5 Honest Ways to Build Muscle Easier (Increase Protein Synthesis)

Get Grass-Finished Meat Delivered to Your Doorstep with Butcher Box:
5 Ways to Increase Protein Synthesis (aside from protein)

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 – Intro
0:39 – Aerobic Exercise
3:09 – Note on Protein
3:24 – Omega-3s
5:16 – Grass-Finished Meat Delivered to Your Doorstep!
5:52 – Vitamin D
7:29 – Sauna
9:03 – Magnesium

When we think of anabolic Foods or anabolic things the first thing that pops into our head is supplements or drugs or something that’s maybe not good for us anabolic just has a scary kind of tone to it but anabolic simply means progrowth so muscle protein synthesis

And it’s good to be anabolic that means that you’re building muscle or you are more protein sensitive in a lot of ways but there are different things that you can do that can increase your sort of sensitivity to protein so that you can get more protein synthesis be more

Anabolic put on more lean tissue without necessarily eating more protein so let’s just jump into the first one I’m going to give you the items themselves the things you should do and I’m going to give you a little bit of a Playbook so you have sort of a system you can follow

First one believe it or not is a specific type of cardio now with this we look at a study that’s published in 2022 in sports medicine now it was a systematic review so it looked at a lot of different literature it wasn’t just some one-off study they took a look at

Four different types of protein synthesis they looked at mixed they looked at myofibrillar which is going to be sheer protein synthesis in the muscle okay they also looked at mitochondrial protein synthesis and sarcoplasmic protein synthesis okay what they found is that aerobic cardio or light interval style cardio seemed to increase mtor and

Increase overall protein synthesis at a mixed level and myofibrillar level the most this flies in the face of what we would typically think like cardio seems catabolic but it’s literally activating Pathways that make us more sensitive to protein so by doing a little bit of high-intensity interval training you

Actually can squeeze by with a little less protein now why is this potentially happening mechanistically well with this we look at other literature that suggests that the repeated contractions so when you’re working out and you’re running and you’re doing aerobic movement you’re moving the muscle through a contraction like Ecentric and

Concentric a lot compared to resistance Trading these repeated contractions trigger all kinds of different Cascades for one it decreases what’s called myostatin now if you’ve ever seen those Belgian Blue cows before they’re like those cows that are totally jacked it looks ridiculous they have a myostatin deficiency myostatin is sort of like a

Governor on how much muscle we can build right so if you decrease myostatin you increase mtor and potentially build more muscle so we’ve seen this with certain forms of cardio another thing is you have an increase in pgc1 a which is what leads to the formation of new mitochondria more mitochondria leads to

Less reactive oxygen species and more ATP meaning better recovery and more power but also more energy that can be allocated to protein synthesis so what do I suggest I suggest after your resistance training do 20 minutes of like a light high-intensity interval training that’s almost paradoxical but

You don’t want to be pushing all the way to the max in this case maybe do like a 70% to 80% % intensity interval training maybe do like a 1 to2 work to rest ratio a few days per week before I get into the next one it’s probably best that I

Mention protein is still going to be the most important thing so no matter what you’re doing throughout this list to increase protein synthesis you will always get more out of it if you increase your protein intake so let’s move into this next one this would what

I would consider to be arguably the most anabolic food that is out there of course besides protein and this is Omega-3s but hear me out cuz I’m going to give you a Playbook on this too there was a study published in the American Journal clinical nutrition that was

Fascinating okay it was an 8we study that gave subjects Omega-3s or corn oil and what they found is that corn oil had Zero Effect whatsoever on anabolic signaling nor muscle protein synthesis so it didn’t have any effect there didn’t do anything anabolic it was just purely just oil the

Omega-3s did not have any impact on Baseline protein synthesis or Baseline anabolism but get this when they used what is called a clamp and they triggered a hyperinsulinemic and or a hyper amino acid State meaning high levels of insulin and high levels of amino acids then and only then did

Omega-3s stimulate anabolic signaling and protein synthesis what does this mean in English this means that Omega-3s like fish oil or eating sardines or things like that actually increase your protein synthesis when it’s most important when you have protein in the system and when insulin levels from the protein because yes protein spikes

Insulin are high this is exactly what we want a solid concrete narrow acute spike in muscle protein synthesis and anabolism alongside hyperinsulinemia and Hyper amino acid States so before I move into the next one let me give you a little Playbook on this what I would recommend is taking simply one to 2,000

Milligrams of fish oil not much along with your post-workout shake or your post-workout protein and if you want to get frisky with it have a few omega-3 capsules or something with each meal that you consume that has protein I also put a link to one of our sponsors down

Below butcher boox which is a meat company because at the end of the day meat is the most important so butcher box has grass-fed grass finish beef which is going to be higher in Omega-3s than traditional grain-fed beef but they also have salmon which is tremendously rich in Omega-3s they have scallops they

Have chicken breasts they have all kinds of things and it gets delivered to your doorstep so that is a special link down below definitely recommend you check them out so if you’re interested in eating good quality meat that tastes really darn good butcher box is the

Answer so that link is in the top line of the description just beneath this video next one is a supplement okay but hear me out again on how you should dose it how you should take it you might already know it it’s vitamin D but we have to look at some some cool

Literature to understand so this study was published in molecular metabolism and it was a fascinating study because it had two arms okay just like me two arms and it had rats in one arm and it had humans in one arm in the rats they were able to do freaky decky things what

They did is they overexpressed the vitamin D receptor and they saw that when they overexpressed the genes for a vitamin D receptor they actually became more sensitive to vitamin D shocker but they ended up building more muscle and having more protein synthesis in the other arm they did 20 weeks of

Resistance training in these humans and they found that this expressed more vitamin D receptors so the humans got more vitamin D by training hard the more vitamin D receptors they had the more mtor response they had and the more anabolic signaling and hypertrophy muscle growth they had so on one hand we

Understood the mechanism by looking at the rats on the other hand we understood how you can get there resistance training and then vitamin D along with it but let’s look at more data to understand how much we should look at taking this study was published in the journal oxidative medicine and cellular

Longevity it had subjects that were Atri tring because they had low back pain consume either a supplement with vitamin D and then the other groups were Baseline regular vitamin D levels without supplementation or deficient in vitamin D only the supplemental vitamin D seem to have the increase in protein

Content of akt and reduced foxo3 levels so although we don’t have the solid answer here what we can say is that supplementing 2500 to 3500 iuse of vitamin D especially if you’re deficient along with some of these other things could be highly effective this next one

Is one of my favorites and before you really turn it off thinking okay I don’t even have access to this let me explain some stuff it is a sauna but do not click off this video okay check this out the study was published in the journal

Health and it had subjects for 10 weeks do 24 sauna sessions over 10 weeks or 24 light aerobic interval sessions both groups had similar cardiorespiratory success like they had benefits to their heart benefits to their lungs their breathing okay similar between the two one exercised one just sat in a dank

Sauna but only the sauna group saw an increase in muscle maths like what the heck we’re talking from 63.4 kilos up to 65.8 kilos in 10 weeks lean body mass actual muscle mass just by sitting in a sauna instead of cardio now I love cardio but this might be really cool

News for people so you don’t have to have a sauna though you certainly should invest in one rather than maybe like buy something you don’t need I think Gana is a tremendous investment over some of the silly things that people spend money on but you can do so with a hot bath too

Okay this is still going to increase hsp70 the heat shock proteins that are associated with this potential muscle protein synthesis increase so how would you dose this two times a week that’s all we’re asking for this was a 10-week study and we saw 24 sessions so two

Times a week most of the time maybe a couple weeks do three sit in a hot bath after your workout and then consume some protein or get at adequate protein and sauna at some point during the day for 20 to 30 minutes and the last one is one

That is super super super important to 800 Mig of magnesium you want to hear the research on it good let’s go there’s a study published in bone and mineral research that was a larger study that simply demonstrated that higher sear magnesium levels were associated with less inflammation more muscle mass and

Most importantly a huge difference in leg power output so we do know from other literature that when CRP levels and inflammation is lower muscle output is higher you have more explosiveness well this is great as a signal for muscle protein synthesis doesn’t tell us much other than that so that we look at

A 2021 study that was published in bone that found that mice that had adequate levels or higher levels of magnesium had higher mtor response and they had higher muscle protein synthesis and this was generally because guess what the reduction in inflammation listen what I suggest you do when you’re dosing magnesium is find

Your tolerable upper intake what I do is I take di magnesium melee which is a more sustained release I increase my dosage and if I’m working out more or exercising more I increase it even more di magnesium melee is slow release so if I increase my dose too much I’m not

Going to run to the toilet with diarrhea I might just have looser stools okay so with that it teaches me okay like I need to back off the dose a little bit but I’m not getting like a violent disruption of my life being seat belted to the toilet like if you were increase

Magnesium oxide or citrate so try a mate or a glycinate which is a little bit slower try a chelated form and I would go as high as you can until you don’t feel like it’s working like you feel like you’re just having diarrhea now don’t get diarrhea but look for loose

Stools with a chelated form I know that sounds extreme but I’d say a safe dose that people could take is probably about 400 but I’m not a doctor I’m some bro on the internet so as always keep it locked in here on my channel I’ll see you tomorrow