had it myself a few weeks ago yeah all right that’s interesting yeah anyway what this is showing in New Zealand it exhibits it very very well and it exhibits excess deaths but what happens when you get a sudden epidemic pandemic we get you get

Excess deaths there they went up 10% excess deaths well people can only die once MH and so when they’ve died you get a compensatory reduction in deaths it’s inevitable and there we see it in New Zealand perfectly well we get the excess deaths in the beginning of 2020 and then

We get a compensated reduction exactly what I would expect to see that’s what you get yeah yeah indeed so that’s what we’d like to have seen in this country but uh unfortunately it doesn’t always happen like that and we were we were not allowed to give um the treatment for

Covid-19 now what happened in New Zealand is the strange thing is that we got through 2020 which is the pandemic of covid-19 and suddenly we’re hit 2021 and the deaths go up again so here we’ve got 2021 and the deaths so deaths in the pandemic you would expect it

Deaths went down yeah compensation reduction at risk people already died they only die once so why on Earth would they go so he goes up again and it’s continuing and even higher here yeah in 2022 and New Zealand is not the only country where this is happening no

Absolutely this is worldwide and this is taken from our world in data which is a website anybody can look at excess deaths going up there 30% excess deaths in March 2020 to now I could show this for those and those are countries but I don’t want to boy this is just a good

Example we have shown this for several countries the United States Canada Australia United Kingdom yes that’s right quite a few Western sophisticated countries but the point is why this is not covid-19 this is what I would regard as a second pandemic of excess deaths the cause of which is not known let’s just

Move on here we are it’s not me that’s just saying it BBC News oh there must be access death it’s on the BBC absolutely yeah a reputable organization this is not the social media which everyone is suspicious of soor I was still thinking about that yes yeah yeah this is the

Excess deaths in 201 22 the worst in 50 years or among the first in 50 years so it’s true you know I like the way you put that a second pandemic I hadn’t thought of it in those terms but that’s exactly what we’re now suffering ABS absolutely that’s exactly exactly describes it yeah

Yeah let’s move on we think New Zealand’s bad this is Japan we see what happened in 2020 they didn’t get the compensatory reduction of x deaths no but it’s now and this is going up into into November now 20% excess deaths huge number yeah this is real cause for

Concern real cause for concern is this not just the after effects of the covid pandemic well you got to explain why the answer is yes um a delayed a delayed illness from covid-19 from the Corona virus is a possibility certainly MH but what’s going on why are people dying what are

The what what’s Behind These the pathophysiological mechanism exactly yeah what’s written on the deific basically cuz if someone’s going to die there is a reason for that abolutely there’s a cause of death yeah a disease process there’s a disease process which is written on the death certificates you

Would hope yeah yeah yeah but very startling graph from Japan yeah now these excess deaths in this country are mainly from heart problems usually but usually cardiac arrests actually Rhythm related deaths footballers dying on the football field people dying in gyms and uh but heart deaths now our

Medical officer of Health no our chief medical officer um s Chris witty said well it’s because people weren’t taking the medications dur the co pandemic they weren’t taking the medications that’s why they’re dying not a laughing matter yeah said they weren’t taking the statins well the most people who died

Had never received any medical attention whatsoever they weren’t known to have any heart disease at all and if we look at the Statin prescriptions across all practices in the United Kingdom we can see them all here well I don’t see a reduction there do you no fact I see a gentle increase

Of anything absolutely a gentle increase there’s no reduction so so we people aren’t dying from Statin deficiency syndrome no what what Chris wty said was misinformation could call it lies if you like but it certainly wasn’t true and what he said was not true I’m sure he

Was doing his best he just got a bit confused with the data there’s something else that we were on prescriptions is you can get this off the internet as I did let’s just move on now this is another one melam here was a treatment that nice came up with for for treating the

Elderly with covid-19 midazolam and we can see a sudden peak in maasal I’m prescribing so dramatic did maalam help people are having breathing difficulties that was the idea well the point is that midaz lamp suppresses respiration it’s a sedative it’s a it’s a minor anesthetic it should not be given to

People who are seriously ill with with u breathing difficulties with pneumonia it caused them to die but we were giving it to people who were seriously aw with pneumonia exactly we were indeed yeah confused now must say yeah it be give it could be given a spot of end of Life Care

But these people with pneumonia were not considered to be at the end of the lives and it was the maasam the nice guideline NG nice guideline 163 was used now if you look up ng1 163 now there’s virtually nothing in it it just says alleviate symptoms there’s no mention

Bam it’s all been removed and clearly this was a big big era of nice so if you think nice is trustworthy think again this was dangerous advice from the nice organization when I was a young staff nurse we used to ask for medical opinions yeah and we get a senior doctor

To give his opinion yeah these days when I was working recently on A&E medical opinions not so much it’s more what do the guidelines say yes indeed yeah yeah yeah been a fundamental change in the philosophy of medicine there over my career anyway very much yeah medical education doesn’t really matter it’s

Just a matter of being able to read the nice guideline yeah and everyone’s frightened of not doing yeah and everyone follows the guidelines meticulously because if anything goes wrong the first question would be did you follow the guidelines yeah yeah yeah instead the different colors on this

Chart are the different parts of the United Kingdom yeah but there’s a definite Peak there in maazel I’m prescribing yeah yeah Absol and this peak coin Ides with huge numbers of deaths yeah particularly in Care Homes yeah which was that’s right tragic I’ve not got the time scale on there unfortunately the

Dates on there but we know roughly when that was we can see yeah and very often the mazalan was given with Opus yeah with with morphing it could well have been which is a well known Tre depressing very much yeah yeah um right so let’s move on y excess deaths yeah

This is a a new slide very new and this shows um this is 2023 so it’s only been available for a few weeks yep and it shows the excess deaths bang up to date data 2023 pretty well the full year yeah but it shows that it’s an international problem with

The exception of Hungary Poland and it Italy so why I have no idea can’t explain it all but it’s a big problem in many countries I’m going to see the UK 99.4% excess deaths during 2023 and the figure for 2022 was actually about the same yes that’s right

Yeah and that equates to in the UK nearly 50,000 excess debts yeah yeah yeah one yes and if we add thousand a week if we add that to 2022 yeah and these are not covid deaths primarily we’re talking well over 100,000 that’s right yeah yeah there are some covid deaths in that but

Not many yeah not many at all in fact the government has stopped reporting covid deaths or even covid um incidents these days yeah come to an end yeah that shows how big a problem it is in many countries so Canada huge excess deaths New Zealand Australia yeah Chile Israel Iceland the United States

Is pretty bad as well yeah well it’s 155,000 people in the United States in the year yeah yeah Japan isn’t on there you’ll notice I don’t know why not but yeah they couldn’t put not every country a selection of countries yeah but second pandemic is a fair way to describe this

Yeah yeah yeah yeah this is very interesting information from Germany yearly excess mortality of these three years 2020 2021 2022 and we can see in 2020 there were not many excess deaths but you would expect a lot more in the pandemic year you would now the interesting thing is

If we look at the 90 to 120 age group towards the end y there were very few excess death which very surprising what would have happened is that the ones who were going to die in the first half of 2020 did do and the ones who were going to die in the second

Half of 2020 also did do so average out there were low deaths in the second half of 2020 people didn’t die because he died in the first half instead the interesting thing is also that the number of children dying in 2020 was right down minus 6% childhood deaths

Well they weren’t at school they weren’t playing out they weren’t getting run over there were no cars on the roads so it was safe for the children in terms of their physical state not so safe in regard of their mental state of think is true to

Say so we can see 2021 deaths were higher than in 2020 MH children’s deaths were not quite as low children decid to go back to school yeah and in 2022 we’re can to see the death excess test are far higher and it wasn’t just in the

Elderly it was in the ones where the arrows 15 young people yeah young young adults 15 great so we’ve got from well from not yeah certainly from 15y Olds yeah uh 30 30y olds people in the 40s yes it’s it’s right the age groups 15 to 40 have got the highest deaths there

That the people in the age group 50 to 59 is low for reasons which I couldn’t possibly understand yeah um but the elderly also were had excess deaths so you expect that in Germany as in other countries yeah higher deaths in young people yeah in 2021 that’s the point and

Yeah 2022 so rather than just looking at the total number of excess deaths we’re now looking at the numbers in relationship to the age group of the of the population so it adds a lot more this is very interesting let’s have a look another slide it’s almost as if

There’s some factor which might have caused these deaths which we should be looking well there is indeed we’ve not yet got on here the reason the the actual what’s written on the um death cerificates but never mind now the other thing is not just deaths either it’s illness the my local newspaper excellent

Newspaper the Lang Telegraph headline was um the busiest ever day for the A&E Ward and that is on 15th of June 2023 yeah that was June now you expect this is this is the middle of summer time middle of summer in 2023 yeah it’s not what I would expect at all no and

You excuse me and June 2023 was very very nice month May and June were excellent I remember it it started raining in July he only stopped after Christmas yeah only stopped last week didn’t it really but the why we should have the busiest ever day for the A&E ward in June I inan

N in 2023 is not obvious because in hospitals normally we get an influx of Co chronic Hairway disease yeah in Winter that’s right and falls and you know it’s normally winter that’s busy in a it is indeed and this was 2023 not 20122 the year of the of covid-19 this

Was well 2020 21 yeah yeah that’s right this was later yeah 2023 now why it was busier now ever than during the covid pandemic should be a question that should be answer asked and answered it’s it’s not just deaths but it’s illness as well that’s going up in this second pandemic more people

Ill and more people dying that’s right yes indeed absolutely yeah that’s clear now then we can’t escape the thought the supposition that vaccinations might be responsible or partly responsible yeah yeah it’s a fact it’s it’s something that’s changed in the population yeah so it should be considered as a possible cause if we’ve

Got something that’s occurred since 2020 it’s either the after effects of the virus or it’s the effects of the vaccination we can’t ignore it you know it’s like it’s like the post office ignoring that the computer the um Horizon computer was the cause of all the accounting errors you know it’s

Denied and denied and denied but this week it’s not being denied it’s being accepted but people will deny that the vaccine caus the damage we don’t want something that we’ve done to be causing ill effect on such a huge scale it doesn’t be thinking about we’ve given millions and millions of doses of

Vaccines out and that they’ve uh cause problems but here we are asro Zen’s a legal challenge the astroica vaccine was actually withdrawn from use in this country in I think early 2023 even before that I think certainly before that in uh in in Scandinavian countries but a legal Challenge and uh

What they’re saying is that the vaccine was defective this was just in November there are two test cases going through but there are a lot more behind it so it is in the surface anyway it’s reaching the surface of public knowledge that the vaccines are being challenged

In terms of the effect and damage that they might be producing because the legal challenge is over people who are damaged by the vaccinations there’s no question about that some were there was a BBC announcer called Lisa Shaw who died tragically about a few days after having the astroica vaccination and

Um you know a that was a long time that was in 2021 I think it was admitted that that was the cause in that particular case but so many other cases it simply hasn’t been addressed no indeed indeed yeah so it is com to the surface now the vaccinations might be causing trouble

After all I mean in terms of medical science I mean should we consider all factors or should some factors be rejected a priority we should we should consider everything shouldn’t we really you know quite honestly we we we can’t we can’t you know if it stops me getting sick

I’ll consider the phases of the moon yeah I consider anything yeah indeed that’s right that’s right I don’t like pain and sickness yeah yeah and certainly don’t like death that’s right but is there any rational view of this is there a way in which the covid vaccines might have caused

This sudden increase in illness and deaths we could say the toxic but there’s another way of looking at it let’s just move on this shows excuse me this shows once again the activation process of um of vitamin D we’ve got to say coming from food or skin Vitamin D yep activate activated in

The liver and then entering the blood in reserve that is the the reservoir the reserve of vitamin D is held in the blood as calid 25ohd calid this is the one this is the one we measure when that’s what’s measured yes indeed and when it’s required it’s taken up from the blood

Into the cells and here we have the immunity cells interesting ones so this could be something like oh I don’t know a lymphocyte absolutely in particular it’s the tea cells the important ones teymos yeah t lymphosis so we can see that the 125 calc trial or calci sorry calci goes

Up another o group is ADD it’s now 125 ohd calcy trial yeah this this so this was the slow reaction yeah this was the quick this quick one yeah quick instantaneous almost yeah and it it it it combines with vdr the vitamin D receptor and also rxr which is related

To vitamin A and it activates this combination activates the genes the nucleus genes the genes in the nucleus to cause the cell to produce defensive proteins or go into a defense defensive mode and these defensive proteins get into the tissue fluid and that’s how bacteria and viruses effectively killed

And controlled and killed so this is what’s going on the stimulation stimulus of immunity cells using up calcif trial now the point is that calci trial a molecule of it can only be used once and after it’s been used to activate the cells with vdr it’s it’s

Deactivated it becomes 24 25 ohd which is inactive now the cells can produce any number of vdr molecules big and complex as they are produce any number but the tissue the cells cannot produce vitamin D so these bdrs are specific proteins yeah that the cell produces just to

Receive vitamin D they’re vitamin D receptors receptors that’s right and it’s the combination of the vitamin D and the vitamin D receptor that activates the genes the genes yes and the activated genes produce these defensive proteins and this can be in a lot of different cells because in the thing is about

2,000 of our cells 10% of our cells are contain genes which are responsive to vitamin D vdr wow vdr is a big complicated molecule uh 125 HD calc trial is a tiny molecule really but it requires that it it’s like having a b expensive car it

Doesn’t go if you’ve not got a key if you lose your key you know you might as well not have a car you need the key and the vitamin D is the key to unlocking V vdr to allowing nucleus activation allowing the job the immunity cells to

Do the job so we’ve got all these genes sitting just rearing at the bit to produce defensive proteins they can’t they can’t do that without the vitamin D to switch it off exactly but the pointed to emphasize that the vitamin D molecule can only be used

Once I didn’t realize that it gets used up in this process it’s yes it is consumed bit like money yeah that’s right yes indeed so spend it once you only spend it once but yeah that’s a very good analogy got of course you got have an income you got have an income stream

Haven’t you anery goes on yeah so the income stream for for for this process is food and skin producing vitamin D and if food and skin have got to provide enough vitamin D to replace the ccer trial which is only used once and then destroyed so here

It’s one way Pro it’s a it’s like a conveyor Bell you’ve got the vitamin D coming at one end and it’s going out so we need constant Supply we do indeed now which is why it’s called a vitamin of course it’s vital yeah yeah it is indeed

Yeah yeah it’s we can’t produce it ourselves but we can produce any number of vdr cells but once we run out strange vitamin D strange we can produce the clever things but not the yeah it’s fascinating I I yeah it’s incomprehensible really yeah an action of evolution we can only produce we only

Produce a 78 the precursor of vitamin D and then we’re ly on the sun after that it is an accident of evolution is is it’s fascinating I mean biochemists have probably give us some really clever reasons for why it’s necessary yeah beyond my ability to understand it’s seem to with Evolution

Really and it’s very difficult to understand it’s been happening as I say vitamin D has been produced for one and a half billion years but I suspect the vitamin vdr only came into evolution about half a billion years ago the time of time of the caman explosion of life I

Suspect I think it’s been around for that length of time when life became complicated yeah that’s right and required immune cells yes but this is the important thing though Once vitamin D supplies are exhausted yeah vdr stops working and the immunity cell stop working basically your expensive car has

No key therefore it’s completely useless yeah that’s right and the immunity cells do not work without the without vitamin D coming in from food or skin and we know very well that vast majority of people are deficient in vitamin D you’ve clearly they don’t yeah they don’t have

The reserve yeah so the supplies of vitamin D are easily exhausted by infection because infection causes activation of the immune to cells just uses it up use it up yeah let’s look at another and here we have an example so we have two people coming into the system here mhm so person one

Person one in green mhm and the person two in blue person two in blue the person in green has got a good level of vitamin D in the blood the person the blue person has not very much yeah so they hit covid-19 infection here yeah both at the same

Time yeah both at the same time they covid-19 yeah and the vitamin D level in the blood is knocked down it’s consumed I’ve knocked it down there but literally used it up used it up yeah but that’s okay because they started with a fairly high level y or it’s more okay

Yeah indeed yeah now if it was just matter of covid-19 they wouldn’t be too bad yeah so this person here with the low level yeah they’re still above the sort of the critical level critical level that’s right it’s down a bit Yeah Yeah they’ have continued with a level of 15 Y and

These are in nanograms per Mill I’m afraid not nanomoles don’t forget that 20 nanograms is 50 nanomoles yeah so so 15 yeah nanograms per mil yeah would be uh 37 and a half 37 and a half mes per liter yeah yeah now that’s okay we’ have got by

That yeah but suddenly we just just getting by here we get vaccinations now the thing is of course the people who had covid-19 were given vaccinations could never quite understand that because with Hong Kong flu there are no vaccinations available but once he got the disease and recovered then they got

Immunity so they didn’t get it again natural active aced immunity natural immunity yeah indeed but here we get a vaccination occurring now a vaccination mimics an infection it does the same thing the purpose of it is to mimic the infection to produce an immune response which means mobilizing the immunity cells so

Here we are vaccination one and we get to Repeat Performance basically and we’re going to get again the immunity cells are going to be called into action so the immune cells use up the vitamin D to produce the immune response yeah it’s inevitable I must admit it has not been

Demonstrated the research has not been done behind this this is a theoretical slide but it’s it’s highly Justified um had I been working I might have been able to undertake This research on the other hand it might have been forbidden for doing so but we we we

Know that an infection uses vitamin D yeah and an infection involves generating an immune response so a vaccine generating immune response if if it’s if it’s using for example in the immune response you’d need your T stimulator cells to tell the to tell the uh the the the um the other the plasma

The cells to produce the antibodies wouldn’t yes yes the the B cells the be so you need the t- cells you need the B cells the B cells the antibodies the t- cells are tissue immunity yeah yeah that’s obviously involving uh stimulation of immune yeah cells yeah it

Seems obvious it’s going to be using vitamin D yeah it’s got to if if the vaccination is going to work they’ve got to activate the immune system maybe a philanthropist would come forward with the funding yeah for this for This research well yeah but um but the the gates welcome Foundation

Had a research accelerator good idea which forbade use of research about Vitamin D it was forbidden it’s in the documents which I have Research into Vitamin D concerning vitamin D will not be funded by the research welcome Foundation accelerator but I thought in science the idea was to do the research first yeah

And then look at the data I know crazy crazy I must fund fundamentally misunderstand the nature of science anyway in in respect of this one vaccination would have knocked it down but one vaccination wasn’t enough we had to have multiple vaccinations these are two vaccinations and this would have sent the blue person

Into a dangerous level this this is the danger zone isn’t it it is yeah seriously vitamin D deficient seriously immune deficient at that stage now let’s look at another one unfortunately I’ve changed the numbers the colors round doesn’t matter okay sorry about the change of color this this is the good

Bit at the top yeah the good guy the lucky guy yeah took notice from the first time yeah say I’m going to take vitamin D supplement so it takes vitamin D supplement and people have often had four or five vaccinations you know and uh people say I’ve I’ve had full

Vaccination and I’ve had Co twice since then how very strange so here we have the vaccinations knocking down the blood level of vitamin D so it knocks it down here down we go but if you’re taking vitamin D supplement continuously up we go you go back up again yeah and down

Again and back up again and you finish up after your series of vaccinations with a good blood level of vitamin D yeah but the poor guy with the green guy this time who starts off with a low level of vitamin D it doesn’t take long for him to get down

Into the lowest level and clearly I I didn’t continue the graph then because the chance of death is very high below that black dotted line there’s serious immune deficiency because of lack of vitamin D and we’ve seen that in covid in in Israel how dangerous it was to have a

Lower level of vitamin D mhm so what are we going to do about this what can we make of this it’s quite clear what could have been done the continuous vitamin D supplement the knowledge been accumulating right through the era of the pandemic through 2020 a lot of information added like

We’ve seen from Israel but no notice was taken of it so we’re left now with our second pandemic of excess deaths and excess illness Hospital is busier than ever Hospital corridors looking like a war zone and they really are I mean conditions talking to colleagues at the moment I it’s just unsafe absolutely

It’s complete nightmare I’m told yeah no it is it definitely is yeah good let’s terrible let’s see what let’s see what else we’ve got now this is interesting now te- cells we’ve got a a model of AIDS in recent decades yeah and AIDS acquired imuno deficiency syndrome and in that condition people

Had a series of strange infections and rare cancers became common people were dying mainly from cancer and infections one of the main infections people with AIDS acquired was tuberculosis so hang on now we’ve got government report government UK tuberculosis Cas continue to rise in England in

2023 increased by 7% in the first half of 2023 that’s bad news this more than anything tells us that at the moment we have within our society serious immune deficiency just like because of the resarch urgence of tuberculosis yeah that that that’s the index it’s just like with AIDS if you saw

Tuberculosis um it was imun it was vitamin D deficiency or Aids and that was one of the problems with the um the the South Asian immigrants into this country they didn’t didn’t have tubic when they came to this country but after about six years in this country they started to develop

Tuberculosis it was ating because he was seriously deficient of vitamin D so they would have had dormant tuberculosis infection yep yep that’s right dormant and it’s activated when the vitamin D was exhausted and it’s the same here I’m sure that what we have now is a serious immune deficiency syndrome like

AIDS well you could say well it might have been due to the the Corona virus like a are due to the h h HIV the hi virus and it could be due to the Corona virus well it might be I do know realize now that were’re in a phase of serious immune

Deficiency which is why people are still developing covid after they’ve had the vaccinations but I think that these series of vaccinations are using up vitamin D they’re depleting is a vitamin D they’re causing vitamin D deficiency it could very easily be tested and it could be even more easily dealt with and

Treated if what I say is true it is reversible if on the other hand what some people say that vaccines are causing a toxic damage to the body then I don’t know the answer to it I’m afraid but there’s hope for us if it is due to

Vitamin D depletion due to the repeated vaccinations but even if this is only one factor and I think it’s a big factor yeah let’s get rid of this one factor and then we’re all better off yeah absolutely and we’ve eliminated that variable so the research becomes more transparent that’s right if there’s a

Demand from public health to for us have more vaccinations well I’m not want to say don’t do it but I want to say don’t do it until you’ve got people with good blood levels of vitamin D look at the population check the blood levels of vitamin D see how bad the problem

Is and correct it and if we did that and the vitamin did nothing to help infections yeah we haven’t done any harm no we haven’t at all but we it’ be interesting to see though what will happen to these excess illnesses and excess deaths that we’re experiencing at

The moment what effect you would have on all these people coming into the AE departments more than ever in in the past 50 years you know there there’s a way of dealing with it John yeah there’s a simple way of dealing with which will be cheap hopefully very effective and not

In the least bit dangerous we need to do something what’s not to like it’s safe and safe and effective safe and effective safe and effective well we we certainly know it’s safe there’s a very very good case it safe and effective it kind of goes heard that

Before it kind of goes together doesn’t it it does indeed safe and safe and effective yeah indeed that’s right so but this is safe yeah and effective well yeah we know the problems we’ve seen the problems of having low blood levels of vitamin D we’ve seen the problems of a

Second pandemic which seems to be related to deficiency of immunity immune deficiency we’ seen the parallels with AIDS and we know very well we can correct vment D deficiency very very easily let’s go and do it I think so yeah great Dr Grimes thank you so much um I’ve learned Lots okay

Incredible uh what I find is my mind’s just sort of spinning now I’ve got maybe after a cup of tea I’ll have a few more questions but some really stunning information there and um yeah just the potential to I believe yes revolutionize the health of countries yeah yeah because we are in

A pandemic of immune deficiency we are absolutely very much so serious problem doctor thank you so much pleasure John appreciate your time thank you for inviting me thank you John