Study reveals AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines linked to rare neurological side effects

“화이자•AZ 백신 접종 부작용, 희귀 신경계 질병 발생할 수 있다”

Both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to rare, but potentially serious, neurological complications.
Following research from the University of Oxford on more than 32 million people in England,… analysts found 38 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome per 10 million people given the AstraZeneca vaccine,… which can result in numbness, tingling and muscle weakness.
There were around 60 cases of hemorrhagic stroke per 10 million given the Pfizer vaccine.
However, experts pointed out that not getting vaccinated is still more dangerous.

#AstraZeneca #Pfizer #side_effects

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2021-10-27, 12:00 (KST)