WHAT I EAT IN A DAY 150+ PROTEIN! Habit stacking, essential vitamins, and upper body workout!

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY 150+ PROTEIN! Habit stacking, essential vitamins, and upper body workout!

Thank you to Ritual for Sponsoring this video. Get 40% OFF your first month Go to

Thanks for joining me for todays what I eat in a day! I’ve started working with my dietitian again and am taking it one meal at a time, aiming for 1600-1700 calories a day and 130g of protein! I am also working out at the gym 3 times a week and aiming for 6,500 minimum steps a day! Subscribe if you want to stick around and watch my bridal glow up!

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What I Eat In A Week:
Day In The Life & Trader Joes Haul:
1800 cals What I Eat in A Day:

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#weightloss #whatieat #highprotein

All right y’all going to make my protein coffee I’m back on the iced coffee kick which is really helping my protein levels this week I bought the core power elite 42 g of protein we love that it definitely helps me meet my protein goal which is at least 130 and I honestly am

Hitting like more like 150 every day so that’s awesome um so I’m going to pour that into my cup and then follow with my Double Espresso pod yes and then I just try to fit as much of the Shake in as I can and I’ll drink

Whatever is left over to make sure I’m getting the full protein it’s just a couple of sips also I’m working on habit stacking have youall heard of this trend on Tik Tok where you take one habit that you already are doing religiously and you add a habit that you want to start and

You do them at the same time so it might be like doing mouthwash while you condition your hair or whitening your teeth while you’re taking your nightly bath something like that um so what I’ve been doing is taking vitamins a multivitamin while I do my coffee so I leave it right

Here literally sitting on top of my coffee maker so it reminds me every day to take these this video is sponsored by ritual so thank you ritual for working with me on this and helping me meet one of my New Year’s resolutions which is really focusing on overall health

Filling in those needs that I haven’t met in the past I’m not a vitamins supplement girly I currently have been taking nothing before using the multivitamin by ritual um I don’t I know people like look at what you need you can go to the doctor you can do all

These things I just needed somewhere easy to start cuz January can be really overwhelming starting all of these new ideas and resolutions so we’re starting simple a multivitamin this is the essential for women by ritual it’s for 18 and up you take two a day they’re these really cute little pills like is

That not the most aesthetic pill you’ve ever seen so cute um so I’m going to go ahead and take my two for the day one thing I really like is that if you don’t love ritual you can get your money back and like if you don’t

Love the first 30 days you can get your money back no harm no foul speaking of money we know we’re on a budget I’m on a budget I’m tracking my budget and they were able to give me 40% off 40% off thank you ritual we love that for your

First month you get to try it 40% off and if you don’t love it it didn’t cost you a dime so so definitely worth trying in my opinion um the ingredients also like their entire supplement chain is traceable so you can see where every single thing came from in the entire

Pill which I think is nice because we all know how the food industry and the health industry can sometimes be deceiving so I really love the transparency here with ritual I’m going to go ahead and take these real quick all right that’s done I also love that they’re like that jelly material

Cuz they just go down so easy I’m like not a bad pill taker but when they’re all chalky no thank you so big fan of that they also um gave me a QR code we’re fancy up in here so scan the QR code if you want or I’ll leave the link

For you down below we’re working on our steps we’re working on our workouts I Feel Like It just fits in seamlessly so click the link or you can use my code Louise Lane 40 at checkout to get your first month at 40% off and again 30-day guarantee if you don’t love

It you get your money back so definitely worth a try in my opinion if it fits into your budget make it fit into your budget um if you want it no overspending this month we’re on we’re doing good we’re doing good on the budget I’ll

Update you all that on on that soon but let’s pop over grab what I’m bringing for lunch and we’re off to work okay lunch box for the day I made this last night it is not going to look good from this angle I’m so sorry um this is a

Kevin’s like beef and gravy situation and I did half jasmine rice half cauliflower rice and I seasoned the rice with a little soy sauce this isn’t necessarily like an Asian inspired meal um it’s like steak and gravy but I just feel like that soy sauce like Seasons

Rice better and like salts it better than just salt I don’t know give it a go and let me know what you think so I ate this last night for dinner and then packed the rest for lunch so I’m bringing that with me also packing a

Selzer still on the Polar kick I I seriously think these are the best czers of a girl who drinks selser multiple a day every day for the last who even knows how long 5 years 5 plus years huge polar fan um and then I also am bringing a yogurt again we got

Protein goals and this is my absolute favorite Light and Fit strawberry cheesecake 80 calories 12 protein cannot beat that macros those macros cannot talk this morning I need to go back to sleep we have the protein coffee here this cup was actually made by one of my

Um friends daughters I’ll see if she still sells them but if not you can just get them on Etsy um it’s like vinyl put on there hi Hy do you love the cheetah print yeah okay I’m going to pack up lunch we’re going to head to the office today we’re Getting I forgot to bring my camera in so I’m on my phone but eating the meal I I know it doesn’t look that delicious but it’s seriously so good I love this one definitely be eating this again I believe it’s a little under 500 calories and about 36 gam of protein so enjoying

This I’m going to have a yogurt in a little bit um I kind of pre- tracked dinner Loosely I’m going to do some burrito bowls so I can also have that for tomorrow’s lunch as well um and then I need another couple hundred calories so I’m going to decide

Where I should get that I need just a little bit more protein probably like 15 more grams but I have about 300 calories so we’ll figure out where the day takes us okay y’all we’re officially in the work gym I have a really cute like little workout set on but I have this

Little over cuz I just feel like it’s cute and a little more comfortable so this is the fit um about to do an upper body day I’ve just decided to do a little Whitney Simmons workout so she posted this one um you can see it right here dumbbell chest press Arnold press

Incline rainbow front Rays I’ll have to watch the video for that um and then Super set that with grip School Crushers which is that right there so we’re going to get going and hit upper Body He My okay workout done my arms are killing me which is good love to hear it um or love to see it I guess but yeah I’m going to head out I would love to stay and do a little cardio um Morgan is actually home he like has a really bad pinched nerve

In his like neck shoulder and is working from home and in a lot of pain I’m going to pick up some of his prescriptions for him go home make dinner so that’s the end of today but we got the workout in or at least the end of the workout we

Got it in so let’s go home and cook some some dinner okay y’ I was going to cook up some ground beef for this like burrito bowl thing tonight but honestly it got a little too late well it’s only 5:49 but now I’m like starving and I don’t have

The patience so I’m just going to cook up some of the Tyson black and chicken strips having these on hand has been a huge game changer I’ve always loved these but just making sure I always have them in the freezer has been super helpful I air fry them for like 8

Minutes and they’re perfect I am going to cook up some rice and I’ll just save the leftover I think I’m going to put it in a tortilla instead of a bowl so I have these like larger ones they’re 90 calories um I have just a little bit of

Lettuce left in this salad bag sour cream some hot sauce from Trader Joe’s and I have some salsa too that I might use but I’m just going to whip up a burrito and I’ll show you how it comes together people always get on to me about not weighing stuff I do weigh most

Things so 125 G is the chicken and you just weigh it in the form it comes in so we’re weighing it Frozen also quickly I just measured out some cottage cheese 113 G this is the one I’m using you can see 110 G is 90 calories

And 12 protein I just need a little snack um I would eat this whole thing by itself but I’m going to add some tomato this is just a diced roma tomato and I’m going to add a little balsamic vinegar as well just Jazz it up a little you know Perfect so I want to do about 80 g of rice that’s 40 I might just do that’s 65 feel like that’s already too much this burrito is going to be so packed I’m going to put as much of the chicken that I can fit but again I kind of want it to close and I’ll just put everything else on the

Side so I don’t think a lot of this chicken is going to fit probably about half of what I made it’s going to be one fat burrito throw in some tomato this is where I feel like we’re going to struggle is the lettuce I’m going to go ahead with the taco sauce

Um right on the burrito and I might dip it with the sour cream and then I’m just going to weigh out a little sour cream for dipping on the side for about 30 G 34 Glen tea that sauce is spicy okay I need to do the dishes I

Also really need to shower um but I’m trying to edit the night that I film so I can get more content up because I edit way faster when I like know what I was thinking while I was filming if that makes sense sometimes if I edit like a week later I’m like what

Was I doing like I just I don’t know I feel like my I just get confused so anyways I didn’t get to eat my yogurt today at work I just got distracted so I’m going to have the yogurt right now um and then I still do have some

Calories left over so I’m thinking might make a little like half sandwich later just a PEB and um banana a little bit of banana some pb2 on a 45 calorie piece of bread and it’ll be like a little sweet night cap I haven’t had like dessert in

A while and I feel like that will be perfect and I already like pre-t Tred it and it fits my day perfectly um so I’m going to have this and then whenever I make that sandwich I will come back and tell you all my final macros for the day they are looking good

For high protein so I’m really proud of myself it’s becoming so much easier the more I do it the easier it becomes so yay for that January so far has been a huge win and yeah I’m going to go eat this now and I’m going to clean that situation later

Here okay y’all I’m making me and Morgan both a little night cap he’s going to have similar thing to me I’m just going to do one piece of bread and it’s the S delightful 45 calories going to do just a little pb2 for me okay I just tablespoon measured

The peanut butter and then tried to split it three ways evenly and I’m going to do 60 G of banana for me and then on Morgans I’m going to add a little bit of honey as well let’s close out this video by going through my app I’m still using the LD app I

Tried to switch to the grounds app which is by um buff bunny but I was struggling because you can only see protein per day not protein per meal and I really like like to see protein Ral so switch back to lose it it’s fine um I like it a lot

I suggest the free version so we have our breakfast which was my iced coffee it came out to 232 calories 42 g of protein my lunch was 485 calories and 37 and half protein dinner came out to 546 calories with 44.9 so 45 g of protein

I had a Greek yogurt which was 80 calories 12 protein I also had a/2 cup of cottage cheese with the balsamic vinegar and um roma tomato that half cotage half cup was 90 calories and 12 protein then to close out the night I did 2 tablespoons of pb2 for my serving

That’s 5 g of protein um actually did 60 G of banana which is 53 calories um and then one slice of the sily bread for 45 calories that brings all of my snacks total to 327 for the day my daily total is 1,590 So I’m about 10 under but I did

Take an extra bite of that banana so we’ll call it 10 calories and the protein is 157.6 so that is my full breakdown and you can see here kind of the percentages and here’s the calvaries all right we’re calling this video a wrap don’t forget to check out

Ritual if you in the market for a multivitamin um highly recommend they have the 40% off right now using my code Louis Lane 40 or my link which I’ll leave for you down in the description box below remember you can get your money back if you don’t love it person

Personally I’m really liking it it’s easy to swallow it’s easy to remember and habit stacking is really working for me so let me know if there’s any habits of your stacking lately to try to meet some of your New Year New You resolutions or goals whatever you want

To call them and I’m looking forward to seeing youall in the next video Bye oh