HI FOLKS , if you suddenly have hopped to this video , please go ahead and watch episode 1 and come back to this episode.
episode 1 link-

This video is for educational purposes only. and should not be considered as a substitute to WHO guidelines.
its going to be long one , but this will help you understand a theory
ace – ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME is one of the way that our body maintains ion balance ,i.e na2+, CL- and k+ and because of this ACE inhibitors are considered as one the essential /1st line treatment for hypertension.
though we often use loop diuretics in many regions and we are not going to talk about that.
but the entry point of the SARS Cov1 , and SARS CoV 2 being the same which is ACE 2
in the video i have tried to explain as easy as possible without getting technical about the RAAS – renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system if you understand the system you will get a picture of how we use ace inhibitors to decrease load to the heart , by vasodilation or dilation of blood vessels and also decreasing pool of blood to the heart in turn decreasing the load.
ACE 2 has a protective function of the lungs , it prevents the lung from viral injury ,
now since you know about this 2 points.
when CoV2 enters alveolus and enters into lung endothelial/ cells it implants its RNA into the cytoplasm. and the target mainly being ACE2. This ACE 2 competes/ some times together with ACE 1 enters the blood vessels to spread the virus. by trying to attach to angiotensin receptors.

so an unethical question arises , ace inhibitor use in an infected CoVid-19 patient may worsen the situation.and increase mortality? but ace inhibitors stop, as a precautionary measure by all physicians in a quarantined zone might also increase mortality of hypertensive patients by 2-3 fold.
so why not use AR1b? which is ANGIOTENSIN RECEPTOR BLOCKER. in that way we preserve ace2 and hence prevent the lung from viral injury?

but in practicality this theory has not been considered as there has been no clinical trials.
on the other hand Vitamin D , vitamin d increases the expression of ACE2 IN CELLS and helps your lungs from viral injury.

REMEMBER THIS whatever i am saying is based on knowledge covered in lot of thesis and medical books , but every govt. has its own protocol of treatment , and i am not going to talk about those protocol. but today you learned more and you also learned that everybody totally forgot about to mention the gastro intestinal route when this virus had spread in the beginning.
next episode we are going to talk about very important preventive measures for you get infected with the virus.