Do we really need Supplements ? || Do we need vitamin supplements to lose weight? || Weekend QnA ||

Do we need supplements for weight loss?
Do we need protein supplements for fitness?
Do we need multivitamin tablets for a healthy lifestyle?

These are few common questions I faced in my coaching and sessions.

The answer is – t depends upon your requirement and goals.

There are some general cases where we need some kind of supplement. like,
Pregnancy – Iron, Folic acid
Vegan people – Vitamin B12
Aged People – Calcium
Pro Bodybuilder – Whey Protein
Sportspeople – Beetroot powder….

But focus on these two things before adding the supplements into your lifestyle
1 – Knowledge
2 – Authenticity

Have a complete knowledge on the supplement like,
Do you really need that supplement?
How to take the supplement?
Any side effects of that supplement?

Check with your Health and Lifestyle Coaches or Doctors before taking the supplements.

Check the Authenticity of the Supplement
The research found that more than 70% of dietary supplements are not authentic. So, be careful about the sources where you are buying your supplements. Find some genuine source to buy your supplements.

About Alok Dwibedy (AD),
After facing a life-threatening disease in 2015, AD started his health and fitness journey. Later, in 2018, he did quit his MNC job and become a full-time Health Professional. In these last 5 years, he traveled to many Yoga and Ayurveda Ashram, Meditation Center, Modern Health Clubs for his research work. AD is a health & lifestyle coach, Yoga Trainer, Nutritionist, Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist, Juice Therapist & Transformational Uplifting Coach. He’s an author of the Book – ” The 5 Fact Fitness”.

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#AlokDwibedy #5factfitness #fivefactfitness #Holistichealth #Healthandlifestylecoach #Lifestyleismedicine #FitnessMotivation #supplements #nutrition #vitamin #supplementsthatwork #multivitamins #wheyprotein #vegandiet #livetoinspire

Supplements for a healthy lifestyle
Supplement for fat loss
Supplement for weight loss

Thanks for watching…. #AlokDwibedy