How Do Vaccines Work Against COVID-19? | BYJU’S Fun Facts

Vaccine, COVID, coronavirus and vaccination – these are some of the common terms we all have been hearing a lot lately as the world is fighting the COVID-19 induced pandemic. But do you know how vaccines protect us from deadly diseases?

A vaccine is an antigenic substance that develops immunity against disease and helps your body fight pathogens, either bacteria or viruses. For vaccines to work, certain molecules from the pathogen, called antigens, are introduced into the body to trigger an immune response. Upon introducing these antigens in our bodies, the immune system learns to recognize them as hostile foreign agents. It then produces antibodies that protect us from the virus. But how do antibodies counter the virus? What is the structure of the virus and how is it unique? How does our immune system remember the pathogens and build immunity against them in the long run? Watch this video and learn all about vaccines and how they work.

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Video Chapters
0:00 – 0:18 Introduction
0:19 – 5:27 How does a tiny amount of Virus cause diseases
5:28 – 8:11 Two ways in which the immune system responds
8:12 – 12:25 How does the lymph node work

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