Vitamins for Vision (7 Nutrients Your Eyes Need Daily)

As we age, our eyesight becomes more vulnerable to diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Fortunately, consuming key vitamins and nutrients can help maintain healthy vision as you get older. This video breaks down the top 7 essential vitamins and nutrients needed to support eye health over time.

We’ll explain how vitamin A, omega-3s, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, gamma linolenic acid, and lutein/zeaxanthin each help reduce risk for vision issues. You’ll learn why these nutrients are critical for clear sight, what foods contain them, and how making sure you get enough every day can preserve your eyes as you age. We also touch on lifestyle factors beyond diet that impact vision over the long term.

Follow along as we detail how each nutrient uniquely supports structures in the eye like the cornea, lens, retina and more. Taking steps to get sufficient amounts of these 7 key vitamins and nutrients can go a long way towards enjoying sharp, problem-free vision for decades to come. Learn how to nourish your eyes from the inside out!

#eyehealth #healthyeyes #nutriton #vitamins #minerals #eyesight #vision #eyes

Links to scientific Research:
E1- The WHO programme of prevention and control of vitamin A deficiency:
E2- The role of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in health and disease of the retina:
E3- Epidemiologic evidence of a role for the antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids in cataract prevention:
E4- Endogenous ascorbate regenerates vitamin E in the retina:
E5- Zinc in the eye:
E6- Oral omega-6 essential fatty acid treatment in contact lens associated dry eye:
E7- Lutein and zeaxanthin intake and the risk of age-related macular degeneration:


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Over time, our chances of developing eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and dry eye increase. Diet, lifestyle, and medical issues also accelerate these conditions. We’ll explain how key vitamins and minerals impact vision and safeguard eyes from age-related decline.

Vitamin A

The World Health Organization reports up to 7 million suffer noncorneal xerophthalmia annually from Vitamin A deficiency.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s containing DHA are critical for infant eye development; low levels correlate to vision problems later on. DHA concentrates in high amounts in the retina. One study showed taking supplements with EPA and DHA for 3 months helped dry eyes by spurring tear production.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C has a strong presence in eye fluids responsible for corneal and lens health.
Vitamin E antioxidants help protect fatty retina acids from oxidative damage. Serious deficiency can damage the retina.
Like omega-3s, zinc concentrates in the eyes. It may enable formation of retinal visual pigments.
Gamma Linolenic Acid
Found in evening primrose oil, this anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid may help diminish dry eye disease.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
These two antioxidants accumulate in the light-sensitive macula, the retina’s outer layer.

As we get older the risk of developing problems with our eyesight increases but with the addition of a well-balanced nutrient Rich diet we should be able to maintain healthy Vision long into later life hi and welcome to 3 minute Health today we are looking at the seven

Best nutrients to help you preserve your eyesight for longer as we age the chances of developing diseases like cataracts glaucoma macular degeneration diabetic retinopathy and dry eye disease increase these diseases are not only a consequence of Aging they can also be accelerated by diet lifestyle and illness during the course of this video

We will explain how different vitamins and minerals affect eyesight and how they can help protect the eyes from the effects of Aging number seven vitamin A the World Health Organization estimate that up to 7 million people a year suffer with noncorneal zalia due to lack of vitamin A noncorneal zalia can affect night

Vision cause dry eyes and severe conjunctivitis it can occur when we use up our body’s store of vitamin A and we don’t replenish it fast enough the best sources of vitamin A are normally meet in Dairy derived Foods number six omega-3 fatty acids the longchain fatty acid DHA is particularly

Important during infancy low amounts of Omega-3 at a young age can affect the development of the eye DHA is found in large quantities in the retina a study found that taking an EP and DHA supplement for 3 months improve dry eyes by increasing tear fluid production number five vitamin C vitamin

C is present in high amounts in the aquous humor this is a fluid found in the front of the eye it’s essential for the health of the cornea and lens the amount of vitamin C found in the aquous humor is directly affected by the amount of vitamin C consumed through diet

Several observational Studies have suggested that those who take a vitamin C supplement are less likely to suffer from cataracts number four vitamin E vitamin E is a group of antioxidants that help protect the fatty acids found in the retina against oxidation severe vitamin E deficiency can lead to damage of the retina one

Study suggested that vitamin E may also have a small impact on developing age- related cataracts number three zinc like longchain fatty acids zinc is found in high quantity in the eyes it is thought that zinc is important for the formation of visual pigments in the retina a lack

Of adequate zinc could lead to night blindness a study on older adults also found that being given a zinc supplement appeared to slow macular degeneration number two Gamal linolenic acid gaml linolenic acid is an anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid that can be found in high amounts in evening primrose oil there is a small

Amount of evidence that the gamma linolenic Acid found in in evening primrose oil may help reduce dry eye disease a six-month randomized study found that a daily dose of evening primrose oil with 300 Mig of Gamal linolenic acid improved the symptoms of dry eyes and at number one we have Litin and

Zanthin letin and zanthin are a pair of antioxidants that are found in high quantities in the macula the macula is a layer of light sensitive cells found at the back of the eye research has suggested that diets high in the two antioxidants contributed to a significant reduction in developing macular

Degeneration the amount of letin and zanthin found in the eye is proportional to dietary intake the best source of Litin and zanthin are leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale diet alone cannot preserve your eyesight exercise and lifestyle also play a role along with regular checkups with an off theologist or

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