6 Vitamins That May Help Treat Your Neuropathy

Do you believe in the power of supplements to help heal your body? Various vitamins are needed to stay healthy. Vitamin A for eyesight, vitamin C for immunity and vitamin D for strong bones. Ever wondered which vitamins are good for treating neuropathy (nerr-aw-pathy), the condition of damaged nerves? Numbness, tingling and muscle weakness are some of its symptoms.

In today’s video, we’re going to talk about vitamins that may help you treat neuropathy. Is curcumin really effective? What about the healing powers of B vitamins and fish oil? We’ll be discussing all of this AND more..

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#Vitamins #Neuropathy #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Curcumin – 00:34
Alpha-Lipoic Acid – 03:08
B Vitamins – 04:07
Acetyl-L-Carnitine – 05:30
Fish Oil – 06:15
N-Acetyl Cysteine – 07:55


Have you heard of golden milk, or turmeric latte? The chief ingredient in both these drinks is a spice called turmeric. This spice contains an active compound called curcumin, which can help treat symptoms of neuropathy.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic (lip-oick) acid is an antioxidant that may be beneficial in treating neuropathy. As I said a little earlier, diabetes is the most common cause of neuropathy, alpha-lipoic acid can lower blood sugar levels. It can also enhance nerve function in people with neuropathy. Alpha-lipoic acid can relieve pain, tingling, itching, numbness and burning sensations in the arms and legs.

B Vitamins
You might be taking B vitamins as a part of your regular meds! They play a crucial role in maintaining your overall health by promoting energy levels, cell metabolism and brain function. As B vitamins play a role in supporting healthy nervous system function, they can be helpful in treating neuropathy.

Pretty complicated name, right? Just remember that acetyl-L-carnitine (ass-ee-til L carna-teen) is an amino acid and antioxidant. It’s useful in decreasing pain in people with neuropathy. This amino acid can elevate energy levels and boost the health of your nerve cells.

Fish Oil
You may be familiar with fish oil supplements. These provide many health benefits such as promoting heart, bone and eye health. They can also assist with weight loss, and treat mental disorders. Additionally, fish oil is very helpful in treating neuropathy. All thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids! Also, fish oil contains anti-inflammatory properties and can repair damaged nerves.

N-Acetyl Cysteine
I know, another big name! Don’t worry, we wouldn’t be mentioning these names if they weren’t important. N-acetyl cysteine (ass-ee-til ciss-teen) is an antioxidant and amino acid. It lowers inflammation and can treat neuropathic pain. This amino acid has also been shown to improve motor coordination in people with diabetic neuropathy.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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