Could Vitamin D’s role in the ACE2 renin-angiotensin system help protect from severe COVID-19?

Mounting evidence suggests that vitamin D has a much broader role than initially thought — including regulating many genes and participating in the immune system. In the setting of COVID-19, vitamin D deficiency can lead to imbalances in the renin-angiotensin-system, a critical regulator of blood pressure, inflammation, and body fluid homeostasis. Disturbances in this system may heighten oxidative stress contributing to worse COVID-19 outcomes. In this clip, Dr. Roger Seheult and Dr. Rhonda Patrick discuss how vitamin D levels might affect the renin-angiotensin-system and how this relates to COVID-19 outcomes.

This clip was taken from the FoundMyFitness interview with Roger Seheult found at

Original episode published on March 3, 2021
🤯 #COVID19 #immunity #vitaminD #sleep 🦠