Health experts say ditch the multivitamin. Here's why. | Wake Up Wellness

Are you regularly reaching for a multivitamin? If taking a supplement is part of your daily routine, you may be doing it all wrong.

Internal Medicine Specialist, Dr. Ranjan Mahajan, FACP & President of Mahajan Medical Center explains what works and what you can cut out.

He says, “there’s no mortality advantage, there’s no cardiovascular protective advantage, there’s no cancer prevention advantage in taking multivitamins. So you’re wasting your time, money and maybe causing harm.”

He says most healthy adults are getting the nutrients they need from eating well-balanced meats. “Instead of popping a pill every day, go to a local farmers market and pick up the dark green vegetables, the fruits, the whole grains, instead of popping the vitamins.”

MORE: https://bit.ly/3PtiZzS

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