My vitamin D results

Vitamin D results

YPV result, 22 ng/ml

NHS result, 84.4 nmol/L = 33.76 ng/ml

Total vitamin D levels above 220 nmol/L are considered ‘High’ and increase the risk of vitamin D toxicity

220 nmol/L = 88 ng/ml

United States

FDA, Friday, Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine

US, 72 % effective in preventing moderate to severe covid-19 in the United States

South Africa, 64%

Latin America, 61%

US, CDC data

Cases, + 464,435 (7 days) = 28,138,938

Deaths, 503,587

US, VOC status

Past 7 days

New daily reported cases, down 6.5%

New daily reported deaths, up 4.9%

CoViD related hospitalizations, down 12.9%

52,669 (10,846, 3,567)

Test positivity rate, 4.7%

Vaccine doses since 14th December, 66,464,000

Two doses, 20,607,000 (6.31%)


Threat level goes down, 5 down to 4

Level 5, NHS and other health services being overwhelmed within 21 days

Level 4, NHS, under significant pressure with a high number of patients in hospital

Transmission rates, hospital pressures and deaths are still very high

ONS, w/e 19th February

England, Prevalence

One in 145

Equating to 373,700 people, (0.69%)


One in 204, 0.48%)

Northern Ireland

One in 195, (0.52%)


One in 225, (0.45%)


Deaths, + 5,691 + 6,113

= 122,070 and 135,613


think about other people” and get vaccinated when offered

Nadhim Zahawi, vaccine-hesitant, 11-15%

Professor Calum Semple, (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies)

Primary school children are the lowest risk both to themselves and to society

Children are half to a third as likely to acquire the virus

When it comes to transmitting they are probably half as likely to transmit it as adults

That risk actually gets smaller as you go into younger age groups

I am not a great fan of young children wearing face masks

If I had to invest in a single activity to improve the environment both for the children and the adults, I’d be looking at improving the ventilation,

unsealing windows that have been painted shut and kept shut for energy-saving reasons

That would be a much more effective way to reduce transmission in schools

GP LD register

Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)

150,000 to be vaccinated

Severe disabilities


Death rate x 6

X 30 in 18-34 age group

More prone to obesity and diabetes

Global cases

Vaccine tracker


Mr Macron would accept AZ vaccine