COVID Sweat Sensor Catches Your Immune System Before It Goes Berserk – Headline Science

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors recognized that patients who developed a surge of pro-inflammatory immune proteins, also known as a “cytokine storm,” were often the sickest and at the greatest risk of dying. While blood tests can measure cytokines, they can’t continuously monitor a patient’s protein levels. Researchers at EnliSense LLC and the University of Texas have developed a wristwatch-like device that can track cytokine levels through a patient’s sweat, allowing doctors time to proactively administer medicines like steroids if they see cytokine levels rising.

CORRECTION: At 0:59, the narration states that the research was developed at the University of Texas. It was in fact developed at the University of Texas at Dallas. ACS regrets the error.

#covid19 #coronavirus #technology #biology

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