Your Body Is Asking For These Vitamins (Pay Attention To This)

Vitamins and minerals play an essential role in helping the body function optimally. Whether the body needs to fight infections, regulate hormone levels, heal some wounds or make the bones strong, it needs ample amounts of the right vitamins to do their job. Your body is constantly communicating with you on deficiency and in today’s video, we will help interpret the essential body communication you may be missing.

Your body is asking for these vitamins pay attention to this vitamins and minerals play an essential role in helping the body function optimally whether the body needs to fight infections regulate hormone levels heal some wounds or make the bone strong it needs ample amounts of the right

Vitamins to do their job your body is constantly communicating with you on deficiency and in today’s video we’ll help you interpret the essential body communication you may be missing vitamin A this important vitamin plays a role in keeping the heart lungs liver and other organs working properly also known as

Beta carotene it enables reproductive Health General Vision and immune system functionality problems with your eyes especially night blindness might be the first tangible sign that your body is screaming for vitamin A inflamed skin and skin irritations as well as respiratory infections and problems with infertility can be ascribed to vitamin A

Deficiency even stunted growth is a symptom of too little of this vitamin in the body indulge in beef liver salmon and dairy products or alternatively you can include broccoli carrots squash green leafy vegetables apricots mangoes and fortified cereals to your diet unless you want to go for the supplement

Options vitamin B vitamin B seems to be a complex vitamin as there are eight different essential B vitamins some of the best known ones are riboflavin B2 thamin B1 and folate B9 these vitamins all help to convert carbohydrates fats and proteins into energy several of these vitamins are essential for cell

Development growth and general function when you feel fatigued weak or just have a general lack of energy it might be a vitamin B deficiency an added numbness or tingling in the feet and hands May point in this direction especially if you feel shaky and have difficulty walking and have have difficulty with

Keeping your balance in severe cases you may experience confusion loss of memory as well as depression and dementia when you fall pregnant your body needs folate to help prevent birth defects people with gastrointestinal disorders or those abusing alcohol will be in need of more vitamin B as the liver uses this vitamin

To break down the excess alcohol vitamin B is prevalent in meat poultry fish organ meats and eggs but for vegans good sources are legumes seeds nuts whole grains fortified cereals as well as Breads and pastas if you use supplements make sure you obtain the right Vitamin B

And the right dosage vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid this vitamin plays a key role in keeping the immune system strong it also helps with the absorption of iron from plant-based Foods as an antioxidant vitamin B protects the cells against the free radicals that cause cellular damage

Vitamin c a s in wound healing and helps with the production of collagen when you constantly feel tired weak and irritable check your vitamin C levels severe deficiency can cause bruising gum and Delta problems as well as dry hair and skin it can contribute to anemia and can

Be confirmed by a blood test it’s commonly known that you find vitamin C in citrus fruits but red and green peppers strawberries broccoli tomatoes and baked potatoes are also excellent sources of this vital vitamin vitamin D for strong and healthy bones make sure that you have sufficient vitamin D as it

Helps to absorb calcium from food and supplements and helps boost the immune system sadly a lack of vitamin D can cause aches and pains in the bones sleep problems feelings of depression and sadness as well as hair loss you may feel weak fatigued and get sick much

Easier vitamin D is not found in many foods but you may need to enjoy a moment in the sun each day while still taking precautions to prevent severe skin burns to help you can include salmon tuna mackerel beef liver fortified Dairy and egg yolks in your diet but for the vegan

There are only mushrooms nut milk and fortified cereals to boost your vitamin D levels magnesium this mineral plays an important role in the functioning of more than 300 enzymes that are responsible for the regulation of muscle and nerv function heart rhythms and glucose control you may have developed a

Poor appetite feel nauseous or even vomit experience fatigue and weakness or have muscle spasms and Tremors in some cases people with a magnesium deficiency May additionally have abnormal heart rhythms you may not be eating enough almonds spinach broccoli cashews beans potatoes or oats on a daily basis dairy

Products chicken and beef are also good sources of magnesium if your diet allows animal products otherwise you may need to go for a good supplement iron our bodies need iron to build red blood cells where hemoglobin bonds with oxygen and carries it through the blood to the

Lungs during pregnancy the body may need additional iron and a pregnant woman can easily become anemic an anemic person may feel extreme fatigue coupled with pale skin headaches dizziness and lightheadedness their nails may also become brittle and they may even experience chest pains and shortness of breath iron supplements may help a lot

But you can also find this mineral in red meats and liver as well as Seafood luckily lentils beans tofu cashews and broccoli are also good sources although a vegetarian or vegan diet may need twice as much iron daily as the iron in plant-based food is less available to

The body zinc when you hear zinc you should hear immune immune function this mineral is also key in the functioning of the central nervous system the gastrointestinal as well as the immune and reproductive systems a zinc deficiency may cause hair loss as well as Skin and eye problems in severe cases

The person may suffer from diarrhea their wounds may take longer to heal and there may be more infections than usual when a loss of taste and smell is also present it’s time to up your zinc intake it may also cause unexplained weight loss zinc is not readily found in

Plant-based sources but whole grains beans and nuts are at least a source of this mineral however red meat poultry and seafood like oysters lobsters and clams are great sources as well as some dairy products otherwise there are some excellent zinc supplements on the market there you have it listen to your body as

Some of the symptoms of these vitamins and mineral deficiencies overlap it’s clear that you should have a diet that includes all of these vitamins and minerals in ample amounts getting it from fresh fruit and vegetables is an excellent strategy but you may need to consult a physician especially if you

Maintain a vegan or vegetarian diet and need to make sure that your body gets the optimal vitamin and mineral support found this video insightful give us a thumbs up and please subscribe to the channel to help us spread the message of a better and healthier lifestyle that