46일 만에 다시 코로나 확진자 50만명 넘어

LOCATION : Canberra]

Welcome to Issues and Insiders.
Today… we address… the rebound… in COVID-19 cases… here on the local front… and the pandemic situation elsewhere.
I have Doctor Kim Seung-taek… from Institut Pasteur Korea… here in the studio.
Doctor Kim… it’s been a while.
Welcome back.
I also have Professor Sanjaya Senanayake… at the Australian National University Medical School.
Professor Senanayake… it’s good… to see you… again.

1) Doctor Kim, let’s begin with the situation here in Korea where health pundits believe a seventh wave may be taking shape.
Do you agree?
I mean what do our tallies tell us?

2) And Doctor Senanayake, what can you share with us about the spread of COVID-19 in Australia?
Has there been a rebound?

3) Doctor Kim, pundits in the U.K. say symptoms of Omicron are different from those of the earlier Delta variant.
Could you tell us a bit more and has this reality been witnessed here in Korea as well?

4) Doctor Senanayake, starting October 14th, Australia abolished the mandatory isolation period for those infected with COVID-19.
What have been the broader implications of this move on COVID-19 management in Australia?

5) Doctor Kim, do you see Korea lifting the quarantine requirement for those infected with COVID-19 any time soon?

6) Doctor Senanayake, I hear a private review of Australia’s initial COVID-19 strategy has questioned the wisdom of the country’s lockdown and border closure.
Do tell us more.

7) And Doctor Kim, what are your prospects on the course of COVID-19 infections here on the local front?
I mean, do you see a twindemic of COVID-19 and the seasonal flu this winter, and if so, when is it likely to peak, and how do we keep safe?

8) Doctor Senanayake, Australia is reportedly noting the arrival of new variants.
That being said, what response measures are being taken by relevant authorities?

All right.

#COVID19 #rebound #arirang_news

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2022-11-03, 14:30 (KST)