Boost IMMUNITY with THIS Form of Vitamin C

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! That is, until disaster strikes πŸ€’

You know the drill – the coughing, sneezing, sniffling that comes with the winter holiday season. Protect yourself and the people you love this year with #vitaminC! But, not just ANY vitamin C….

Learn how #ascorbate can help you stay healthy until spring! ❄️

Learn more about Alkalini-C fully buffered ascorbate, the most potent & bioavailable vitamin C on the market:

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#wintercoldandflu #fluseason #coldremedy #naturalcoldrelief #wintersickness #coldweather #drsusanbrown #immunesystem #immunesupport #antiviral #antioxidants

Why you need Vitamin C this winter to support your immunity vitamin C is one of the two most powerful antioxidants in the body vitamin C enhances and activates the white blood cells to destroy bacteria and virus the body runs on electrons vitamin C is a great electron donor which means it energizes

Every cell in the body vitamin C is one of the best natural antivirals and antibacterials to protect from all sorts of infection vitamin C can have a short halflife in the body make sure you’re taking it every day and be sure to use a form of vitamin C the body uses a buffer

Ascorbate not ascorbic acid but a buffered ascorbate best to use a fully reduced ascorbate which is packed under nitrogen like our alkalin