COVID-19: Trump is right. Light can heal.

On Thursday, April 23rd 2020 during his daily Corona briefing Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America, suggested a extraordinary promising novel treatment approach for COVID-19 disease. There is excellent research on the use of light in combination with natural substances to kill viruses such as SARS-Cov 2. The medical community calls this non-toxic form of treatment: Photo-Dynamic-Therapy (PDT).

German scientists of the University of Marburg, Department of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics presented early April a treatment perspective for the COVID-19 disease to the FDA, the American Food and Drug Administration. The PDT by the combination of high quality Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and curcumin together with laser irradiation of UV and blue light can “disinfect” blood products.

A research team of University of Marburg, medical doctors from Universities of Iran and the European Laser Academy achieved the ethical approval for the first studies on PDT treating patients suffering from COVID-19.

Let us stop witch hunting among countries, among our societies and within the medical communities. Let us come back to listenting to each other, rather than waiting for faults. Wisdom can only be achieved by an open mind.

Dr. med. Michael Weber, M.D.
President of European Laser Academy
Holzmarkt 1
45657 Recklinghausen