IV Nutrition: Helpful or Harmful?

IV nutrition and IV drips are quite popular these days and are marketed to improve complexion, boost the immune system, treat a hangover, to lose weight, and more.

Today’s video is about
1. what is IV nutrition?
2. Components of IV drips
3. do we need IV nutrition, or is it a waste of money?
4. is there a better way of getting the nutrients without breaking the bank?

IV nutrition:

Its a bland of multiple vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants all packaged in a bag of normal saline or another type of IV fluid. There are two types of vitamins. vitamins that are soluble in water and the vitamins that are soluble in fat. IV drips only contain water-soluble vitamins such as B complex, vitamin-C in addition to certain minerals and antioxidants such as glutathione. fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin A, D, E, and K. fat-soluble vitamins are not added to IV nutrition.
Let us look at all the components of IV nutrition.
Vitamin B1 is an essential vitamin that helps us maintain a healthy nervous system, cardiac health, and makes it easy for our tissues to process glucose. The significant sources of vitamin B1 in our diet is generally meat, pork whole grains, and nuts. Brown rice is a great source of vitamin B1 however the polished white rice is not because the top layer with all the B-1 gets removed in the milling process.Drinking a lot of tea and coffee, eating raw fish can result in vitamin B1 deficiency as these foods have certain enzymes that destroy thiamine in our body.

Vitamin B2, also called Riboflavin.

Our body needs vitamin B2 to metabolize protein, carbohydrates, fats to glucose. That is why B2 is so great for getting an energy boost and is a fantastic antioxidant. when we have low levels of B2 we also produce less glutathione that means are body has less ability to detoxify and deactivate all those damaging free radicals. Women who take birth control pills are most likely to suffer from riboflavin deficiency since the body cannot absorb much riboflavin when on birth control pills.

Vitamin B3, also called Niacin
This is present and pretty much every food we eat all the animal foods most of the green foods. vitamin B2 primarily helps reduce her triglyceride levels. Severe niacin deficiency leads to pellagra, that we typically have like a sunburn type rash on her hands. see that in the picture below

Vitamin B5, also called Pantothenic Acid,

Almost all plant- and animal-based foods contain pantothenic acid.

Vitamin B 5 can help reduce triglyceride levels.
Severe deficiency can result in generalized fatigue and malaise.

Vitamin B6 Deficiency (Pyridoxine)
Widely present in almost all animal and plant-based foods, so its hard to get deficiency unless heavy alcohol use, overweight or pregnant.

Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis removes B6.
Symptoms: rashes and mental status changes

cheilitis with scaly lip skin and cracks in the corner of the mouth
glossitis (swelling of the tongue).
Depression is associated with a severe B6 deficiency as well.

Vitamin B 7 aka biotin
Biotin deficiency is very rare in those who take in a normal balanced diet.
Besides, gut micro bacteria can produce biotin.
Antibiotics and seizure medications deplete B 7
Think skin problems, poor nails, and loss of scalp hair
Flare up of cystic acne

Vitamin B12: is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 is generally not present in plant foods, but fortified breakfast cereals are a readily available source of vitamin B12 with high bioavailability for vegetarians
numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
balance problems
poor memory

FOLIC ACID: Heating during cooking destroys folic acid. The examination may reveal a painful, beefy red tongue.


Zinc is an essential nutrient for humans and is extensively involved in protein, lipid, nucleic acid metabolism, and gene transcription.

Vitamin C

vitamin C is an essential vitamin because we cannot synthesize any so we must consume foods , Vitamin C is naturally found in fresh fruits and vegetables, Think of citrus fruits, spinach, broccoli. vitamin C is destroyed by cooking
Who benefits from IV nutrition

• people who have issues with absorption, the old saying ” you are what you eat” is no longer valid. now its ” you are what you absorb”

• people with malabsorption syndromes celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, the patient’s who had bariatric surgery for weight loss
• patient is on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis since that deplete a lot of vitamins
• somewhat was getting chemotherapy as the burden on the body’s is too intense
• patients with chronic inflammation you like lupus rheumatoid arthritis other autoimmune diseases per bodies are constantly inflamed and it just needs more nutrients to survive.