Taking THESE 7 Amazing Vitamins Will Transform Your LIFE & HEALTH

These 7 Inspirational Vitamins that most people are deficient in and as a result fail to heal or achieve their goals in life. Implement these 7 inspirational vitamins and what your life transform before your eyes in 2024.

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Disclaimer: This video is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have specific questions related to your personal health please refer to your physician.

Peace and blessings welcome back to the channel once again where we talk all things health and healing from a holistic perspective and today will be no different today we are celebrating a new year a new chapter in life a new revolution around the Sun um we’re celebrating going through the 12 or 13

Zodiacs it is a new year and I want to say happy New Year’s to you and welcome to 20 24 2024 is going to be a magical year and I’ve talked to you guys and especially my tribe members about the importance of numerology understanding How the Universe speaks in numbers and

The number 2024 is a very magical number for a lot of different reasons when you add the numbers up individually 2 plus 0 plus 2 plus 4 you get eight eight has always been my favorite number if you flip eight on the side is it’s a sign of

Infinity eight is also a in numerology a sign of balance between the spiritual world and materialistic world uh it is also a number of power in abundance as well too if you add the numbers 20 plus 24 you get 44 which is also a very spiritual and Powerful number as well

Too because it is a sign of not only love but also spiritual power and development as well too and 44 just so happen to be the the new chapter of this spiritual journey that I’m experiencing this year as well too so 44 is a very powerful number in numerology so this is

Going to be a magical year if you are an alignment and I think that’s the really important thing to understand about life I know that I’ve heard a lot of people complain about 2023 being a very rough year for them uh experiencing a lot of tragedy experiencing a lot of loss

Experiencing a lot of lessons that could be viewed as L’s and I talk about this a lot in my book life is my Guru so if you need some context on how to wrap your mind around that then life is my Guru is definitely a book that you need to read

If you haven’t read it already but I think what’s important to know and understand is about progressing through the spiritual journey that we’re having is that when we look back on our lives it’s only for the purposes of looking back for reflection to pull the lessons out okay

And to take those lessons and to use them in our current presence okay our current now because that’s the only where that’s the only place that you can use lessons you can’t use lessons in the past you can’t go back in the past and say all right I learned these lessons

From the past and I I need to use them so I can change the future you can’t do that you can’t go into the future and use the lessons that you learned okay you can only use the lessons the wisdom in your now that’s why now is the most

Powerful moment and in this moment it is the first day of 2024 and what I want to do for you with this video instead of it being my typical hey if you got this going on then you do this what I want to do is give you seven

Inspirational vitamins that you can use on a daily basis in 2024 that is going to change your entire trajectory it’s going to change how you look at life which is ultimately going to change your life in general and I think that’s really important for people to understand because I know that people

Come to my channel to understand how to heal in a more natural you know uh and more holistic approach but what’s important to know know and understand is the most important thing to Healing is your perspective first and so what I want to do is give you some

Inspirational vitamins to not only wake up and take every morning in 2024 and moving forward but also use these inspirational vitamins to change how you think about life and I do believe if you adopt these seven these seven inspiration vitamins that I’m about to share with you your life will be very

Different you’re going to become that highest version of yourself that you get small glimpses of in small moments and those moments will stretch into hours and then days and then weeks months and then years and it will become who you are and I think that’s what life is all

About is figuring out how do we take those moments of greatness and make them our entire life and it’s my hope that these seven inspirational vitamins will do just that for you so and before we get started sharing is caring okay everything I put out to you this is this

Is free information but it’s not free because knowledge isn’t power the application of knowledge is power so I can tell you I can give you the blueprint for success but if you have the blueprint and you don’t actually apply it to your life it will be useless and other thing that’s really important

Is that if you apply this to your life and then don’t share with others then you’re going to feel very alone which is something that a lot of us who are growing spiritually feel we feel alone we feel isolated because we start to think different believe different and

Then our experiences become different in life and our abundance becomes more prevalent in life and then everybody around us is stuck where they are they are this is why it’s so important to share okay this is what that this is part of that that beautiful cycle of creation and abundance and manifesting

Is that it’s not just for you share with those who are in alignment share with those who are seeking as well too so make sure you share this video and if it’s your first video with me make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button because if you like this kind of

Content then I’ll start producing more of this kind of content and I think that this is the kind of content that takes people from stuck to Limitless okay so let’s get started number one your number one inspirational vitamin is that you have to change your mindset you have to

Start there you cannot start any other place you have to change your mindset and here’s why this is so important it’s so important because you have to realize that it is unfortunate but the society that we live in today we have L literally been program to be a shrunken version of

Ourselves the way that we’re educated the way that we are spoken to grow growing up the things that we learn on television we learn through m music movies Etc if you start to look at the overall theme of all of that programming that we get from the people we love that

We get from strangers that we get from teachers that we get from you know people at church the list goes on and on if you start to look at the programming they are literally programming us to be sick to be overweight to think that we’re never enough and our lives

Literally become that so this is why it’s so important the first thing you have to do is you have to change your mindset first you have to do that first because if you don’t change this everything else is going to be a uphill battle because as soon as you start to

Do the other things your mind that programmed mindset is going to kick in and tell you hey why are you doing all this it’s not true you can’t manifest things into your life your life is what it is okay and guess what you’re going to do all this work and get disappointed

And then how you’re going to feel even worse that’s what happens when you start doing before you change your mindset okay so the first thing you have to do is you have to change your mindset to a healing mindset to an abundance mindset you have to believe that you’re capable

And not only capable of manifesting anything that you’re wanting in your life but you first have to believe that you actually deserve it okay and a lot of people will make the assumption that that they believe that they deserve everything but if you do a fair assessment of yourself and look in truth

What you’ll find is that in many cases most of us don’t believe we actually deserve it which is why we get what we get in life we get what we get because we get exactly what we believe we’re capable of achieving and we get what we

Get because we that’s what we believe we deserve now not only when it comes to the healing that we want but the people that are in our lives we get the girlfriend or boyfriend that we don’t want repeatedly because that’s what we believe that we deserve okay we get the

Income that we continue to get because that’s what we believe we deserve okay and it’s so important that we change this we focus on reprogramming this to a healing mindset to an abundance mindset said as my man always tells me your prosperity and your abundance is your

Birthright it is something that you have inherited it was planted in you before you came here this is the reason why you desire the things that you do you’re Desiring them not just because it’s a want you’re Desiring them because before you even came here this was something

That you told yourself this is what I need along my journey this is is something that I’m capable of manifesting because when we’re only in spiritual form we only know Limitless when we come into our bodies we experience limitation that’s the whole process of becoming a human to experience limitation now we’re supposed

To experience limitation physically but in terms of like our spiritual limitations there’s no limits okay we can manifest whatever it is we want in life okay but we lose that recognition of what we’re capable of because of all that programming that I talked about before so number one you

Got to change your mindset that’s the first inspirational vitamin that you got to wake up every day with a programmed mindset that is an alignment with all of your desires your wants and the things that you want to achieve during the spiritual journey that’s number one you

Got to start there all right number two you got to detox your life you gotta detox your entire life now a lot of you know I have my detox and I’m actually doing my detox right now this is the parasite candida cleanse so this is day one for me

Starting the detox as you know I’m do I do a 30-day group detox and we got about 5 600 people inside of there and doing the detox right now herbs are amazing for doing a physical detox okay and the reason why I say that is because a lot

Of times we have things that we’re attached to and some of those attachments are voluntary and some of those are involuntary and some of those are conscious and some of those are unconscious we’re not even aware of but a lot of the things that are in our bodies physically like parasites like

Yeast these type of things have become a so attached to us they’re they’re controlling us parasites control what you think about they control what you eat they control you to the point they can make you itch they can control you to the point that they’ll make you choose a certain kind

Of food at a certain type time of day as well too physical parasites but you also have you know parasites in the form of people around you who are just taking from you making your cup empty on a daily basis we also have parasitic habits and

Thoughts as well too okay some of those habits are our food choices some of those habits are the conversations that we’re choosing to play a part in and this is why it’s so important to look around in our life and see where it’s toxic you know is my refrigerator toxic

Okay is the places that I’m going to toxic is is you know the type of music that I’m listening to toxic find the toxicity in your life and start letting go okay surrender let those things go that are no longer serving you this is

Why I do my detox every 3 to four months I do it not just for the physical benefits because a lot of you know when you do my detox you also sometimes feel this spiritual likeness okay a lot of people people who do my detox during the detox they have

This very emotional moment where they just cry for no reason sometimes there’s toxic emotions and feelings that have essentially been swept under the rug you didn’t deal with them maybe somebody passed away maybe you had a breakup maybe there was something you needed to say to get off your heart you never said

It and it became toxic inside of you and when you do the detox all of a sudden all these emotions start flooding out of you you don’t know why you’re emotional you don’t know why you’re going through it but after it happens you feel so much lighter and better okay which is crazy

You you think herbs are just there to remove heavy metals acidity mucus feal waste those type of things but they also help with other things as well too we know that Sage for instance if you burn Sage Sage is supposed to clear the room of any uh negative spiritual

Spiritual presence okay sages in one of my herbal Blends okay so it’s really important to understand you the second thing you have to do once you change this mindset is you got to stop flooding your life with toxicity you got to remove people you got to remove certain

Kind of foods you got to remove certain kind of environments you got to detox your life okay and a lot of people’s inability to do that their inability to let certain people go because they’re in these toxic relationships okay where they’re trauma bonding okay and those people are

Keeping you where you at because guess what when you’re in a a toxic relationship nobody wants you to no longer be toxic because then they’re Toxic by them themselves when you’ve been trauma bonding with them you know so that friend that every time you decide that you’re going to eat healthy

And you bring a salad and some chickpeas and some healthy food for that day for lunch and when they meet up and see you with it they like now here you go again you ain’t going to even make it I already know you going to eat half of

That today and then you goingon to be asking me for some of my food yeah we got people like that you gotta you have to either get to a point where you either have to let that person go or you have to create boundaries okay so detoxing your life is a huge huge

Part of how you start to push yourself in a trajectory where you’re becoming the highest version of yourself this is why it’s so important as an inspirational vitamin to take this vitamin every day and see where there’s things that you need to let go that are no longer

Serving you that are not only no longer serving you but are now toxic to you they are making you spiritually physically emotionally and mentally sick okay this is why detoxing is absolutely imperative if you want to stay on that trajectory because a lot of people will start to take five steps towards the

Highest version of themselves and then have these toxic moments where it pulls them 10 steps backwards okay so you got to do that that’s the second inspirational vitamin you have got to detox your life okay let go and surrender to things that are no longer serving you okay number three you got to

Surround yourself with greatness okay you got the toxicity out of your life now okay that toxicity has to now be replaced with all the greatness that is aligned with where you want to go the path in your life okay you can’t just get rid of the bad stuff

You got to align yourself with things that are sending your frequency up okay adding vibration to you and instead of taking it away okay that’s everything from people to food can’t be eating low vibrational food and wondering why you don’t have energy okay wondering why you feel sluggish why you’re fatigued all the

Time okay so you got to surround yourself for greatness everything you put into this vehicle that we call a human body for our spiritual experience has to be greatness that uplifts you to the point where you’re getting to that highest version of yourself so your friends

The people you hang out with at work the conversations that you’re having the music that you’re listening to the environments that you go into okay you if you got a problem with alcohol don’t go to bars I told people this and they don’t understand the importance of committing

Yourself to yourself to a degree where you don’t even put yourself in position to make the mistake or put yourself in a position where people people are persuading or coing you to make the mistake because they want you to be on the same Lev level with them okay when

People start seeing you trying to go up you know it’s not that they don’t love you in in many cases they want to keep you where they at because they love your company and as they say misery love loves company okay so the important thing about surrounding yourself with

Great greatness the third inspirational vitamin is you have to be vigilant and be constantly conscious about where you’re going into going to and who you’re spending that time with okay because where you’re spending your time and who you’re spending that time with will determine what your 2024 is going to be

Without a doubt where you spend your time if I spend most of my time at the gym and I spend most of my time in my creative space being creative and I spend most of my time having positive conversations and I spend most of my time around people who also love to have

Positive uh conversations and love to uplift me in the same way that I want to uplift them then guess what I can’t help but moving toward the direction of greatness but when I spend my time around people who are constantly always taking and never giving when I spend my time in environments

That make it easy for me to eat horrible food make horrible choices when I spend my time in those type of environments again it goes back to what I said before you can only get what you’re getting by what you’re choosing in life okay all right it’s

Hugely important you get what you get in life based upon what I just talked about okay so the third inspirational vitamin you have to surround yourself with greatness in terms of how you think the people you around okay where you go the environments that you go into this is

Hugely important all right number four number four you have to take ownership of your health and your wellbeing you have to take ownership of that I’m not responsible for it your doctor is not responsible for it the FDA is not responsible for it the CDC is not

Responsible for it the EPA is not responsible for it the hospitals are not responsible for it the food companies are not responsible for it and the drug companies are not responsible for your health you are you are responsible for your well-being you are responsible for the things you think you are responsible

For the things that you believe in and you’re responsible for what you believe you deserve take ownership of it stop giving it away I don’t give a damn if they call themselves The Food and Drug Administration they’re not good doing a very good job of administering okay because if they would

When you go into the store the vast majority of the food is toxic it will kill you okay medical era is the third leading cause of death okay that means they gave the right drug to the right patient at the right time or the right surgery on the right limb Etc and they

Still kill the person okay or harmed the person or injured the person so what I’m saying is you have to take ownership of it it’s yours you’re the owner of it stop giving it away take ownership of your greatness take ownership of your Divinity they’ve tricked us into

Believing that it is it is not only their responsibility for us to be healthy but they have tricked us in believing that we have absolutely no power around our well-being or our abundance everything is dependent on something outside of ourselves and the more and more you believe that you will

Be incapable of all things that are great incapable of all things are great so you have to take ownership of your well-being this is the fourth inspirational vitamin that every day when you wake up and you look in the mirror you say hey I want you to know

I’m taking ownership for your well-being today every decision that I make every decision I make from the thoughts that I choose the music that I listen to how I move throughout life what I eat what I look at the people I surround myself with the environments that I go through

I want you to know know I’m going to make a Divine choice for you look in the mirror and say this to yourself and what you will begin to to notice is that you will start to fall in love with yourself because you will feel protected by you

Because on a subconscious level every time we make the choice to eat something that is toxic for us to have a a gossiping conversation surrounded with negativity to go in environments that we know are harmful for us to have relationships and friendships with people that aren’t serving us and we

Have to be inauthentic to do that okay that sends a subconscious message to yourself that not only do I hate me but also I don’t care about me okay so this is why it’s so important we have to take ownership because when you take ownership is it’s the equivalent of

Saying I got you I love you I have compassion for you I have Grace for you I’m making choices that you can feel protected by okay number five stop shrinking so that others will feel more comfortable with themselves stop shrinking Yourself by doing things like not saying something when you’re supposed to say

Something okay stop shrinking yourself when you get good news and not sharing it because you’re around people that when you share good news they don’t feel happy for you stop doing that those aren’t people you need to be around when you every time you string it

Does not serve the world and then it does not serve your purpose it is an abom domination to your Divinity your Divinity is sitting within you bursting with capability and potentiality and the ability to create Beyond any scale that you can even believe it is possible for yourself and to watch you int

Intentionally strink yourself by not saying something not doing something not being something every day every moment that you do you become smaller and smaller and smaller and you get further and further away from your Divine self so every moment every day that you wake up makes you pop this inspirational

Vitamin that I am no longer shrinking I am no longer shrinking so that others will feel comfortable around me I’m going to live in my greatness if my greatness if my truth truth offends anyone that is more of a representation of who they are and where they at and not a reflection of

Myself okay so you got to live by that inspirational vitamin number five stop shrinking so that others will feel comfortable okay number six number six make daily deposits for your health daily deposits don’t make self-care is something that you do when something breaks down make daily

Deposits I tell people all the time I look at my health in the form of a bank account you’re either making daily deposits or you making withdrawals and most people are making so me many withdrawals at some point their account overdrafts and it goes into the negative and this is what we

Call disease this is what we call disease it is a lack of self-care it’s a lack of attention and it’s a lack of consideration and compassion for self that’s what disease is okay so we got to get to a point where we’re constantly making daily if not hourly deposits into

Our health inspiring ourselves motivating ourselves checking ourselves as they say if you don’t check yourself you’re going to wreck yourself it’s so important that we make these daily deposits every day so when you get up every day figure out how you’re going to move AKA exercise figure out what you’re going to

Accomplish for the day figure out what you’re going to eat that’s going to add more life to you okay figure out where you’re going to be spending your time and who you’re going to be spending your time with figure out how this page and the chapter of your life how you’re

Going to write it and look look back on it and say that was a good page this is what you need to do on a daily basis how much water am I going to be drinking how much fiber I’m going to get in the form of plants oh yeah I’m

Going to do my green smoothie yeah I need a green juice okay this is what you need to be doing every day inspirational vitamin number six make daily deposits in your health remember health is the highest form of wealth without it nothing is possible with it everything is in Your

Divine Alignment okay and the final one number seven do Shadow work you got to do the shadow work where’re Shadow work Shadow our shadows are the parts of ourselves that we’ve disowned disconnected from and swept under the rugs it’s the parts of ourselves we think are ugly that are not

Deserving that we want nobody to know about and that we do not want to do any work on okay and those are the parts of ourselves those dark parts of ourselves that is the boundary between you being who you are right now and you being Your Divine

Self that’s part of why we’re still here that’s why you’re still here in 2024 the whole purpose is to do the work to do the healing not the job okay we all got to clock in we all got to you know make an income I’m talking about

The spiritual work that you’re he here for we’re not here to just work for 40 years retire at 65 and then wait to die by 74 that’s not why we’re here we’re here to do the work the spiritual work okay and that the shadow parts of ourselves is that

Spiritual work I always tell people all the time we’re not trying to heal you know the 30 year old the 40 year old versions of ourselves we’re trying to heal that 8-y old version of ourselves that was picked on and bullied that never got the love and attention

That they needed from their parents and as a result felt neglected and abandoned who was possibly molested or you know uh uh or possibly you know grew up in an environment that was unsafe okay that’s who we’re always trying to heal and as a result what we see as adult is only the

Byproduct of that lack of heal that we didn’t didn’t get when we were a child so how we act out as adults is really just the result of that lack of healing or those unresolved traumas we experience as a child okay and so it’s important for us to do the shadow work

You got to dig up the parts of yourself that you’ve disowned the dark parts of yourself they always say it’s all about light okay yeah light is awareness and the beautiful thing about awareness being light is that when you bring light or awareness to our the dark parts of ourselves light it eliminates

Darkness so you can’t just sweep it into the darkness you got to add light which is awareness and that awareness is what’s going to start the healing process for you okay so those are your seven inspirational vitamins for 2024 I want you to commit yourself to it

Because you deserve what’s on the other side of all the healing and all the commitment that you’re going to do on a daily basis to get to being that Divine highest version of yourself I hope you have enjoyed this video um I hope that you’ll share this with somebody that you

Love promise me that you’ll share this with at least 10 people the minute after you actually see this video share with at least 10 people and if it changes is only one person’s live we can change thousands until the next time peace and blessings and God speed