Vitamin B12 Saste Mein Banaye! Make Vitamin B12, Benefits | Dr. Ibrahim

Dr. Ibrahim explains the importance of vitamin B12, which is essential for making DNA and red blood cells in the body. While it is essential for our bodies’ proper functioning, it’s not produced by our bodies (b12 ke fayde). Therefore, we need animal-based foods or supplements.

However, Dr. Ibrahim has a different approach to this. In today’s video, he talks about how to create your own vitamin B12 at home using simple vegetables and spices. He also talks about how consuming a spoonful of this B12 powder after meals can help your body in various ways. Learn how to get your daily dose of vitamin B12 the herbal way!

This video aims to provide our beloved viewers with an alternative to the traditional method of vitamin B12 supplementation, enabling them to learn how to get their daily dose of vitamin B12 while minimizing the disadvantages onset by its deficiency.

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Are you getting enough vitamin B12? It’s critical to maintain healthy levels of this essential nutrient for optimal bodily function. Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in creating DNA and red blood cells, among others. As your body doesn’t produce this nutrient on its own, it’s necessary to obtain it from animal-based foods or supplements. Failure to consume enough B12 can lead to a deficiency, even if your body stores it in the liver for up to five years.

Vitamin B12 deficiency causes fatigue, vision loss, anemia, and nerve damage. It’s logical to ensure you get enough B12 in your diet to prevent these issues (b12 ki kami se kya hota hai).

Luckily, there are many animal-based B12 sources you can add to your diet. Dairy products, eggs, fish, meat, and poultry all contain this essential component of nutrition. Additionally, you can check nutrition labels to identify fortified products with added B12 (vitamin b12 kisme paya jata hai).

As you age, your body may have more difficulty absorbing B12. This is especially true if you’ve had weight-loss surgery or other operations that affect your stomach. Drinking heavily or having conditions like atrophic gastritis, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease can also put you at risk of deficiency. Symptoms of a B12 deficiency may include a swollen or inflamed tongue, so prioritize this essential nutrient in your diet (vitamin b12 ke fayde).

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