Children's Covid-19 immune response will not last but will not last: Aussie work

#Childrens #Covid19immune #response
The new Australian research on Friday showed that children could help immune systems avoid serious symptoms from COVİD-19 infections, and the system was less likely to “create a memory” of previous infections. The study, the Journal of Clinical Immunology, was directed by the Garvan Medical Research Institute. After investigating T cells and cellular immune reactions of the samples, researchers found that unlike adults, children’s immune systems had many different pure T cells to fight against SARS-COV-2, but did not go into a memory situation after healing. Researchers stated that babies started with an empty arduvaz with a much higher pure T cells. T cells are not part congenital immune system, but working from Westmead Children’s Hospital to the co -author of Professor Philip Britton Xinhua, a part immune system or a memory -forming part. “The children in our study mainly had pure T cells. These are T cells randomly produced by the body respond pathogens, but not previously chosen for their ability respond a particular pathogen.” Researchers have shown that the findings do not produce an expected immune response of the COVİD-19 infection in children alone, but that this can be increased by vaccines. “Children are not exposed to many viruses, immune systems are still ‘pure’. And because do not develop memory T cells, they are at risk of getting sick when are infected.That’s why we think it’s important to instill children. ” The findings also indicate why some adults may have some kind immune reaction to SARS-COV-2, because Phan, such as a familiar part of the coronavirus, as a familiar part the memory T cells, known that T cells have seen before. This can lock immune system a misled response that is not unique to virus, and may cause more severe symptoms as immune system increases solve problem.