Vitamin K2 Benefits – The Most Important Nutrient You Never Heard Of

Vitamin K is needed for Vitamin D to work properly. Vitamin D affects bones, teeth, the immune system, hormones and much more, and whenever D is working with calcium, it needs K to work.
Specifically Vitamin K2 helps D place calcium correctly in the body. K2 also helps govern cell growth, helping prevent cancer.
Let’s take a look at its benefits
1. Promotes Heart Health
Vitamin K is believed to help by preventing calcium from being deposited in your arteries. In one study spanning 7–10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease
2. Lowers The Risk Of Osteoporosis
K2 can also improve your bone health. K2 activates the protein responsible for anchoring calcium to bones. So, an adequate supply of vitamin K2 is crucial for the delivery of calcium to your bones and to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.6
3. Promotes Dental Health
Weston Price, a 20th century dentist, studied non-industrial cultures across the world and claimed that fat-soluble vitamins have a beneficial effect on dental health. He treated and healed dental caries with cod liver oil – a source of vitamin D with butter oil from grass-fed cows, which he said contains “activator x.” Modern science suggests that activator x is vitamin K2. 11
Keeping up your K2 intake could also bode well for your teeth as it can work in multiple ways to prevent tooth decay.
4. May Improve Insulin Sensitivity
K2 might have a role to play in preventing and managing type 2 diabetes, but further research is needed to firm up this benefit. K2 supposedly increases insulin sensitivity, a measure of how receptive your cells are to insulin and therefore glucose uptake by regulating protein metabolism. And since K2 is involved in metabolism, it can improve insulin sensitivity.
If you want to increase your K2 intake through your diet to manage your diabetes symptoms, consult a nutritionist to know your adequate intakes of MK-4 rich foods like meat, eggs, or butter.
5. Fights Inflammation
The MK-7 form of vitamin K2 is said to prevent inflammation. It is believed to do this by inhibiting pro-inflammatory markers produced by white blood cells. It may even prevent oxidative damage in nerve cells. While more research is needed to firm up the anti-inflammatory benefits of K2, its another reason to make sure your getting enough in your diet.
6. Fights Cancer
Given that K2 might have a role to play in curbing inflammation, it’s natural to expect that it may have a role in cancer prevention as well. In a study conducted by the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, it was seen that people with the highest intake of K2 from dairy products such as cheese but not meat, had the lowest risk of developing cancer. There was even a 30% lower risk of death from cancer.
7. May Protect The Brain
Some fascinating new research showed that the same process that makes Vitamin K helpful for preventing calcification of the arteries and muscle tissue might also make it beneficial for protecting the brain against Alzheimers and other diseases.
In short, the theory is that Vitamin K helps prevent excess calcium in the body -including the brain, and this excess calcium in the brain accounts for some of the damage from Alzheimers.
Another study looked at the dietary intake of Vitamin K in patients with early Alzheimers and found that those diagnosed with Alzheimers had considerably less Vitamin K than those in the control group.
8. May Improve Symptoms Of Autoimmune Disorders
Preliminary research on other benefits of K2 shows that it may improve autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. K2 showed beneficial effects in a study on multiple sclerosis.
9. May Improve Varicose Veins
It has been claimed that vitamin K2 can improve symptoms of varicose veins through MGP metabolism. MGP is the protein that keeps calcium out of soft tissues like arteries and veins. A study found that people with varicose veins had higher amounts of inactive MGP. While a study linking K2 consumption with improvement in varicose vein symptoms has not been conducted yet, we know from the heart health studies that K2 activates MGP and can possibly improve the condition.3
10. Skin Health & Anti-Aging
K2 is also promising for skin health and anti-aging. Just as it prevents the calcification of arteries, veins and soft tissue, it helps stop excess calcium in the elastin in the skin.
For this reason, K2 may help keep skin elastic and prevent wrinkles.
2011 research showed that women with extensive wrinkles were also more likely to have low bones mass. Other research has shown that Japanese women were less likely to have wrinkles than other cultures, and noted the high levels of K2 in their diet.
So How Much K2 Should You Have?
There is no recommended intake for vitamin K, Foods containing k2 include
• natto, – a Japanese dish of fermented soybeans.