7 Signs You Have A Vitamin C Deficiency

Today we’ll show you the 7 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency And 7 Vitamin C Benefits To Boost Your Immune System!

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Sign 7
If you don’t have enough vitamin C in your diet, you may first notice your general skin health taking a hit.
Vitamin C is crucial for healthy skin. It helps produce a protein that helps your skin, hair, and bones.
If your vitamin C levels are severely low, you might develop bumpy and rough skin. This happens after around 5 months of deficiency. Though there are many other things that can cause bumpy skin.
Vitamin C deficiency is one of the most common causes.
Vitamin C also helps to protect your skin from wrinkles and other external damage. If you care about your skin health, it’s crucial to keep your vitamin C levels in check.

Sign 6
Did you know that your hair follicles contain tiny blood vessels? A deficiency in vitamin C can cause havoc with these vessels. Vitamin C strengthens these vessels, so a lack of it causes them to become fragile. When they break, they cause small red spots around the hair follicles.
There are few other conditions that cause these follicles to break. If you notice bright red spots around your hair follicles, you should see a doctor.

Sign 5
A lack of vitamin C causes issues with fingernail growth. If you see red spots or lines across your nails, it’s a sign something is wrong. This sign isn’t exclusive to a vitamin C deficiency. It also occurs if you’re lacking iron.
This happens for a similar reason as the red hair follicles. As vitamin C in your body decreases. The blood vessels around your fingernails grow weak and break very easily.
Again, though this can be a sign of vitamin C deficiency, it could relate to other deficiencies, so be careful.

Sign 4
If you notice that you’ve been bruising easily, that could also be a sign of a lack of vitamin C.
As your skin grows weaker and rougher, the blood vessels become brittle.
This is likely the first thing you’ll notice if you’ve got a vitamin C deficiency. If this is the case, you should be properly examined by a doctor.

Sign 3
Due to vitamin C affecting your calcium intake, if you’re low in vitamin C, you’re probably also low in calcium. A later sign of a vitamin C deficiency is weak and brittle bones. Low intake has been linked to increased fractures and breaks. This is an incredibly hard sign to spot. Most people don’t get into the habit of breaking their bones regularly, so be aware.

Sign 2
We know that vitamin C supports the immune system. So, it isn’t a shock to hear that lack of the vitamin causes a decline in its function. Vitamin C helps combat infection and boost our body’s function to destroy diseases. If we lack our vital vitamin C, our body is unable to fight off serious illnesses. In severe cases, this lack of vitamin C could lead to an eventual death.

Sign 1
One of the more shocking signs of a vitamin C deficiency is weight gain. The vitamin protects against obesity by controlling the release of fat in your body. If you don’t have enough vitamin C, you may suddenly gain a lot of weight, specifically around the belly.
If you find yourself gaining a lot of weight quickly and you have no other reason for it, this might be affecting you.

Benefit 7
Your eyes are amazing, but they’re surprisingly delicate. We don’t often think about our diet and our eyesight, but there is a link. Our eyes grow worse with age and they degenerate slowly. Research has linked vitamin C with protecting from age-related degeneration. This same protection reduces your risk of developing other eye conditions like cataracts

Benefit 6
A lot of us have high blood pressure. It’s something we’ve got to keep an eye on otherwise other health issues might occur. High blood pressure is linked with heart disease, for example. Vitamin C helps lower and control your blood pressure. Vitamin C relaxes the blood vessels so more blood can pass through easily. So making sure you have enough vitamin C is crucial. Especially for lowering and maintaining your blood pressure.

Benefit 5
As we learned, vitamin C and iron are linked in some interesting ways. That’s because vitamin C improves the absorption of iron from food sources. Meaning, if you have a good level of vitamin C in your body, you’ll have an easier time managing your iron levels as well.
A lack of iron in your body can cause a lot of extra issues. So along with all the other symptoms a lack of vitamin C has on your body. You’ll have the problems of iron deficiency to deal with as well. Iron deficiency can cause symptoms as mild as headaches and dizziness. To severe implications like heart and blood issues.
If you have a low iron diet, it’s even more important to consume more vitamin C.
This ensures you’re doing the best you possibly can for your body.

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