Best Vitamins For Anxiety and Depression Urdu Hindi | Top 4 vitamins For Anxiety and Depression

Best Vitamins For Anxiety and Depression Urdu Hindi | vitamins helpful in Depression and Anxiety |
Best Vitamins For Anxiety and Depression Urdu Hindi | vitamins helpful in Depression and Anxiety |

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Viatmin B12 benefits in depression and Anxiety
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In This video we will discuss the vitamins that are helpful in Alleviating the Anxiety and depression symptoms
In This world lot of peoples suffer from anxiety and depression And we her will discuss the four vitamins that will helpful in this conditions
Anxiety and depression are two different things. anxiety is temporary condition in which patient feel Irritation ,mood disturbance, sleep disorders, appetite disorder, mood changes etc
But when these conditions persist for long time it’s called depression which need Psychiatric Doctor checkup
Our brain produces lot of hormones and some of them called happiness Hormomes like Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins and oxytocin
low level of these hormones in the blood lead to depression and Anxiety symptoms
These Four vitamins are
1. Viatmin B12
Viatmin B12 is very helpful in the production of serotonin and its release. vitamin B12 also helpful in the transport of these neurotransmitters in the different parts of body.
Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to Depression and Anxiety. it will also causes other psychological problems if there is deficiency.
2. Vitamin B6
vitamin b 6 or pyrifocine is essential for neurotransmitters health and brain health .it helpful in the production of serotonin, dopamine ,oxytocin and endorphins. it also help in neurotransmitters release from brain
Deficiency of vitamin B6 will lead to Depression and Anxiety
3.Vitamin D
Tryptophan aminoacids convert into serotonin by enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase and vitamin D pushes the enzyme and speed up the conversion process . It helpful in the production of serotonin.
Viatmin D Deficiency leads to depression and Anxiety

4. Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acids are very ful for brain health and helpful in the SYSMPTOMS of depression and Anxiety

All fours viatmin, Vitamin B12,viatmin B6, vitamin D and omega 3 must take by patients with depression and Anxiety. It will also helpful for person for prophylaxis of depression and Anxiety.
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