Choose the Best B Vitamin Supplement for You | Doc Cherry

Doctor of Physical Therapy ( Utica, New York)/ Licensed Physiotherapist in the Philippines and United States/ Clinician/ Content Creator/ Speaker

Many are confused about supplementing with B complex of Vitamin B 12 alone for nerve pain, so I came out a video for you that will help guide you. This video covers the following:
-Symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency
-Who are most likely to supplement
-Who needs to have their Vitamin B12 levels checked
-Results of Vitamin B complex supplementation for nerve pain
-Result of Vitamin B 12 alone for nerve pain
– Safety of B vitamins
-Vitamin B6 toxicity
-How soon will you feel relief of symptoms with supplementation

The medical information herein is to be used as a guide and in no way should replace personal consultation from a licensed medical professional. This video does not create a patient-medical professional relationship.

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