A man’s guide to key vitamins for good health #drdavidsamadi

A man’s guide to key vitamins for good health
1.     Vitamin D for prostate health
Vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin, has become a vitamin of concern that many adults are deficient in, including men. For starters, this multidimensional vitamin promotes prostate health and helps prevent both benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis.
2.     Vitamin C for healthy aging
This potent antioxidant protects the body by neutralizing free radicals that want to attack healthy cells. One powerful tool of vitamin C is to slow down the signs of aging.
3.     Folate for heart health
The B vitamin folate (the natural version found naturally in foods) and folic acid, (the man-made synthetic version found in supplements or in fortified foods), have a variety of important functions for men.
4.     Vitamin A for vision and immune functioning
This fat soluble vitamin has two important functions for men of maintaining good vision and supporting immune health.
5.     Vitamin B12 for a healthy nervous system
As men age, the body’s need for vitamin B12 increases. That’s because in order to absorb this vitamin, it requires a substance called intrinsic factor, produced in the lining of the stomach.