The Simple Cheap Vitamin ❤️ To Defeat Covid 19 And Other Infections

The Simple Cheap Vitamin To Defeat Covid 19 And Other Infections ❤️

Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency syndrome (beriberi) has many similarities to sepsis — a primary cause of COVID-19 mortality — and thiamine deficiency is relatively common in critically ill patients in general.

Thiamine deficiency is prevalent in pulmonary tuberculosis, and the more severe the case, the more severe the thiamine deficiency.

Thiamine has been shown to limit Mycobacterium tuberculosis by regulating your innate immunity.

Thiamine deficiency is also associated with the development of high fever, and some researchers have suggested that serious infections may in fact be a presenting manifestation of thiamine deficiency.

Clinical case reports have shown thiamine injections reversed a number of acute illnesses in which high fever was a factor, including one case where the patient presented with high fever, headache and asphyxia, and another where the patient had high fever and severe pneumonia.

Thiamine is required for metabolism of some of the metabolites of vitamin C. Vitamin C also works synergistically with corticosteroids, which helps explain why the Marik Sepsis Protocol is so effective.

Magnesium may also be important, as it is required for the activation of thiamine.

To know how much vitamin B1 to take to shield yourself from covid 19 and other infections, click the link below to read the article.