16 WEEK PREGNANCY UPDATE: Belly Shot, Nausea, Prenatal Vitamins & Baby’s Growth!

Hey, it’s Astrema Simone. This is my 16 week Pregnancy Update! Sharing my baby bump/belly shot, Pregnancy symptoms such as Nausea, Prenatal supplements/vitamins, Baby’s growth & development, and more!
#pregnancy #pregnancyweekbyweek

↓ My Pregnancy Essentials ↓

Pregnancy Bottle:

Prenatal Vitamin Pills:

Liquid Prenatal Vitamin:

Selenium Pills:

Choline Pills:

Vitamin D3 Pills:

Liquid Magnesium:

Pregnancy App:

↓ Timestamps ↓
0:00 – 16 Week Pregnancy Update Intro
1:00 – Background (a little about me)
2:18 – Belly Shot (16 week baby bump)
3:25 – Pregnancy Symptoms (Nausea, Vomiting, Cravings)
8:42 – Prenatal Vitamins/supplements
11:46 – Baby’s Growth (16 week sonogram)

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Leg was cocked up I got to see like his Private hey everyone it’s the Sham Simone here and welcome welcome back to my channel if you’re new how you doing so today is going to be my first official pregnancy update video for my 16th week I am currently 16 weeks and 6 days pregnant and I just want to share

My pregnancy symptoms and cravings and all the goodies that’s been going on up until my 16th week with whomever is interested in knowing about that whether you’re pregnant yourself you’re in your second trimester or your first trimester or you’re planning to become pregnant maybe this could be a little insight or

You know you just want to keep up with my pregnancy that’s what this video is going to be all about so without further Ado make sure you thumbs up the video if you enjoy it subscribe if you want to stick around for more videos from me and

Continue watching all right so I have some notes here so I’m not chatting too too much just a little background really quickly if this is your first time watching me I am currently 16 weeks and 6 days pregnant like I said and I am due

In June June of this year 2024 Happy New Year to you I have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism so I do have a thyroid problem that I’ve spoken about a lot throughout my YouTube Journey um so that does have some type of impact on my pregnancy I have to make make sure my

Levels are balanced so that the baby could be okay as well until they start functioning with their own thyroid gland right now my thyroid levels are pretty balanced but I always have to keep up to date with that I’m currently 32 years old I just turned 32 in December sag

Gang you know as you get older age can also play a little factor in pregnancy and fertility but I had a miscarriage a little over a year ago it wasn’t that easy to conceive this baby but we are so excited for our baby boy so yeah I did

Share a gender reveal Vlog if you haven’t seen that this is actually our second child I already have a 5-year-old girl her name is Mila if you already been watching me you know that yeah so I want to jump right into the belly shot to show you how my baby bump has been

Coming along I know a lot of you were very interested in that cuz I haven’t been showing that much but I did start to show a little once Christmas came about bump just popped out one day I just woke up and I had a little baby bump and now is just continuously

Growing I did hear that boys are bigger meaning they make you look heavier and bigger starting to show a little bit you could see the progress and my stomach did get a lot bigger for 16 weeks right now I’m doing pretty good sizewise I’m still wearing my normal size which is

Like a large just my bottoms have to be stret stretchy or it’s going to be very uncomfortable so I don’t really wear jeans at all once I get a little bigger I will start to um try out some maternity clothing but for right now my regular like medium large or large fits

Pretty decently so just so happy about starting to progress within this pregnancy because the 16th week is actually very very important for baby’s growth so it all makes sense that I started to pop out at this time okay so a little bit of the pregnancy symptoms

That I’ve been having up from four 4 week I did find out when I was at 3 weeks pregnant like that was very early it said that you can’t really find out at that time but I got a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks once the fourth week hit I did start to

Experience um nausea and vomiting along with back pain very very bad back pain and I guess that was due to my body trying to stretch up until this point I am still dealing with nausea and vomiting surprisingly it’s not as heavy as it was in the first trimester but I

Still do have it um it said through research that your second trimester your nausea and vomiting normally kind of eases up but it didn’t ease up completely for me I’ve been throwing up so much to the point where like my blood vessels would like pop on my face and

I’d be walking around looking cray cray because I’m throwing up food that I ate like 2 hours ago my OBG Yan has offered me a nausea medication that is very safe to take during pregnancy so that’s been holding me down so I do consume that on

The days where I just wake up feeling nauseous and I just feel terrible but normally by time the night time I start to feel a lot better uh and it lifts off of me a little bit I did just start eating more in my first trimester I

Threw up so much that I don’t even know how baby was surviving my appetite did start to pick up a little bit more now and I know now is the time where I’m going to start to put on some weight because I’m consuming more and not regurgitating it I’m not really like

Craving much things just a little bit of different things here and there but I do notice that I prefer more saltier or like peppery spicier food which is odd because prior to pregnancy I didn’t really like salty food and I didn’t really like spicy or peppery food but

Now with baby boy I do with my daughter I really enjoyed like sweet foods but with him I noticed it’s very salty and savory and a little bit of sweet but more so salty and I have to remember to keep up my water intake or I’ll like

Start to puff up from all the sodium kind of like backed up in my body I’ve shared this in a vlog before but I do use this pregnancy bottle to track my water intake I did get it from Amazon I got the clear color it comes in blue and

Pink for baby boy or baby girl but I didn’t know the gender before there’s a sticker to put your gender and your due date and then I’m all the way up to 16 right now and it says that the baby is as big as a small avocado so that’s

Where I’m at right now now so I really like this bottle cuz um it has the time on it when you should refill so you refill it about three times per day and it could help you to stay very hydrated I personally really really love cold water so I’ll switch back and forth

Between my Stanley because my Stanley keeps my water very very cold and it’s about 40 oz I don’t know I just need my water to be ice cold during this pregnancy I don’t know what that’s about I normally drink it room temp but I just can’t do it anymore but I noticed that

Water is very very important obviously and my body feels it when I don’t have enough water one thing I will say about the Cravens I don’t have that many just yet just into the second trimester I’m trying to get over this nausea and vomiting but there are little things

That I’m able to tolerate like Gatorade but it got to be like the cool blue very specific the toffee butter roasted peanuts like I guess cuz it’s like salty and it has like that little hint of sweet iced tea lemonade like a arold Palmer which I actually craved or had to

Have every day with my daughter when I was pregnant with her so that coming back again I feel like that that’s the perfect type of liquid drink for a pregnant woman it just has like that little bitterness with the sweet and like I don’t know how to even call it

That drink iced tea lemonade H Palmer is like the perfect drink for like nausea it disagrees with me so well I can have coffee and tea some days some days I will throw like a ejectile vomits it up and then other days it agrees with me

And you know you can have a certain amount of caffeine per day when you’re pregnant have like little small cups of coffee if I’m in the mood for it a small cup of tea if if I’m in the mood for it and I do have a nausea tea that I take

Here and there but I don’t take it as much meat wise that I could tolerate fish shrimp chicken pork like pork chops but I can’t really get jiggy with the beef I try to eat beef and like I throw it up every single time I think it’s

Just too heavy for me right now but I just cannot tolerate the beef for some reason I don’t know why but I’ve been loving like Chipotle I guess because Chipotle is just kind of salty and peppery like when you get the salsa or whatever but I really love Chipotle I

Mean what pregnant woman doesn’t like Chipotle like prior to pregnancy I really wasn’t like a Chipotle Chipotle girl but I really love it now and like Chinese food I guess cuz like certain dishes are so salty like the chicken and broccoli with white rice I could down

That not like the whole thing but it’s like the perfect consistency for me like of the saltiness I’m telling you this salty kick is crazy right now for me and I feel so bad for my blood pressure but I’m trying to really keep the water

Intake going um let me share some of the prenatal supplements that I currently using so far my choice right now of prenatal vitamins are the Nature Made prenatal it has folate acid and DH and my OBG y said that that this was okay to take it has almost all of everything

That you would need and this is how it looks um the pill is very B big it’s like a gel coated so it’s not a hard powdery pill but it does smell like fish sometimes when I do take it I can have like a little aftertaste of the fish but

It’s not like so bad I could actually tolerate fish right now so it’s not like such a huge deal but what I do notice is that sometimes these can make me more cont constipated than I normally would be just being pregnant makes you constipated because everything is just

Moving slow but there are certain vitamins in here that I just personally want for my thyroid to supplement my thyroid that that’s not here so I do take psyllium and choline as well I’ll link it below D3 and then like I’ll also take uh vitamin C this is all optional this

Is just what I do I also noticed like taking this liquid cren vitamin it actually goes through me a lot better and this one actually has Coline in it it doesn’t have pelium but it has the folate and the DHA so those are the two important vitamins that you need to look

For when taking a prenatal supplement My Obgyn said once it has folate and DHA in it you’re good so you don’t have to really look for like all that extra stuff it is helpful though especially if you’re not getting it through your foods and you’re throwing up a lot I actually

Like this it has like a very strong citrusy taste but it’s not too bad it’s like 2 tablespoons per serving and I feel like is a lot in this and I also got this from Amazon I’ll link it below it stays in the fridge it’s vegan great

For fetal development so this is a really really nice one right here and I feel like anything liquid just goes through your body faster into your bloodstream and then what I also take is liquid calcium magnesium which I also got from Amazon this one actually tastes pretty good it’s 1 tbspoon per serving

Great for constipation helps with a good night’s rest so I have to take this after taking all of these supplements I normally take all the supplements at night when I’m less nauseous and less likely to regurgitate and yeah I’m not trying to be too fussy but I’m just

Trying to get the nutrients that I need for my body since I’m not eating as much as I should be to also track my pregnancy besides the pregnancy bottle I also use the what to expect app just check it like every week it’s not a big

Deal has like the little videos on it little recommendations and suggestions so I do like that app there’s many pregnancy apps that one is just free and works so I just use it and yeah I really like like the information that they give on the what to expect website so I like

That one all right so babies’s growth so far if you’ve been keeping up with me I’ve shared a lot of my sonogram photos within my Vlogs but now I’ll be showing them like more so in my pregnancy updates as well I did go to a pren natal

Visit about 2 days ago for my 16th week which is an important week for the baby’s development the muscles and the bones are taking shape the liver and the pancreas are starting to work more lung tissue is forming the toenails appear and the legs develop more so there’s

Just so many things that are happening at the 16th week that is just so important when I tell you when I seen the baby I was like oh my gosh he got so big so here he is right here I don’t know if you could see this is his head

Right here and his leg he really had his leg up his leg was cocked up and I got to see like his private part for the first time that really hit the nail on the head that it was a boy you just seen the private part pushing out between the

Thighs just clear as day and I’m like wow I’ve never seen that before on a Sonic but yeah the baby got so big you guys oh my gosh like I am so happy she checked for like the fluids to make sure the fluid levels was great to make sure

My uterus everything was okay the baby size she said he’s like 6 oz like I’m like oh wow right now according to the bottle he’s like as big as a small avocado they checked the kidneys the everything everything was great everything was so smooth ceiling with

The baby and I’m just so excited and appreciative for that so grateful I’ll be forgetting I’m pregnant sometimes but he reminds me with the flutters I be feeling the little flutter kicks they’re not as heavy but more apparent now but he’s definitely getting bigger cuz I’m

Feeling them a lot more now that is my 16 week update for the pregnancy I hope that you enjoyed it U make sure you thumbs up the video If you enjoyed it and you want to see more pregnancy updates also subscribe so that you don’t

Miss out on any other videos from me and I will see you in the next one bye