Dairy Delights A Nutrient Powerhouse #fitness #trending #benefits #factsabout#milk #facts #food

Dairy offers crucial nutrients like calcium, Vitamin D found in milk, aiding bone health. Cheese varies in fat content—goat, feta, and blue have more fat, while part-skim mozzarella, parmesan, or Romano are lower. Yogurt, rich in calcium, potassium, B-2, and B-12, also contains probiotics, boosting immunity and aiding against osteoporosis.

Ever wonder why Dairy holds a prime spot in a balanced diet let’s break it down in 60 seconds milk a dairy staple is a Powerhouse of nutrients boasting calcium and vitamin D both essential for sturdy bones and a healthy body cheese The Versatile Delight can vary in fat

Content for instance goat feta and blue cheese pack more fat while if you’re watching the scale opt for part skim mozzarella parmesan or Romano they’re on the lower end of the fat spec then there’s yogurt a creamy Wonder brimming with calcium potassium B2 and b12 but the star of the show probiotics

These friendly bacteria boost your immunity and help protect against osteoporosis so next time you’re at the grocery store remember Dairy does the body good that’s it for now folks until next time keep it healthy