When Is Vitamin D Useful As A Supplement?

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Hey everybody it’s Jason Blaha here I thought I would sit down do another video for you guys and GS get a sip of water get my my beautiful radio voice going let’s talk a little bit about um vitamin D3 so this is one of these topics where I’ve got asked a lot

Like will you support this you support less supplements now what about D3 um D3 is situationally useful I’m not going to say that it’s useless as a supplement because it’s not it is situationally useful particularly depending upon the sunlight and the climate you live in relative to

Your amount of pigmentation it it can be important but here’s the thing people are not as deficient in D3 as you think they are okay and a a number of reasons and what I would say when in doubt you can go get blood work done your insurance will probably cover it um

Either you live in a country probably with some socialized medicine where you tell them I’m can I get my D3 check they will um if not your insurance will usually cover it like if you’re in the US so if you have questions about it go see your doctor get blood work done it

Is very simple the deficiency is not as common as people think I mean this get broughts up people are like well where do we get it it’s added to your food all right what you need to understand the FDA in the US identified this problem a

Long time ago okay they realize that we have a fairly large country in terms of various distance from the equator we do have some darker regions in the country uh and we have a fairly diverse amount of skin pigmentation as a country and the FDA realized quite some time back uh

That D vitamin D3 can be a possible deficiency and so what did they start doing they made recommendations to various companies particularly who make stuff for children because it’s a bigger concern usually for children okay that’s usually our big concern that D3 deficiency for children growing up is a concern right

So look at what foods breakfast foods tend to be fortified okay foods that are covered by Wick basic especially any foods that are very likely uh to be necessary for the lower socioeconomic brackets in general they want to make sure that they’re getting sufficient nutrition and it’s

Been that way a really long time so start look where do you see vitamin D3 added all your milk all your Dairy that includes alternative Dairy like soy milk so not just calir right breakfast cereals orange juice now bu and large those are foods that are normal breakfast foods

For people normal breakfast foods are children they’re also all foods that incidentally things like Wick in the US cover and people get for free people who are are disadvantaged socioeconomically for example they can get that for free okay it’s covered by government stuff in the US so the reality is because again

Obviously people are going to get better food who are more financially uh advantaged so that’s already largely been handled by a lot of government policy okay if you’re eating any of those foods and and most of out there even if if you’re not doing anything to any of those programs that are still

Normal foods and and I believe there was some agreement made at some point with stuff like Wick in these companies if they want their stuff to be covered they’ve got to be fortified with these common deficiencies like vitamin D3 okay see where we’re going same thing with

The vitamin A like the retinol put in there so you’ll have retinol added to to various Dairy for that same purpose to cover childhood deficiencies and if any of you out there are consuming milk or any go look at your foods you you’d be shocked how many

Things have vitamin D3 and to some extent like um some form of vitamin A added is way more common than you probably realize if you don’t read labels so because of that you’re probably already supplemented and you may not need the supplement but it tends tends to occur

Anyways because this was this was done pretty much universally in the United States and people like why you talking about the us cuz that’s bulk of my audience um I’m not saying I don’t have audience in other countries I do but when I look at my following it is it is

Like 60 to 70% inside the United States then my next big chunks are like Canada United Kingdom um Australia so on and so forth and then you know obviously other countries beyond that so and but I’m familiar with the the nutrition policies you know within the US so what’s

Happening with the the D3 you may already be supplementing it you were probably supplemented it as a child already and it’s one of the reasons you know you you don’t have brittle bones and things um but what I would say with that people then say well what if what if we

Don’t know um ask yourself are you at risk all right I live in Texas I’m relatively fair fair skinned the odds that I’m personally deficient in D3 Real Slim it it’s extremely low plus it’s already in some of the Fortified Foods I consume okay it’s already in there so at this

Point for someone like me I would say okay it doesn’t it doesn’t even make sense to bother at this point if you’re in a different situation you’re in a farther north climate it’s wintertime all right you’re noticing symptoms of seasonal Depression okay well that that would make sense to possibly supplement it be that’s situationally useful um you know and I would say the same thing you know if if you’re in a darker area and you’re not particularly fair skinned okay by all means go go get

Your blood work tested right go find out see if you have a deficiency and if you do you know you could get a cheap supplement but you may not need it because again we come back over to all these fortified Foods already so it’s kind of like it’s like one of those

Supplements that you go yeah it is it is situationally useful it’s a common situationally useful supplement but what are the odds that you’re already consuming it every day or regularly again some people are like I didn’t know I am and then they check and realize they’re eating two or three

Foods regularly that have already been fortified well if if that’s the case again we come over to what are the odds that you’re deficient see where I’m going but again what would I State uh you could look at different stuff at any of those factors and say okay maybe I’m

Deficient I go get blood work checked oops sorry about that burping on the camera disgusting people I just ate bunch of brown rice but if you’re suffering seasonal depression that that’s a possible good sign if every winter when it gets dark you get a little Gloom and down okay

That’s absolutely a potential sign in which case you could either start supplementing a little more or you can go get blood work to double check it and see if that’s really what it is okay um because you know those some of those mental health situations are absolutely uh nutrition related you know

In which case that’s a simple fix but it may not be because you may go in you’re getting some seasonal depression and your D3 levels are fine in which case well maybe doctor might suggest you know you talk to a therapist at that point because it may not be nutritional but

You know it never hurts the double check all right guys but that’s really all I have to say on that today I hope it’s been informative and I’ll talk to you guys next time