HMB Supplement Benefits: Why You SHOULD Consider It [NEW Research]

🦶We review what is HMB suppement, HMB and vitamin d3, hmb benefits, creatine & hmb!🦶

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0:00 Intro
0:26 What is HMB
3:10 HMB Side effects
3:58 Creatine & HMB Benefits
6:14 HMB New Benefits & Research
7:01 HMB & Vitamin D Study
7:26 HMB Muscle Building
8:41 HMB for cancer & sarcopenia
9:36 Stop muscle loss
11:54 My Recommendation

Dr. Tomasz Biernacki received his Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine in 2013; he completed his Surgical Reconstructive Foot Surgery & Podiatric Medicine Residency in 2017; he completed 2x traveling Fellowships in Diabetic Surgery, Skin Grafting & Nerve Surgery. He is double board certified in Podiatric Medicine and Foot & Ankle Surgery. Dr. Biernacki is a licensed podiatrist & surgeon in Michigan. This video should not be used to self-diagnose and is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Biernacki and you. It would be best to not change your health regimen or diet before consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam & diagnosis. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.

This is Dr. Tom Biernacki And today I’m going over the new research on HMB Supplements Vitamin D, Creatine & cancer age related problems. If you’re a bodybuilder, I’m not a bodybuilder, but I do work out a little bit. Does HMB show studies that benefit this?

We’re going over all the new HMB studies 2020 for 2023. We’re starting now. Some studies show that HMB is actually more positive than testosterone and steroid injections. So can you go from this guy to this guy? Well, not quite, but the results are actually really good

For HMB and for creatine as a combo, as well as a few other things. We’re going to go over the studies. So I made a video about H and B, the basics, the pros, the cons, the dosage, who should use it, who shouldn’t use it.

I go over that a little bit more in-depth below. Right now, I’m focusing more on the new studies. What are the new studies showing a trend? B is also known as beta hydroxy B, methyl butyrate. That’s a mouthful. It is a compound that’s derived from the amino acid leucine.

It’s a critical component in the synthesis of muscle protein and muscle building. It’s often used by athletes, bodybuilders, but where it’s really shown to be beneficial are people who lose muscle mass. So if you’re in your seventies, your eighties, your nineties, you start to kind of go over a cliff.

You don’t have the muscle mass you did as a teenager. There’s a lot of studies that show basically doing nothing, sitting on your butt. You can be strong as a 20 year old, as a teenager, but as a senior, you have to be doing a lot more work.

You have to be doing it more productively. You have to be doing it more effectively just to maintain your muscle mass. This is an excellent study that looked at almost 50,000 people and measured their grip strength, which is a great indicator for your overall muscle strength.

So that’s how hard to grip essentially on a grip strength device. But look at as you get past your forties over to your sixties, at your sixties, you basically start to go over the cliff. It’s even worse for women. So as you get older

And as you get over 65, your bone mass, your muscle mass go down. And one of the big secrets is if you can maintain your muscle mass and keep functional, it keeps everything going. It keeps your metabolism, your bone strength going. Here is where it gets even more exciting.

They’ve determined that there is no change in metabolism if your muscle mass stays the same. That’s insane to me. Your metabolic rate is predicted largely by your fat free mass. So if you can keep your muscle up, theoretically your metabolism should stay up into your eighties nineties.

If you can maintain that muscle mass, which is the goal with creatine and HMB there is a more and more likelihood that you can enjoy those last decades of your life. And B is very effective for older people or people that are so overwhelmed

That are going through muscle breakdown, sore muscles every day. It could be a pretty strong option. But in bodybuilders as well, it’s been shown to enhance muscle mass strength and recovery. Let’s look at the side effects first each and HMB is generally considered to be very safe at the recommended dosages.

In most of these studies, people took three grams per day. Some broke it up in a couple of doses. But really taking it once per day was pretty easy. The known side effects are minor and rare, but they can include some bloating, some GI issues, some cramps.

There were some interactions with other medications. If you’re one of those seniors, kind of like some of my patients that come in with a list of like 30 medications. You want to be careful. You always want to start lt have your doctor available on speed dial. Potentially, if something goes wrong,

Start taking a smaller amount and see how it does. If you’re having issues, dial it back or stop it completely because nobody studies all the interactions. Nobody knows for sure. You have to be your own doctor at a certain point. A lot of these studies looked at HMB

Combined with other supplements in other situation, especially creatine. The results with creatine can be fairly quick they can actually be measured on the blood levels. So what’s recommended is a loading phase. And when you perform a loading phase within about one week, you can actually see your body weight go your muscle strength

Go up and potentially your energy levels in the gym. So when you’re doing a bench press or when you’re doing squats, you can see your energy level go up. there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence, is on Instagram, on Tik Tok, a lot of people try and oversell the benefits,

But the studies are actually pretty good. Taking it for a six day loading period. You can see the levels go up from about 120 to about 145 or so. So that’s a decent chunk of weight. I think for me, like £10

Or more of water weight and muscle mass, you can feel it immediately. And when I stop taking it, my weight drops comprehensively. But don’t worry, you’re actually stronger and you feel better. Creatine. If you don’t use it already, check out my video on creatine. It’s the single most studied supplement. Very effective.

Very well studied, very safe. Personally taking and creatine is probably my number one. Listen, I’m not a pro bodybuilder, but I have a lot of kids. I work some pretty excessive hours. I work out quickly in the morning. I noticed right away. Creatine makes a huge difference for me.

That’s probably my number one. Go to that. I’ve noticed a difference with. Tell me if you have something better or if I’m missing some. But I’m a big fan of creatine and HMB was combined in some of these studies and the goal was creatine helps you have more muscle energy

And build up your muscle and HMB helps it stop breaking down. There are some studies out there that essentially show that HMB is more powerful and potent in steroids for strength, lean body mass and fat mass. But that’s probably overblown a little bit. But these studies are out there. And you know what?

For some people initially, HMB can provide no doubt great results. But if you look at these studies, essentially, you could take this 70 year old man, 80 year old man, and turn him into this in just a month. That’s probably not the case.

But there have been high level studies showing that over time, taking both three grams of HMB and about five grams of creatine can lead to dramatically greater amounts of muscle mass throughout your life. There’s a protein called Leucine, HMB is essentially a precursor to leucine. And what it does is it signals

Your muscles to not break down and stops them from breaking down, combined with creatine & HMB has a pretty good effect. Now, the most interesting study I’ll start off with in 2020, a proposal for a double blind study in Hong Kong to be published in the British

Journal of Medicine with 144 subjects aged 65 and above, taking ab3 grams plus protein, plus some of them taking creatine. So far they have looked at the study and it does increase walking speed, preserving muscle mass and decreasing fall risk. So they’ve been doing this study for a couple of years already.

It’s still early in the study. It’s not complete. Even looking at the proposal, there is a lot of benefits. I’m very interested to see how that one will turn out. double blind study with 117 people over 60 years old was performed studying vitamin D and HMB and the results were excellent.

It showed that in both exercising and non exercising in adults over six and 12 months, there was an increase in lean body mass by a very significant margin. But we already know that vitamin D helps us with muscle function. So how much did the HMB contribute? Hard to say.

There was another study in 2020 that just got completed recently, but creatine and HMB at ten weeks of taking three grams of HMB and five grams of creatine. The patients were tested on a rowing machine. They had more strength and endurance, and it’s said that

A rowing machine works like 80% of your muscles or so. It’s both a test of muscle strength and endurance. Now we’re talking about older people here. We’re not talking about like a 20 year old in the prime of their life. We’re talking about people that get fatigued, that get tired.

They had better results with creatine and HMB rather than just creatine or HMB separately. When it came to strength training, the people at ten weeks did not have a significant improvements. For example, like doing bench press or squats. The numbers did not change significantly between the group.

They were much stronger in both endurance and the rowing. I would bet a lot of that is from the creatine. The thing we know is probably not a great study because A and B is more effective in muscle breakdown. It’s not really said

What the people did in the meantime besides just taking the supplement. So you’re not going to get quite this effect so soon. But as time goes on, if you’re taking your continuous creatine and you’re taking your continuous H and B, you will retain

And build some more muscle mass than you would have otherwise. There was another study in 2022 for cancer treatment. Muscle loss is called Sarcopenia and people undergoing cancer treatments Experience Sarcopenia. The patients in this study were supplemented with protein and HMB, but this was a meta analysis.

It looked at five studies and three out of the five studies showed clear benefit towards taking protein and maybe two out of the five did not show any significant benefit. They took three gram doses of HMB, they took about five grams of creatine and they measured muscle breakdown products.

Essentially, the people who did not take the H and be had slightly more muscle breakdown products and they measured something called creatine kinase. This study referenced the survival rates for high muscle mass and low muscle mass. So if you have sarcopenia, which is muscle loss, there is almost a 50% chance

Of greater chance that you will have serious complications or potentially even death during your cancer treatment. Those were the most recent larger scale studies. Generally looking back at review articles, meta analysis, e TMB shows that it can help with muscle supplementation specifically by preventing the breakdown of muscles.

This is such an important chart. As time goes on where initially Young were healthy throughout her adult life, but her muscle mass starts to decrease. If we can keep it up, we will live our golden years strong and healthy. If our muscle mass decreases, our bone mass decreases.

We go into the high risk zone. That bottom sea line is essentially rehab, where you have to strength and boost yourself up. But why not just prep for the future? Take your time, be creative, and stay strong ahead of time. You’re not going to get quite these results.

But the studies, especially high level double blind studies, do show pretty good results and at the very least some decent improve a man. Not that it really builds new muscles, it stops them from breaking down. So you’re always in a balance is breaking down

A little bit every day and building up every day. You want to stop that from breaking down. In the studies, there were some studies that basically said HMB did nothing. There were some studies that showed HMB prevented muscle loss. It’s probably somewhere in between. It’s not a miracle supplement.

The people it showed most help in is older adults over 65, 65, 70, 80 people with muscle breakdown like cancer was a very effective people in strenuous conditions and people who are new to working out. For example, if you’re an older patient, you’re starting a workout program or you’re going on walks,

That might be a good time to start using HMB, But they showed professional bodybuilders, people who are already seasoned athletes, the HMB did not have significant effect on them. Looking back at these, most of these studies work by looking at muscle damage markers like creatine kinase levels and with HMB supplemented groups,

They were much smaller than control groups. It’s much harder to do a study measuring your bench press level and see how much it goes up. But they measured blood levels of creatine kinase breakdown and there was less muscle breakdown in those people.

And almost all of these studies focused on about three grams per day. The duration varied. Some of these studies were for weeks, some of them were four months. There was no real long term study. So there’s no way to really look at, hey, I took HMB for five years. What were the results?

But if you personally are taking it for a long time, tell me what you think. Tell me your experiences and most of these meta analysis. So looking back over a large number of studies showed that is generally pretty safe. No significant side effects. What’s my recommendation?

Thing is if we can keep our muscle mass up and our muscle strength up, our metabolism will stay up. So you’ve probably seen guys that are in their seventies and eighties with a lot of strength still. They’re going to be functioning a lot better than really weak people.

It’s said that muscle strength is one of the single most important things to limit disease and increase the high quality of life later on. I do take it occasionally, but as a YouTuber, people send me this stuff so I usually have a lot available. The thing is, it’s not the cheapest.

You don’t have to go out and buy like 50 different supplements. I would say in order, get your creatine, get your vitamin D3, get your magnesium, get your vitamin K2, get your daily multivitamin, focus on those ones. You can also then get your omega three fatty acids.

Then if you have money and time left over, focus on stuff like HB. What you also want to do is protein isolate. If you’re strength training, you should be getting at least one gram per kilogram of protein per weight. Most people in America, in Europe are not doing this at this point,

Even though our calories are shooting through the roof, it’s more processed calories. So make sure you’re getting your protein in, especially if you’re older, if you have cancer, if you’re on a strength program, it’s a very beneficial. Tell me what you think about HMB. The studies are good, but they’re not overly conclusive.

They’re best in older people strength training, people, muscle breakdown, people, cancer patients. That’s where the results are. Check out my links to my HMB favorites. I like the brand neutral cost. It does a pretty good job. Check that out below and check out my video on creatine.

That should be your next go to and my video on protein.