Disease X

Vaccine and drug inquire … postponed

Update on the Inquiry’s investigation into vaccines and therapeutics

Public hearings for the Inquiry’s fourth investigation, into vaccines and therapeutics (Module 4), will be rescheduled.

The hearings were provisionally scheduled to take place in the summer of 2024. They will now take place at a later date,

to enable organisations to prioritise providing evidence for the Inquiry’s third investigation on the impact of the pandemic on healthcare (Module 3).

There will be no preliminary hearing for Module 4 on 8 February.

Covid Inquiry’s probe into vaccines is delayed indefinitely as chair admits postponement will be ‘disappointing for some’

Hearings for fourth module of the official inquiry were set to begin this summer

A long-awaited probe into the development of Covid vaccines and drugs was today postponed indefinitely.

Baroness Heather Hallett

‘I know the postponement of these hearings will be disappointing for some’

‘I wish to reassure you that we will hold these hearings as soon as possible.’

Baroness Hallett, to ensure the inquiry doesn’t run beyond summer 2026.

Thought to have cost taxpayers £145million already

November 2022

Paul Burrell (Her Majesty Elizabeth II)

“There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge,”

Disease X is looming

The world needs to be better prepared to tackle a future pandemic,

By mapping viruses with the potential to become the next “Disease X”, the global health community and governments can be more responsive the next time a pandemic looms

Global collaboration and adequate funding are needed to improve pandemic preparedness and ensure fast action to keep a viral outbreak at bay

“You can get a long way towards being able to produce something that will target a novel virus before that virus even emerges.”

“It’s a virus that we don’t know yet, but we do know is out there, and we do know has the potential to spill over from an animal population potentially into humans, perhaps mutate or adapt itself and then begin spreading and killing people faster than we can contain it.”

… carrying out research and vaccine development for known viral “families” that could impact humans – of which there are 25 – would give humanity a decided advantage over the next Disease X.

Hello warm welcome to this talk Saturday the 13th of January now I want to be talking about disease X in a minute from a small radio station in Switzerland called radio Davos I think it was more on that shortly but a bit of a disappointment first this is from the UK

Co inquiry and unfortunately the uh public hearings for the inquiry fourth investigation into vaccines and therapeutic module will be rescheduled the hearings were provisionally scheduled to take place in the summer of 2024 they will now take place at a later date and then there’s some rationale given there which you may

Choose to accept or not to enable organizations to prioritize providing evidence for the inquirer’s third investigation into the impact of the pandemic on healthare well I would have thought um they knew what order this was in before they did this but never mind that’s what they’ve said this is from

The site here um this is from baroness Hallet who’s the chair of the inquiry I know that the postponement of these hearings will be a disappointment for some yes it will and I think there’s a degree of urgency as I’ll point out um I want to ensure our hearings of uh in

2024 are as effective as possible well yes and I recognize the increasing pressure on organizations to respond to requests and provide information to the inquiry now I would have thought they’d known that when they scheduled the inquiry at the first place um maybe um they’ve had to reschedule this because

There was some new information came to light we we we’re basically not told which is disappointing but we are assured it’s going to be finished by the summer of 2026 so let’s hope there is time to squeeze in this rather important module because it’s not on as scheduled

Unfortunately so I had been genuinely looking forward to that and it’s pretty disappointing that that is now being delayed now I want to give you something from the mail online now that I’m just hoping they don’t know more than we do about it because they actually say uh Co

Inquirers probing to vaccines is delayed indefinitely indefinitely they’re saying well let’s hope that’s not the case uh as chair admits postponement will be a disappointment for some yes um hearing for the fourth module of this is from the from the mail online now hearing of the fourth module of the official

Inquiry to be what what it was set of the official inquiry were set to begin this summer a long awaited probe into the development of covid vaccines and drugs was today postponed and again they say indefinitely here so let’s hope this is not the case baroness Hallet says I know the

Postponement will be a disappointment I wish to reassure you that we will hold these hearings as soon as possible good we’ll look out for it uh but we’re still going to be finished by the summer of 2026 so let’s hope it’s time now this inquiry has cost you and me the plait

Ariat the pans so far it’s cost us 145 million um quite incredible now um I’m going to talk about disease X in a minute but just before we do that um this is just a completely unrelated uh article I was reading in the Guardian newspaper from

November 2022 this is Paul Burl who was a royal Butler and Paul borrow reported a conversation with her majesty the queen prior to her sad recent uh departure uh and Paul Bor reports that the queen said this Queen Elizabeth said this there are powers at work in this

Country about which we have no knowledge so uh it looks like uh there are powers at work uh but we don’t know what they are so in Donald Rumsfeld terms this would be a known unknowns I guess now I want to talk now about disease

X which is on this website here this is the uh World economic Forum site as far as I can uh derive disease X this is how we should prepare for the next big virus wow so uh this you can listen to it here or you can um read it there it’s

All very easy to understand while being rather uh difficult to understand now disease X um I’ve been teaching this sort of thing pretty well fulltime since 1990 I know I’ve been a clinical nurse since 1975 when I was a first year student and um I’d never heard of this

Disease X so I looked at some of my books because when I wrote my book I couldn’t remember putting it in so it wasn’t in there but I could easily miss it couldn’t I so I did check in uh Reuben’s pathology these are the definitive texts see it in there

Either uh so I checked in G and Hall superb physiology book not in there either um uh porth’s pathophysiology um not in there either it’s fairly thick book you think it could be in there somewhere um you get the idea not in that one can hardly pick

This one up path physiology all these standard textbooks um not in there so it must be a new disease can’t say I like the sound of a new disease we’ve had a new disease already haven’t we anyway um this is just I want to give you some highlights

From the um the radio Davos uh talk disease X is looming the world needs to be better prepared to tackle a future pandemic and you’ll see here that the text is from the world economic Forum site um they go on to say uh by mapping viruses with the potential

To become the next disease X the global Health Community and governments uh the governments and governments can be more responsive the next time a pandemic looms looks like they’re anticipating another pandemic here Global collaboration and adequate funding are needed to improve pandemic preparedness and ensure fast

Action to keep a viral outbreak at Bay uh it says you can get a long way being able to produce something not quite sure what’s being produced but you can produce something or other something or other that will Target a novel virus before that virus even emerges I assume

Here they’re referring to repurpose drugs which could be rolled out very quickly and uh very cheaply and may be efficacious against a range of conditions maybe that’s what they mean but anyway they’re going to produce something um can’t read too much into that all they say is something could

Even mean a vaccine I don’t know whatever they mean there um anyway that will Target a novel virus before that that virus even emerges um it’s a virus we don’t know yet but we do know it’s out there uh do we but we do know it’s out there now

Unfortunately much to my annoyance and your annoyance I felt um compelled to delete yesterday’s um video my apologies the the the trick is to live to fight another day um that’s what we aim for but the video I was doing yesterday was examining a particular virus uh that was uh

Experimentally used to infect mice caused a disease of the brain and on at the end of the study none of the mice at the end of of the study were alive anymore none of them were alive anymore um because a certain event had happened to them that made them not

Alive um and that virus my understanding from reading of the paper was it had been it evolved in cell cultures in a laboratory so as a result of going through cell coaches in a laboratory the function of the virus had been uh had been increased it would appear it became

A more functional virus there was a function and uh there was potentially um an increase uh maybe even a gain uh anyway but but um we know it’s out there so they know it’s out there uh obviously they don’t know a precise geographical location but they know it’s

Out there uh and we know it has the potential to spill over from animal populations potentially into humans well yeah there can be natural spill over vents of course there can also be other origins of viruses perhaps mutate or adapt itself and then begin spreading and killing people faster than we can contain

It um carrying out research and oh and vaccine development carrying out research and vaccine development for no own viral families could impact humans of which there are 25 viral families they’re saying uh would give Humanity a decided advantage over the next disease X so who who knows maybe the world

Economic Forum will be good enough to uh develop a vaccine for as great unwashed so it’s all ready for us um I’ll leave it with you read the article for yourself it’s all there um it’s all there yep from Radio Davos quite concerning really a disease X they seem to think it’s

Coming um that’s hope they don’t know too much more than us we’ll leave it there thank you for watching