Benefits Of Niacin Supplement – Vitamin B3 Supplement Benefits | National Nutrition Canada

National Nutrition Professional Supplement Reviews with Leading Health Expert Karlene Karst.

Karlene gives us a 3-minute professional supplement review on Niacin and its cardiovascular benefits.

To learn more about Niacin and how to supplement with it:

Niacin (nicotinic acid) is one form of a water-soluble vitamin, commonly known as vitamin B3. The body can produce its own niacin from tryptophan with the help of vitamins B1, B2 and B6. There are a number of different forms of vitamin B3, including: niacin, niacinamide (non-flushing niacin), and inositol hexaniacinate (IHN), which is also known as no-flush or flush-free niacin…

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