Will COVID-19 ever go away? | Inside Story

It is no longer a global health emergency, but Covid-19 is still a threat.
That is according to the World Health Organization, which is now monitoring a new variant called EG.5.
It is not necessarily more dangerous than other variants, but it is spreading fast across several countries.
From the US to Japan and China, the strain appears to be highly transmissible.
So, is Covid-19 here to stay?
And with so many variants constantly emerging, will booster shots even make a difference?

Presenter: Nick Clark


Paul Hunter – Epidemiologist and Professor in Medicine at the University of East Anglia.

Oksana Pejek – Global Health Adviser and Global Engagement Lecturer at University College London School of Pharmacy.

Dr Ishwar Gilada – Consultant on Infectious Diseases and President Emeritus of the AIDS Society of India.

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