Patricia Worby Alchemy Therapies – Coronavirus Diaries 14 – prevention, testing and transmission

In this video I talk about the latest developments in the UK and discuss the problems with testing, transmission, and prevention including to mask or not to mask, the problems with antibody testing due to immune system function. I will explain how and why not everyone produces antibodies – and why viral infections tend to be worse in the winter months.

I also explain the infection rate and why prevention is key. Vitamin D levels can be optimised by sunlight and supplementation, keeping the elderly protected (something the uk has failed to do effectively).

Finally I talk about tracking and testing options with different apps in the UK
the app I mention is called zoe and can be found here.
I recommend you download the app and add your data – the more data we have the better.
Evidence for Vitamin D levels being optimised to reduce severity of disease
For a good review of vitamin C use see here
This includes an RCT conducted in China and several other studies.