Warning Sign of a Vitamin B Deficiency #shorts
Dr. Janine shares a warning sign of a vitamin B deficiency. She explains how breakouts at the corners of your mouth, also known as angular cheilitis, are a warning sign of a vitamin B deficiency. Dr. Janine looks at how deficiencies in B1, B2, B3, and B12 are most common. She talks about how these vitamins are naturally found in things like eggs, fish, and chlorella. Dr. Janine also suggests and whole-food vitamin B12 supplement that contains chlorella, but is made without the use of fillers and flow agents.
Links to supplements mentioned in this short
Vitamin B12, Chlorella – Vitatree Vitamin B12: https://us.vitatree.com/vitamin-b12/
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#vitaminb #bvitamins #nutrition