Chinese massive spread

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My personal intake

4,000 iu vitamin D = 100 micrograms

(with K2 100 micrograms per day)

Both with food

15mg Zinc

The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity

An abundance of evidence has accumulated over the past 50 y to demonstrate the antiviral activity of zinc against a variety of viruses, and via numerous mechanisms.

Varied, high plant diet

Vitamin C, oranges and tomatoes


New ‘stealth omicron’ variant spreading fast in China

Omicron, BF.7, (BA.

Sub-lineage of omicron variant BA.5

Main variant spreading in Beijing

Dr. Li, Chief physician, Beijing YouAn Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases

How infectious is the Omicron subvariant BF.7?

Much more contagious than BA.1, BA.2, BA.5

Stronger immune evasion potential

Shorter incubation period

Faster transmission speed

R0, (basic reproduction number)

Delta strain, 5 to 6

BF.7 10 to 18.6

Most infectious omicron subvariant

causing larger difficulty in epidemic prevention and control

Why does the number of new infections keep growing in Beijing?

People begin viral shedding one day after contract

Second-generation cases may appear within two or three days

(may be missed by testing)

Time for infected people to turn negative is still about seven to 10 days.

In addition

Symptoms are generally mild

Many infections show mild or no symptoms

That’s why it’s important to find the infected and cut the transmission chain as soon as possible.

Major symptoms

Fever, coughing, sore throat, decreased sense of smell and taste.

Diarrhea and vomiting (less common)

Asymptomatic cases usually don’t need medicine or medical treatment.

High-risk groups


Underlying diseases or weak immunity



Later stages of pregnancy

So we will monitor their situations more closely.

Beijing, treats in accordance with symptoms

Antipyretics and painkillers to help patients with fever or coughing.

High risk to deteriorate, antiviral drugs

Most asymptomatic cases, quarantined at home

Are ordinary medical surgical masks still effective in preventing infection from the more contagious Omicron variant BF.7?

Virus, mainly reproduces in the upper respiratory tract

Able to spread the virus, coughing, speaking loudly

Medical surgical masks are not as airtight and effective as N95 and KN95 masks

Beijing, continue to make prevention and control measures more “scientific, rational, targeted and effective”—14-december-2022

As we look to end this emergency, we still need to understand how it began.

We continue to call on China to share the data and conduct the studies that we have requested, to better understand the origins of this virus.

As I have said many times, all hypotheses remain on the table.

One of the most important lessons of the pandemic is that all countries need to strengthen their public health systems to prepare for, prevent, detect and respond rapidly to outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics.

An advanced medical care system is not the same thing as a strong public health system.

One of the other key lessons of the pandemic is the need for much stronger cooperation and collaboration, rather than the competition and confusion that marked the global response to COVID-19.

The global outbreak of mpox

82,000, 110 countries, 65 deaths

Weekly reported cases, declined 90% since July.

Ebola outbreak in Uganda

No new cases in past 2 weeks

Greater Horn of Africa

Severe drought acute health and hunger crisis.

47 million people are now facing hunger,

disease outbreaks are surging.

CDC data

UK data