THIS WILL BLAST YOU TO THE NEXT DIMENSION!! Quality Vitamins Juiced Pre-workout Review

When it comes to highly illicit high stim pre workouts, nobody enjoys venturing into the dark side more than High Stim Ace. I’ve tried and experimented with my own share of borderline illegal products and strong stimulant based pre workouts such as Arez Titanium, Crack, Crack Gold, Dexter Halloween, Excelsior, Dark Energy, and Smash AMF just to name a few..

Once in a while something really special comes along and blows us all away. Most of the time these kinds of products disappear just as fast as they initially appear. The FDA doesn’t take too kindly to illicit high stim pre workouts with ingredients such as dmaa or dmha, and will do their best to take these products off store shelves permanently.

JUICED from Quality Vitamins is one of *those* types of products. Big shout-out to GARAGE GYM HOMIE for discovering this hidden gem.


I don’t foresee JUICED remaining on the market for a very long time, so if you want to grab it, I’d do so as soon as possible.

Use coupon code ACE15 to save 15% off your entire order and help support this channel!

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What is going on Sim junkies High stem Ace here and I literally just got back from the gym after taking Juiced for the second time today what an experience guys this is if you’re talking about highly illicit there’s nothing that is more illicit than this pre-workout that we’re

Going to talk about today guys okay I’m going to try my best not to Hype it up too much I don’t want to build expectations for anybody I don’t want anybody coming to me and saying Ace you said this is crazy and I didn’t really

Feel it so much so I’m going to try to keep a tempered leveled playing field and give you my objective unbiased analysis after running this product for two times and I’m going to go into depth into the dosage what did I pair it with

What kind of workouts did I do how was I feeling beforehand how do I feel afterwards I’m going to give you all that information so this may be a little bit longer than my usual reviews so bear with me if you guys want my objective unbiased analysis stay tuned because

What we’re talking about here today is none other than Juiced by quality vitamins oh yeah this has some quality vitamins in here about 9 G worth of quality vitamins so let’s talk about it okay guys so clearly clearly as you could see I’m still stemmed to the max

All right very very different vibe than the last video that I released when I was sick and coming out of my bed to record a review for you guys by the way thank you to everybody who watch my Euphoria review shouts out to you guys I

Was literally sick with the flu but I came out of bed and I said you know what I got to record a video for my beloved community so you guys supported that video it’s been doing really well so thank you to the entire Heim Community I

Want to give a quick shout out to the main homie garage gym homie I want to give you a shout out because you introduced this product to the the entire Community if it wasn’t for your review then this would slide right under the radar and I’m sure nobody would

Discover it so guys if you haven’t seen it yet go to G’s page on YouTube watch his review I’m going to link it in the video description down below with that being said guys let’s get down to this label and I’m going to go through this very quickly because I’m itching to talk

About my experience and tell you guys how this product hits and most importantly if it’s worth your hard-earned money so we start off with the serving size which is one scoop and that comes out to 20 G theoretically and servings per container is 20 so no 4020

None of that nonsense straight up 20 servings 20 gram per scoop so I want to say that I measured my pre-workout because when it comes to these highly illicit experimental bathtub formulas you can’t take any chances you know scoop might be more it might be

Less and if you want to take the full intended dose then you got to weigh out your scoops so I did now a flat scoop for me came out to exactly 16 G which is 4 G short of the full experience that might be good for some of you guys that

Are newer to the high stem world and want to dabble and get your feet wet but for US veterans if we’re getting a product we want to get the full dose to experience the full experience that every one of these reviewers are talking and raving about so make sure to weigh

This out because ggh said that his scoop came out to exactly 20 grams mine came out to 16 again these are this is an underground product okay this isn’t a mainstream brand that’s manufacturing things in a facility on a mainstream level this is a company that’s most

Likely making this stuff in a basement somewhere and you know who the hell heard of quality vitamins I mean I know I haven’t so the fact that we even discovered this product again thanks to ggh it’s a miracle in it of itself so I digress guys weigh your Scoops okay

Because you want to get the full experience you got to make make sure you weigh it up we start with citrine malate 2:1 ratio 5,000 mg so that is not a lot of citrine right off the get-go it’s a 2 to1 so this really comes out to like 2,

2500 something like that when it comes to regular citrine so in terms of pumps theoretically on label it ain’t going to be very good beta alanine 3200 migs that is the clinical dose for the itchiness the tingles and the endurance in the gym cooline bitrate 1,000 mg glycerol

Monocat trate 1,000 milligram so that is glycerol just to help with the pumps a little bit caffeine and hydras misspelled by the way but caffeine and Hydra 4 milligram beautiful dose that’s where I like to cut off my caffeine content two amino 200 milligrams that is

Dmha that is the ingredient that the FDA is trying to get they’re trying to take the dmha out of all your pre-workouts but it’s not going to happen guys as long as heem Aces here the FDA has no authority over this room or anybody else

Who watches High stem a l Doopa is the last ingredient and that comes in at 150 Mig supposed to help with your dopamine levels or whatever but for all we know L Doopa could actually be literal dope because this thing right here this is on a whole other level and I’m going to

Talk about it right now before I get into this review guys don’t forget to smash that like button show your boy some love and subscribe to the channel while you’re here comment down below to help get me into the algorithm and stay tuned for a lot more quality content so

Looking at this box right off the bat guys this thing looks as inconspicuous as they come it’s got a nice innocent white label it say Juiced time to get Juiced energy focused pump manufactured by quality vitamins in the USA and man this thing just looks benign as old hell

Nobody would expect this right here to be the next crazy illicit underground hitter but yet here we are labels are just labels in the end of the day labels don’t mean squat look at me I’m sweating profusely and I am stem to the max and I just finished my training session over

An hour ago by the way two and a half hour chess tries and buy session with a little bit of cardio thrown in as well and I’m still I’m still itching okay I could still go back to the gym right now and do a whole back and shoulders day

That that’s how I feel right now I feel absolutely insane it’s it’s a star contrast to how I felt last time I recorded the video because I was half dead when I was making that review for you guys but today oo oh boy am I feeling it all right so let’s let’s

Let’s get down to business let’s talk let’s talk guys everybody huddle up with Uncle Ace and let’s talk about this because we got so much to say so today is Saturday I’m obviously going to be dropping this video on Sunday so that’s when you guys are going to be watching

This video but today is Saturday High stem Saturday for that matter and it was my second time taking this pre-workout I got the strawberry mango flavor which is a decent flavor it’s nothing too crazy it’s nothing offensive it’s not going to make you feel like gagging and throwing

Up nothing like those nutrition products that make me want to throw up in a basket in the gym nothing like that I got the lemonade also and I got a second mango strawberry as well because I have a feeling that this product is not going to be around for a long time especially

With all the hype that’s coming around to it even if it is going to be around they’re definitely going to reformulate and take out the special sauce and we want to make sure we have the good version over here okay so therefore I got myself three tubs and I’m going to

Be using this sparingly going forward now my first experience was taking this on Thursday so as you guys know if you watch my last video I was out with the flu for almost a week and I didn’t train since last week Friday so I took the drink around 400 p.m. and started

Walking to the gym I have about a 15 16 minute walk to the gym and I figured this is going to be enough time to let it start kicking in I took the drink and I started walking now usually when it comes to 400 migs of caffeine you’re

Going to feel something right even if there’s no elicits just the caffeine content alone it’s going to give you some sort of energy right just like that initial burst I didn’t really feel much for the first close to 15 minutes and I was starting to get a little worried

Because I know there’s certain pre-workouts like excelsor or dark energy that they do take 20 to 30 minutes till it comes around it’s important to note that I’m a big guy I’m 6’4 I weigh 270 so I’m a big dude even when it comes to alcohol which I don’t

Drink alcohol that often but with alcohol it takes me a long time until I start feeling a buzz I have what’s called a delayed tolerance again I’m high stem Ace I’m not your ordinary joke I get to the gym I plug my music in and I’m telling you guys I started

Changing and literally while I’m changing it started hitting I started getting the beta tingles in a weird way I started getting the beta tingles in the lips in the ears and then in my feet slowly creeping up to my knees and the rest of my body now when the beta

Tingles came around to the core of my body I also started feeling a warmth very very similar to if you guys had any dmaa products whether it’s crack OG or dark energy or any other actual dmaa based products you feel that warmth in your core and it kind of spreads to the

Rest of your body I felt that which is how I know that this is either really really clean potent dmha or there’s something that’s not on label and I’m leaning towards the ladder and maybe even both because the dmha sensation is definitely there and it feels really

Nice and clean but I think there’s more than just D mha and Cafe in here guys based on my experience so we’re at about the 20 25 minute Mark now I go upstairs to the gym it’s two flights up and I start I start going at it I’m by myself

I have my music plugged in I got some good Tunes going some good uplifting stuff so within my first set and keep in mind guys I was out of the gym for 6 days so within the first set I was pushing like crazy like a mano as ggh

Would say and I was feeling good I was feeling super energized I was recovering reced because I didn’t have any joint pain I was out of commission for 6 days so I was fresh and ready to go and the fact that I also stayed off the stems

During that entire time I think really contributed to this so I got the betas I got a little bit of the warmth in the core which spread to the rest of my body and then this Focus came in like a narrow tunnel I’m telling you guys this

Focus just put me in blinders and I didn’t want to look one way or the other I was looking for forward just me the music and the weights and I have to emphasize the music because a lot of times there’s moments where the music is just kind of in the background or maybe

You have one headphone plugged in and you’re kind of chatting with your buddies in between sets no this is a pre-workout you want to take where you want to be introverted and you just want to focus on the training session just you the weights and the music and

Nothing else the music is a major part of this equation because whatever you guys are into if you’re into metal if you’re into trance if you’re into hip-hop whatever you guys like to listen to as long as it’s something that’s uplifting to you that you enjoy that elevates your

Mood you’re going to feel you’re going to feel this music kind of taking over your entire body and rushing to your head it’s not a Euphoria per se I wouldn’t compare this to like flame V3 or the Euphoria you get from like dark energy or anything like that this isn’t

Euphoric pre per se there is a massive mood elevation but it comes wrapped in the form of the focus the focus is the star of the show it’s not a regular kind of focus shall we say this kind of feels like the focus you get on Smash AMF

Combined with that mood elevation that you get from taking excelsor that’s probably the best way I can describe it for you guys that have dabbled with other semi elicit heem pre-workouts because the the focus you get is crazy you’re in a tunnel and you’re in a little bubble and you don’t care about

What’s going on everything on the outside is kind of tuned out it’s like you’re here and the rest of the gym everything going on it’s all background noise it’s all kind of like faded out and you’re just focused on the here and the now the music together with the

Focus creates an experience that really cannot be put into words this is something you have to experience on your body it comes with a nice amount of energy to boot not a crazy amount of energy right off the bat about 25 minutes in 30 minutes in is really where

It starts kicking in I was talking to Jake from neutral cartel by the way shouts out to Jake from neutral cartel my main man Jake we were talking and he told me that he describes the first 30 minutes to an hour as the rage phase where you’re just so zoned and so

Focused and you don’t want to do anything other than push those weights and you’re in your own little Zone and I tend to agree with that the first 30 minutes to an hour hour and 15 were definitely the most intense it’s like drugs guys I don’t know how else to

Describe it the high you get from this it’s it’s a high okay it’s not just a slight mood elevation or whatever it’s a high and you got to write it out so you’re going to be in the gym you’re going to have your music plugged in

You’re going to have the buzz coming in and you’re going to feel it in your entire body it’s almost like you’re going in slow motion but everything just feels right it just feels so easy to push those weights and even if you’re in pain even if you’re a little bit sore it

Just feels amazing it’s such a nice clean experience I got to emphasize the clean bit because smash AMF felt very dirty to me and even to this day when I take smash I got to pair it with a pump formula something to increase the nitri oxide support because if I own then I’m

Going to get a lot of bad side effects Jitters crazy sweats anxiety uh heart rate going up difficulty breathing I mentioned all that stuff in my smash review but with this product I didn’t really get a lot of negative side effects there were no Jitters there was

No cold sweat as a matter of fact I really didn’t sweat a lot in this pre-workout it’s really funny as hard as I was pushing and as crazy as I was going I didn’t feel the need to stop I didn’t feel like a crazy heavy breathing

But I also didn’t sweat all that much which is really weird it could be CU I stayed hydrated but then again I’m always hydrated I drink close to a gallon per workout so hydration is not the issue but I didn’t sweat a lot in this pre-work I just something I figured

I’ll throw out there so overall my first time taking it was a crazy experience I was buzzing for hours after I got home and it was it was just really nice there was no crazy crash there was no crazy come down where I just felt cracked out

Or anything like that I felt motivated I felt energized and I just I felt good I felt really really good it was a clean pre-workout and there was no issues whatsoever no negatives as far as I know so now we’re going to to talk about the second time I took this pre-workout

Which was Saturday yesterday well today technically but you guys are watching this video on Sunday so let’s say it was yesterday now Saturday’s workout was a little bit different because Saturday I usually train with my trainer and I don’t listen to music It’s actually kind of a nice experiment because when I

Train with music and when I train with somebody else where I have no music other than the crap that’s playing in the background in the gym it’s a very different experience so this way I got to experience it twice once being completely introvert Ed and isolated in

My own little bubble and the other time being more social in a gym setting talking to other people around me I’m there with my trainer we’re exchanging sets and you know we’re talking in between so it definitely hit me a little bit different the second time as I said

The first time I took 20 G on the dot that was the suggested serving and that’s what I went with this time I decided to go a little bit more nothing too crazy I went with 22 G this time so just 2 G more than the normal serving

Size but I did pair it with half a scoop of a pol nutrition Blood Sport to kind of help offset whatever con strictness could come with it and just to kind of help with the blood flow and to actually add a little more citrine in there

Because this product does not have a lot of citrine in there the pumps were legendary I felt really good and really pumped up I’ll be honest I was kind of tired from the previous day because on Friday I hit back shoulders biceps and legs so I kind of went Ham on Friday

Therefore on Saturday I was really really tired but despite that fact I took the Pre-Workout 22 gam as I said paired with a pump formula 25 minutes before I started training it took me a little while longer this time to actually feel it maybe because I didn’t have that music in there initially

Hyping me up and that’s why I mentioned earlier that the music is a very important part of this equation because if you want to get that real drugged up experience where you’re in a little bubble in a little Zone all alone and you’re riding out this High then you

Have to have the music connected to disconnect you from your surroundings if you’re going to be out there and you’re going to train with a partner and you’re aware of everyone’s conversations in the background and you’re listening to the crappy gym music it kind of takes you

Out of that zone a little bit so I definitely experienced that I still had a good mood elevation the beta tingles were still on point for the first like 30 minutes or so energy was good clean but I wasn’t in that bubble like I was 2

Days prior to that and again this has to do with the setting I was in I’m surrounded by people having conversations I’m there with my trainer we’re talking we’re training we’re exchanging sets and it wasn’t that intimate feeling I had the first time I reviewed it however I trained with my

Trainer for about an hour and 15 minutes he left and I had the second half of the workout to do by myself at that point I plugged in my headphones and as soon as the music started playing in my ears everything just kind of connected and I

Was right back to that happy place that I was at two days prior so the experience was really nice overall I really enjoyed it the pumps were good I definitely think it was a good idea to add that pump formula to stack it on top

Of this pre-workout and I I just had a great time overall it was a really really nice time the pupils were dilated the entire time I felt like I was absolutely on something this isn’t a typical Pre-Workout in any stretch of the imagination this isn’t something that you guys want to be taking

Regularly I could see this being the type of product that you develop a tolerance to very very quickly like I said I took it on Thursday then Friday I cycled off to a different pre-workout that has no elicits and then Saturday I took it again so I took a day break in

Between and even then that initial buz that initial tunnel focus it was down a little bit from the day prior so I do think that this is the type of pre-workout you should be taking once a week tops or else you’re just not going to feel it as much and at that point

You’re wasting your money because there’s only 20 servings in here so you guys want to stretch this out this is something honestly you want to take maybe once or twice twice a month I wouldn’t even take this once a week take this on a day where you’re going to the

Gym for two 2 and 1 half hours and you want to be lost you don’t want to think about work you don’t want to think about your family you don’t want to think about your friends you don’t want to deal with anything you want to be a

Little selfish and just do you you want to plug in your music and just pump and crush it for 2 hours if not more so my final verdict on this product guys this is definitely an underground illicit product and this is something that should not be taken too often but if you

Guys are stem junkies and you’re looking for a thrill in the gym something to take on that special occasion where you really want to push but also have a fun experience with it I highly recommend you check out the juice because this is not going to be around for a very long

Time and if it is it’s going to be reformulated for sure as always guys you can grab this product as well as any other pre-workout protein and anything in between over at neutr best shipping best customer service and Jake is an absolutely incredible guy so support my friend Jake you guys could

Also use my code ace5 and that’s going to knock off 15% off your entire order as well as help support this channel so that’s it guys I’m still here I’m still hyped I’m still buzzing I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself I think

I’m going to do a couple of push-ups in the other room maybe a few Jumping Jacks and burpees because I have all this energy and I don’t know what to do with it it’s really really weird because when I got out of the gym the energy kind of

Tapered down a little bit but now it’s like I have a second wind and I can go again I maybe I’ll go run around the block or something I don’t know probably not the best thing to do after the flu but who the hell cares guys Heist Ace is

Back and better than ever and I like this product so you guys got to make sure to pick this up this is a special one and you guys that are chasing the elicits all the time you guys that are always looking for the next craze the next excelsor this is on that category

Okay so you guys if you want the elicits get this product now before it’s gone I want to thank everybody in the community for being supportive of these videos and watching and subscribing and sharing the videos you guys have been absolutely incredible 2023 has been a great year

And we’re going to make 2024 even better for all of us I hope you guys stay tuned wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year take care everybody Ace signing off