Are you getting enough of this vitamin?

We often hear about vitamin B12 deficiency, usually in the context of vegetarianism or veganism. While following a plant-based lifestyle does increase the risk for a B12 deficiency, following an omnivore diet alone does not mean you are meeting your needs!

Many people experience absorbancy issues with B12, especially if they are taking antacids long-term for conditions like acid reflux. The best way to ensure you are consuming AND absorbing adequate vitamin B12 levels is to check in a bloodtest!

Have you checked your B12 levels lately?

#nutrition #vitamin #supplements #mentalhealth

Is vitamin B12 important for mental health low levels of B12 have been consistently associated with impaired mood have you ever noticed that many of the commercial energy drinks contain B12 in it that’s because people who are deficient perceive an energy boost from it vitamin B12 is found in animal

Products but can also be found in nutritional yeast vitamin B12 can become compromised by poor absorption in the gut many anti- acid products impair the absorption of B12 checking your B12 levels is wise but many argue that the lower range is too low you want it to be

Closer to 500 if you need a B12 supplement the liquid sublingual form is an excellent choice