Vitamin C’s Benefits Maximized

Show your clients how they can maximize the healthy benefits of vitamin C with Life Extension’s Vitamin C 24-Hour Liposomal Hydrogel™ Formula.

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Vitamin C has been the “go-to” vitamin for decades…helping support our immune health, fighting back against oxidizing free radicals and even helping to keep skin healthy.
But did you know that most conventional formulas fall short of providing the full benefits of vitamin C? Even at high doses?!
That’s because our bodies can only absorb so much at one time.
But there is a way you can help your clients get the most out of their vitamin C. We call it Vitamin C 24-Hour Liposomal Hydrogel™ Formula.
Our experts utilized an innovative delivery system that provides the body time to absorb the Vitamin C at a steady rate for up to 24 hours!
This results in seven times greater total plasma levels than a standard vitamin C supplement and allows your clients to enjoy the full benefits of the citrus vitamin — all day long!
Immune health, cardiovascular support and more… help your clients maximize the benefits of vitamin C with Vitamin C 24-Hour Liposomal Hydrogel™ Formula from Life Extension.

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation