Is Vitamin C An Effective Treatment For COVID-19? (DISCOVER THE TRUTH!)

In this video Justin Stenstrom from Elite Man Magazine shares whether or not Vitamin C is an effective treatment for COVID-19. He covers how Vitamin C actually works with the immune system, the history behind Vitamin C, and the recent research being done on Vitamin C as a therapy!

He discusses:
-How Vitamin C works in the body
-The importance of Vitamin C on good immune system health and function
-The history of Vitamin C and how men like Linus Pauling, Dr. Abram Hoffer, Dr. Robert Cathcart, Dr. Andrew Saul and Dr. Fred Klenner used Vitamin C in the past
-High dose Vitamin C safety and whether or not you can safely take it
-Whether or not Vitamin C can fight off viruses, colds, the flu, pneumonia, and potentially a coronavirus like covid-19
-Fauci’s Vitamin C daily intake
-Why many health experts are not talking about Vitamin C
-The recent research being done on Vitamin C and whether or not the studies are promising for using it against something like covid-19 and other coronaviruses

If you follow these tips you’ll definitely learn whether or not Vitamin C can help boost your immune system and help protect you against viruses like covid. Make sure you watch the entire video now to hear everything Justin has to say about whether or not Vitamin C is really an effective treatment against covid-19 or not!


Elite Mind Book:
Elite Man Podcast:
Elite Life Nutrition:

*These statements, and the statements made in the video, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The supplements mentioned in the video are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.