Coronavirus, Immunity and Mental Health- the correlation

While the world is grappling with a newly emerged tragedy that is coronavirus, there is a lot of hue and cry about staying safe, staying hygienic, building and strengthening our immunity system and avoiding social contact. There is a lot of panic created in the masses with the overflow of information caused by a lot of fake news. Amidst all this chaos of safeguarding ourselves and keeping our immunity system as healthy as possible, majority of people are ignoring an important aspect of health which contributes in enhancing our immunity system, i.e. Mental Health. Scientific Research suggests that Mental Health issues like stress, depression, anxiety and negative emotions suppress our immunity system and make us susceptible to diseases while good mental health enhances our immunity system and it’s as important to take care of our mental health as it is to take care of our physical health to ensure a strong immunity system. Don’t Panic, don’t react. Stay aware and stay pro-active instead. Say no to fake news and do your research as much as required. Watch this video to get further help. #letsheal #corona #coronavirus #covid19