Powerful Vitamins to Dissolve BLOOD CLOTS Fast | Health Mastery Hub

Powerful Vitamins to Dissolve Blood Clots Fast
Ever wonder what vitamins or supplements to take to reduce the risk of blood clots symptoms in your legs, blood clot in your brain, blood clot in your lungs?

Also known as coagulation, blood clotting is a normal function in the human body that helps to stop bleeding, whenever there is an injury or wound in your blood vessels.

When blood clots to not dissolve properly they can get stuck inside your artery or a vein, causing issue like a heart attack, a stroke, a pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis.

In this video we explore the 6 best vitamins to clear blood clots naturally including Vitamin E, Nattokinase, Vitamin C complex, Phytonutrients, Potassium and Magnesium.

These natural supplements support fibrinolysis, the body’s natural means of dissolving blood clots to help prevent the aforementioned mentioned dangers.

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#naturalremedies #thrombosis #6vitaminstounclogyourarteries #vitaminstodissolvebloodclots #vitaminsforbloodclots #vitamins #healthmasteryhub

✅ Timestamps:

⏰ 00:00 – Intro
⏰ 01:50 – Vitamin E
⏰ 02:55 – Nattokinase
⏰ 04:53 – Vitamin C
⏰ 06:16 – Phytonutrients
⏰ 07:33 – Potassium & Magnesium
⏰ 08:55 – Cod Liver Oil
⏰ 09:47 – Other Methods for Resolving Blood Clots
⏰ 12:35 – Outro

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Did you know that Six vitamins can help your body  eliminate blood clots? Blood clotting is a normal   feature of the human body that helps to halt  bleeding when your blood vessels are injured   or damaged. The issue is that these clots  do not always dissolve completely and can  

Break off into your bloodstream. They can then  become caught or lodged in an artery or vein,   obstructing normal blood flow. Undissolved blood  clots can cause deep vein thrombosis in your legs,   resulting in muscle tightness, red skin that  feels warm to the touch, and the veins becoming  

More visible beneath the skin. A blood clot can  also cause a stroke if it is close to your brain,   a heart attack if it is in your coronary  artery, a pulmonary embolism in your lungs,   and a variety of other health concerns depending  on where the clot becomes caught in your vascular  

System. In this video, I’ll go over the top six  vitamins that can help your body break blood clots   naturally and allow your blood to flow freely.  You’ll also learn about some of the finest foods,   lifestyle suggestions, and dietary modifications  you can make to prevent thrombosis. Keep in mind  

That I use the term “vitamins” very broadly  to encompass minerals, herbs, and nutritional   supplements that may be used to dissolve blood  clots. This video is only for educational reasons;   consult your doctor for a correct diagnosis  before attempting any of these natural therapies. 

The first on the list is vitamin E. Vitamin E is  one of the most critical nutrients for dissolving   blood clots and preventing heart attacks, strokes,  and thrombosis. When the inner walls of your   arteries or veins become damaged or irritated,  life-threatening blood clots occur. However,  

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that can  protect these blood vessels from oxidative damage,   preventing hazardous clots from developing. You  can take up to 300mg of vitamin E in the form   of tocotrienols per day if you want. Tocotrienols  are part of the vitamin E complex and are 50 times  

Stronger than the ordinary tocopherols found  in over-the-counter vitamin E pills. Avocados,   sunflower seeds, extra virgin olive  oil, hazelnuts, Swiss chard, and leafy   green vegetables are good sources of vitamin E. The second remedy is a remarkable enzyme known as   nattokinase. Every day of your life, your body is  continually generating and eliminating new blood  

Clots, particularly on the interior of your blood  vessels. Unfortunately, when we age, gain weight,   have liver problems, or experience hormonal  changes, our bodies struggle to break down these   clots. There are certain natural enzymes you can  take as a supplement to help your body dissolve  

These blood clots. You might, for example, take  100mg of nattokinase per day. If you choose,   in the form of a capsule. Nattokinase is an  enzyme found in fermented soybeans that has   been demonstrated to thin the blood and breakdown  fibrin, a protein. This is the substance that  

Accounts for more than half of the bulk of a  blood clot. Other fibrinolytic enzymes that aid   in the prevention of blood clots can be obtained  by eating pineapple, which contains bromelain,   which aids in the dissolution of clots.  Papayas include an enzyme called papain,  

Which does the same process. Serrapeptase, which  is taken from silkworms, and lumbrokinase, which   is refined from earthworms, are also available  as supplements. All of these natural enzymes can   help thin your blood, so if you’re on any blood  thinning medicines, consult your doctor first. 

If you’re finding this information helpful at  all, please hit the like button, subscribe,   and turn all notifications on to stay updated  with my latest health and nutrition tips.  Number 3 involves the vitamin C complex. Vitamin  C is an essential ingredient that humans must  

Eat daily from plant-based foods such as salad  greens, vegetables, berries, and fruits. People   who are deficient in vitamin C have a higher  risk of developing inflammation and plaque   inside their arteries, which increases the risk  of blood clots forming and blocking blood flow,  

Resulting in a stroke or heart attack. Vitamin  C is crucial because it helps to keep the smooth   collagen inside your arteries flexible and the  blood flowing normally. Consuming foods such as   cabbage, sauerkraut, strawberries, bell peppers,  and cruciferous vegetables is the best approach to  

Strengthen your body’s vitamin C and antioxidant  networks. Please avoid over-the-counter ascorbic   acid supplements since they contain only 5% of the  actual vitamin C complex and will not provide you   with the same results. If you do decide to take  a supplement, utilize a whole fruit powder such  

As acerola cherry, rose hips, or camu camu. Number four is phytonutrients. Phytonutrients   are natural compounds produced by plants that work  as natural medicines when consumed by humans. So,   let’s look at some of the most  well-studied phytonutrients that   can aid in the dissolution of blood clots.  The first is garlic, which contains allicin,  

A chemical that thins the blood, inhibits  stiffness in the arterial walls, and lowers   the risk of blood clots. If you dislike eating  garlic, you can take aged garlic extract as a   supplement at a dose of 2400mg per day to help  keep your arteries clear of plaque. Capers are  

Now commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine,  and they are the richest source of quercetin,   a phytonutrient that can aid in the prevention  of blood clot formation in the body. Finally,   Turmeric contains Curcumin, which aids in blood  sugar regulation, reduces inflammation in the  

Vascular system, and lowers the likelihood of  a blood clot obstructing an artery or vein. And now we get to number 5, Potassium and  Magnesium. The two most important minerals   for heart health are potassium and magnesium.  The cardiovascular system and the arteries. If  

You have high blood pressure or fluid retention in  your body due to inactivity, or if you eat a lot   of starchy or sugary foods, you may be more likely  to develop a dangerous blood clot because these   conditions put pressure and strain on your artery  walls, causing bleeding, clotting, and platelet  

Activation. The easiest method to avoid these  issues is to consume potassium and magnesium-rich   foods daily, such as leafy greens, kale, broccoli,  avocados, brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes,   salmon, and pumpkin seeds. For an added boost,  take an electrolyte powder containing potassium  

Citrate and magnesium citrate, which you  can simply mix. And drink a glass of water   first thing in the morning. For those of you who  have deep vein thrombosis or edema in the feet,   these minerals are vital for reducing  swelling, particularly in the feet and legs. 

Finally, nutrient number six is critical, and it  is cod liver oil. Taking one tablespoon of virgin   cod liver oil on a daily basis is one of the most  powerful strategies to support overall health as   you age. This is one of the world’s healthiest and  richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids. These have  

Been demonstrated to lower triglycerides, or blood  fats, and to keep platelets from clumping together   and causing dangerous blood clots. Omega-3 fatty  acids also aid to lower blood pressure and relax   arterial walls for improved blood flow, lowering  the risk of stroke, thrombosis, heart attacks,  

And embolism. You may achieve the similar effect  by consuming tinned sardines, wild salmon,   anchovies, mackerel, shellfish, and walnuts. Other methods for dissolving blood clots. In   addition to the vitamins and natural  therapies we’ve discussed thus far,   there are some other simple ways to dissolve  blood clots naturally. For example, if you smoke  

Anything containing tobacco or nicotine, such as  cigarettes, you should stop because these might   raise adrenaline and cause blood clots to form.  I know it’s difficult if you’re hooked, but you   can at least try taking some B vitamins, which  might help you relax during withdrawal symptoms. 

Dangerous blood clots can also form when  people consume an excessive amount of fast   food and processed foods, which are cooked  with inflammatory vegetable oils such as soy,   canola, cottonseed, or maize oils. So, start  making your own healthier meals at home with  

Less processed fats like raw coconut oil, extra  virgin olive oil, or avocado oil, since these   will all assist to prevent blood clots and are  far better than fast foods. Obesity, pregnancy,   birth control medications, and hormone replacement  therapy can all enhance estrogen levels,  

Increasing your risk of clotting. Especially if  you’re sitting for an extended amount of time,   such as on a plane or a bus, or if you’re on bed  rest. Simply begin exercising and moving your body   as much as possible to promote better blood flow  to reduce these dangers. If you’re stranded on a  

Plane or at home, try to stand up and walk around  at least once per hour, and consider wearing   compression socks on long flights. It’s also a  good idea to stay hydrated and drink at least one   liter of bottled water per day to keep your blood  from becoming too thick and prone to clotting. 

Finally, I’d want to offer you one more  piece of advice. You are more likely to   develop a life-threatening blood clot if you have  hypertension, diabetes, high LDL cholesterol,   or chronic stress. To reduce your risk, try to  eat as cleanly as possible by avoiding starchy,  

Sugary, and processed foods, and consider  a low carb diet. I recommend eating 2 to   3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast each day  to provide B vitamins, particularly niacin,   which can expand and open your blood vessels  to prevent a blockage or blood clot. If you  

Suspect you have a blood clot, consult your  doctor, and request a full blood count,   a fibrinogen test, and a venous ultrasound. If you’d like to learn about other health tips   that can help you improve your health and take  your wellbeing to the next level, please click  

The video that’s currently playing on your screen. Your health is your greatest asset, and you don’t   need to be rich to eat healthy. Thank you  for taking your time to watch my video today,   and as always, I wish you good  health, happiness, and wealth.