BONED Broth : The Top 5 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System

by @marieclaireuk

⏺ Stock up on anti-inflammatory foods. Inflammation is the thing you see when the immune system is active. The problem arises when the inflammatory response does not switch off. It stays inflamed. This activates the immune cells, which take a heavy toll on the body, this can lead to allergies, loss of skin quality and other signs such as dry skin, headaches, stiff and painful joints, swelling and bloating.

⏺ Drink at least 1 litre of water daily. Our bodies are like the ocean and like the ocean we function better when intercellular fluids are at a slightly alkaline state. You can drink a litre of water a day with PH drops and greens in it and this will help enormously to your alkaline balance. Or you can try to drink juices like celery and cucumber juice, or eat a good plateful of greens each day to balance it.

⏺ Don’t forget your five-a-day. Your antioxidants are your defenders, they actually sacrifice themselves in order to link up with a free radicals in your body, which are intent on doing you damage and will march them out of the body. So colourful fruits and vegetables are your friend.

⏺ Look out for your gut. 90% of your mood is in your gut. Serotonin is the happy hormone manufactured in your gut. This is the second reason to eat well and ensure your digestion is everything it should be. Not only is your gut your immune defence, it keeps your mood up and steady, thereby supporting you and dampening down those thoughts which can lead down the road to despair.

⏺ Tick off the vitamin hit list. The vitamins and minerals to ensure you have enough of in your diet are zinc, Vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, you will be happy to know that most of these are in colourful fruit and vegetables.

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