STAY AWAY From These Synthetic Vitamin Supplements

Do you take multivitamins every day? Eating nutritious food all the time can be difficult. That’s why most of us try to conveniently load up on nutrients through multivitamin pills! They can up your nutrient status quickly.

But did you know this easy route can end up harming your body in the long run? If you’re not careful about reading the labels of your vitamins, a ton of artificial and unnatural chemicals can enter your system. In today’s video let’s discuss a few synthetic vitamins that you should absolutely avoid.

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#SyntheticVitamins #Vitamins #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
What are synthetic vitamins? – 00:32
Does your body react differently to synthetic vitamins? – 01:.33
Now let’s check out a few synthetic vitamins that could be harmful. – 02:33
Another harmful synthetic vitamin is vitamin A. – 03:53
Do your Vitamin C tablets have ascorbic acid written on the label? – 04:30
How regularly do you take B vitamins? – 05:39
Did your last blood report show low vitamin D levels? – 07:01
Are you off to buy multivitamins already? Hold on, we have a few more pointers – 08:52


What are synthetic vitamins?
Fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish are packed with nutrients. These whole foods are used to extract vitamins.

Does your body react differently to synthetic vitamins?
The pharmaceutical companies try to make synthetic nutrients chemically identical to the natural ones.

Now let’s check out a few synthetic vitamins that could be harmful.
Let’s begin with Vitamin E. This vitamin has a brain-boosting role along with other health benefits.

Another harmful synthetic vitamin is vitamin A.
Synthetic vitamin A will be derived from palmitate or acetate. Excessive synthetic vitamin A intake has been studied to cause birth defects in babies.

Do your Vitamin C tablets have ascorbic acid written on the label?
Then most likely it is synthetically derived. The daily recommended dose of Vitamin C is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men per day.

How regularly do you take B vitamins?
This is a water-soluble vitamin just like vitamin C. That means excess vitamin B is flushed out through your urine.

Did your last blood report show low vitamin D levels?
Vitamin D is absolutely essential for bone health. The best source of maximum vitamin D is sunlight. But if you are not stepping out a lot you might start considering vitamin D supplements.

Are you off to buy multivitamins already? Hold on, we have a few more pointers
Words like natural do not mean they are derived from natural food sources. It can be used as a marketing gimmick.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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