IMMUNITY vs CORONAVIRUS | Prepare for #COVID19 with Ayurveda Doctor Sri Nagi #StayHome

Ayurveda Dr. Sri Nagi Sharma gives us simple Ayurvedic methods to prepare our immunity to fight against coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) . Given by Ministry of AYUSH Government in India.

More for immunity


A full day plan:

♡ Wake up before sunrise, try to go sleep early to feel fresh in the morning;

♡ Splash eyes with water. Video below:

♡ Make gargles with Turmeric and salt (Covid-19 second video);

♡ Make a feet massage if you know how to do it properly. Intro video here:

♡ Take a shower. How to have a shower in Ayurvedic way, we have a special Detox online program. A video about Detox:

♡ Do Nasya process;

♡ Do some yoga and pranayama. Here is a link with simple, but powerful yoga practices from Isha Foundation. If you have any questions related to yoga, don’t hesitate to ask, we are certified by Sadhguru:

♡ After yoga do meditation. Here is powerful Isha Kriya. Best to do it twice daily for 48 days or once per day for 90 days to get maximum benefits from it:

♡ Best to do yoga on Sandhya Kala. 20 minutes before and after Sunrise, Sunset and Midday. Check at what time sunrise is in your area:

♡ First eat fruits in the morning. Sri Nagi’s Video about them:

♡ Try to cook your own food and eat in 3 hours after cooking. Sri Nagi’s healthy and tasty recipies (more coming up):

Green Grams:

Kidney Beans:

♡ Decoction process in second Covid video

♡ Walk after food at home or your own garden or do something with body, but not very hard activity.

♡ Play at home our recorded Nature birds sounds from our Himalayan Forest, it will make pleasant atmosphere at home. It can go on all the day. It will also help you to wake up fresh.

♡ Drink water, how to do it, Sri Nagi’s video here:

♡ At midday Sandhya Kala do Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama, from previous yoga link, best for 40 minutes during all Sandhya Kala.

♡ First step towards health is to know your Body Type or Prakriti in Ayurveda. Answer Sri Nagi’s questions in this video and she herself will check them and later will give answer to you:

♡ Best to eat two meals in a day, so instead of full lunch you can have some fruits or healthy snack.

♡ Sri Nagi has spoken also about our beloved Coffee, check, it might will help you a lot:

♡ Read some books, try to find some more ways how to be more healthy.

♡ You can watch whole our health videos playlist here:

♡ Our video about Immunity:

♡ Evening Sandhya Kala: do 20 minutes Nadi Shuddhi and after that Isha Kriya meditation again. If you are doing Upa Yoga or other practices, do them before Isha Kriya, but try to do them earlier so that meditation will happen during Sandhya Kala, so it should start exactly on sunset.

♡ Dinner try to cook again by yourself and try to eat earlier, not to late. Best in one hour after sunset. At least two hours before sleep.

♡ Many articles have been written these days how being vegetarian will help to be more strong agains coronavirus. Sri Nagi gave guidelines how to do it safely:

♡ Walk after dinner, even in the room in circles.

♡ Try to go to sleep at 22h, latest at 23h, so that to have good rest and not to harm immunity.

♡ You can make sleep much better with our forest night sounds, just play them before sleep or after dinner and let them play all night, you will fall asleep much easier and you will wake up much more fresh:

To make this day plan even more strong you can try our special online packages:

♡ Learn to do Ayurvedic Detox at home. Full guidelines how to do it and many other tips for physical and mental health. Also it has a special dish, as these days better not to do mini detox all day with fruits, as it is little dangerous to keep your stomach empty, so better do this detox with special dish, then it will be safe for your health during virus.

♡ Ayurvedic Foot Massage at home.

♡ 5 day Eye care program (first day video link we mentioned earlier, if you want to see all days, this is extra package).

♡ Knee joint treatment. Check the video in our playlist do you need a treatment.

If you want to try any of these packages, till Coronavirus will be arround us, all our special programs will be half price, so let us know if you want to try:

You can write to us on Facebook:

Stay happy and healthy 🙂
Lets Beat the Virus 🙂